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Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends. Walt Disney


Plan for Success

Being optimistic isn’t about believing nothing can go wrong. An optimist acknowledges what can go wrong but expects things to go right.

If you find yourself faced with a challenge or opportunity today and are unsure what to do, take a minute to ask yourself, ‘How bad could it really get?’

Once you’ve considered the worst thing that could happen, you will be much better prepared to plan for the best.


Resist Temptation

So many people sabotage their own chances for happiness. Don’t be one of them.

If you find yourself wanting to give in to temptation today, don’t. Remind yourself that your hopes, dreams and ideas are worth so much more to you than a few moments of instant gratification.


Be Happy Regardless

Most of the things you find yourself wanting will have little or no bearing on the happiness in your life.

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of thinking that getting certain things will make you happy.

Whether it’s a promotion, a car or a bigger house, it’s important to remember that nothing can make you happy if you are not already happy. Make a commitment today to be happy regardless of what you have, not in spite of what you don’t.


Don’t Criticise Yourself

If you want to be the best you can be, don’t judge anyone. Not even yourself.

Don’t be your own harshest critic.

Instead of judging yourself today based on whether you have failed or succeeded, evaluate your efforts and decide if you gave yourself a winning chance.


Get Back on Track

It’s easy to be brave when everything is going your way. When the going gets tough, it takes courage to follow the path you believe in.

It takes courage to create your best life. It takes even more courage to stick to that goal when things are not going to plan.

If you are faced with a setback or disappointment today don’t be tempted to quit. Instead, take a deep breath, dust yourself off and know that the only way forward is to get back on track.


Be Happy with Who You Are

The only person who can take responsibility for your happiness is you.

Start each day with the affirmation ‘I am happy with who I am and the life I live’.

Begin each day with this simple thought and before long it will become your reality.


Explore Your Options

There is no such thing as ‘no choice’. There are always other options. Explore yours.

Instead of making the obvious choice today, whether that’s your coffee, your route to work or your favourite lunch, think about the other options available to you and choose something else.

Sometimes stepping out of your day-to-day comfort zone is all it takes to open your mind to the different options available in life.


Do One Thing at A Time

Multi-tasking is stressful. You will get things done much faster if you do them one at a time.

One of the easiest things you can do to enhance the quality of your day is to try to do less.

Focus on doing one thing at a time and doing only that one thing until it’s completed, regardless of what else you think you should be doing. Remember, ten per cent of ten things isn’t one hundred per cent of anything!


Take a Deep Breath

Remember, however bad things might be right now, this moment will pass and your life will continue to be a good one.

Nothing lasts forever, not even the bad times. If you find yourself having a tough day, take a deep breath and remind yourself that ‘This too will pass’.


Do the Right Thing

To be happy, you need to do the right thing for you, even when it feels like the hardest thing in the world.

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is the most important. If you are faced with a challenging situation today, remind yourself to have courage and that your bravery will be rewarded in the long run.


Choose a Happy Life

Happiness is a choice. Choose to be happy and you will be.

When you wake up each morning, take a moment to think about the kind of life you want to have. Consciously choose to have a happy life: one that is filled with love, laughter, good health and success. Then begin your day focused on the things you can do to make this your reality.


Don’t Waste Your Energy

So many of life’s eventualities are beyond your control. Work out what things you can influence and come to a peaceful acceptance of the rest.

Sometimes everything will go your way and on other days nothing at all seems to go right. If you are having one of those days, instead of wasting your energy raging against something you can’t control, take a deep breath and accept it. That way, even though the moment may be ruined, your day won’t have to be.


Go After the Things You Want

There is nothing wrong with wanting more. There is no reason why you shouldn’t get everything you want from life.

If you find yourself feeling guilty or telling yourself off for wanting to do, be or have more in your life, stop.

You can have anything you want in life if you are willing to work for it. Don’t waste energy today beating yourself up for wanting more. Put that energy to good use to make your dreams come true.


Focus on Today

Accept the past, dream of the future, but live in the moment.

Some people waste their time thinking of what might have been. Others spend all their time thinking of what could be. If you want to get the most out of your day, make sure that today is where you focus your energy and attention.


Be Confident in Your Future

Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams and believe in your right to achieve your dreams.

Before you start your day, take a minute to visualize your life as if your hopes and dreams were your reality. Pay attention to how comfortable and natural it feels to be living this life. Then carry that feeling of quiet confidence about the future with you as you go about your day.


Have the Right Attitude

Your expectations determine your experience. Expect the best from life and you will usually get it.

Start each day expecting nothing but good things to come your way. Even though life may present you with all manner of ups and downs, having the right attitude will ensure your day will be a good one regardless of what you are given to work with.


Make Yourself Happy

Although happiness is a state of being, it usually still requires some doing if it is to be lasting in your life.

Ask yourself, ‘What can I do today that will make me happy?’ This doesn’t have to be a grand gesture or lofty goal. Just come up with one simple idea each day … and then go and do it!


Spend Your Time Wisely

Being generous is not just about the decisions you make with your wallet. Being generous with your time and energy is just as important.

When life gets busy it’s easy to put off getting in touch with family or friends with the excuse that ‘there are never enough hours in the day’. If you find yourself holding back from connecting with someone you love today because you don’t have the time, remind yourself that you do. You just need to make a better choice about how to spend it.

The Law of Rebound

The law of rebound concerns the right of one to come out of a negative situation stronger and bolder and with more soul growth than previously experienced. This has been used as an example in stories since the beginning of mankind. Traumatic situations create the need for rebound, and the soul often seeks these negative occurrences to give self and observers a leap in faith.


Make Conscious Decisions

Being the best you can be takes courage. You need to own your decisions and have the courage to see them through.

It’s easy to allow yourself to drift from one thing to another without ever really taking charge of your life. But not making a decision is actually a decision in itself.

If you find yourself considering your options today, be decisive. If you practise this on the little decisions, making bigger decisions will soon come more naturally to you too.


Look for The Lesson

Learning from the past can help you move forward. Lingering in the past will only hold you back.

At the end of each day, ask yourself, ‘What did I learn?’ and ‘What would I do differently next time?’ Armed with your answers, you can leave the past firmly where it belongs and focus on making each new day your best one yet.


Make Smart Choices

Commit to being happy and make the choices that will support your commitment.

Make the decision today to think before you act. Every time you are faced with a choice, instead of just taking the easy way, ask yourself, ‘What is going to make me happiest in the long term?’ and go with that option instead.


Live with Integrity

Live your life with courageous integrity. Do the right thing, not the easy thing.

If you find yourself faced with a difficult decision today, don’t just make the easy choice. Ask yourself, ‘What is the right thing to do?’ As difficult as your answer may be, remind yourself that taking the easy way out will always be harder in the long run.


Simply Do Your Best

Perfectionism is a lost cause. Focus your energy on being the best you can be.

Being perfect is an impossible goal. Instead of pursuing perfection, make the commitment today to simply do your best. Then relax, confident in the knowledge that your best is always good enough.


Don’t Hold Yourself Back

One of the most powerful questions you can ask yourself is, ‘How do I hold myself back?’ Once you know the answer you can get out of your way.

Listen to your inner dialogue. Every time you find yourself saying ‘but’ to one of your ideas, what you are really doing is putting an obstacle in your path.

Challenge yourself today to rethink your ideas as if there were no ‘buts’.


Use Your Energy Wisely

Unless you have a crystal ball you don’t know how the future is going to unfold. Focus on the things you can influence and don’t fret over the rest.

If you find yourself worrying today about things that haven’t happened yet, stop. There really isn’t any point.

Instead of fretting over things that may never eventuate, put your energy to good use and focus on making the things you do want to happen into your reality.

Upgrade Your Thinking

Your life paradigm is the set of beliefs or operating system for your life. Make
sure you choose one that supports lifelong happiness.

If you find the same thing going wrong in your life over and over, take responsibility and ask yourself, ‘What belief do I hold that is perpetuating this pattern?’

Make the commitment today to upgrade your operating system. Uncover your limiting beliefs, and embrace a set of thoughts and behaviours that support you in the life you want to create.


Focus On What You Want

See the world as being filled with positive potential. Focus your attention on your intention and make that potential a reality in your life.

Most people spend a lot of their time complaining about things they don’t want or don’t have, only to wonder why their life stays exactly the same. If you want to live your best life, start each day by focusing your attention on your goals and dreams. Then apply your efforts to making these your reality.

Walk Away

Choose your battles wisely. Unless you have a very high chance of victory, spare your energy and walk away.

If someone annoys you today, regardless of whether the issue is big or small, ask yourself if it is a battle worth fighting. Unless you are one hundred per cent sure of the answer, take a deep breath and walk away.


Don’t Keep Score

If you are generous in your relationships you will receive as much as you give.

Don’t fall into the habit of keeping score in your friendships. If a relationship is based on mutual respect and shared values, it doesn't matter who phoned whom last or whose turn it is to pay for coffee. Make a point today of being the one to act first, not last.


Remember: It’s Good to Be Alive

Look for the joy in each and every day. Just because it isn’t immediately obvious, that doesn’t mean it’s not there.

Make a point of acknowledging something good or positive each and every day.

Rather than making this a bedtime activity, try doing it at two or three different times during your day.

It’s so easy to be caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that if you don’t stop and pay attention, you might not notice how good it is just to be alive.


Enjoy Your Wealth

Worrying about money is one of the biggest causes of unhappiness, but no amount of money can make you happy unless you change the way you feel about it.

No matter how much money you have, it won’t make you happy if you’re not already happy. And no matter how much you spend, you won’t be able to buy happiness either.

Remind yourself that a ‘poverty’ mentality might not have a big impact on the amount of money you have in the bank in the future, but it can have a dramatic effect on your ability to appreciate the real wealth and abundance in your life today.


Distinguish Between Your Wants and Needs

When you understand the difference between ‘want’ and ‘need’, you will finally realise how rich your life really is.

Most of the things we say we need are really just things we want. There is nothing wrong with wanting everything that life can offer, as long as you don’t allow it to stand in the way of your happiness. If you find yourself saying ‘I need …’ today, ask yourself if you really do.


The Law of the Present Moment

Time does not exist. What we refer to as past and future, have no reality except in our own mental constructs. The idea of time is a convention of thought and language, a social agreement. In truth, we only have this moment. When we hold regret for an occurrence in the past we keep the regret alive with pictures and feelings we conjure up. When we feel anxiety about the future, we keep the anxiety alive with the pictures we imagine. Time is the abstract concept. When we practice remembering that the here and now is all we have, our present moments improve.

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