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Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends. Walt Disney


Personal Magnetism

It is a strange and almost amusing fact that there should be at the same time, on the part of the general public, such a general acceptance of the existence of personal magnetism, on the one hand, and such an ignorance of the nature of this wonderful force, on the other hand. In short, while everyone believes in the existence of personal magnetism, scarcely anyone possesses knowledge of the real nature of the same, much less a working knowledge of its principles of application.

A belief in the existence of a personal power, influence, or atmosphere, on the part of certain individuals, which enables the possessor to attract, influence, dominate or control others, has been held by the race from the earliest days of written history. Many of the oldest writings of the race contain references to the strange, mysterious power possessed by certain individuals, which enabled them to attract or influence others. And, following the course of written human history along the ages, we may perceive a constant reference to this strange power of the individual, so generally acknowledged and at the same time, so little understood. Coming down to the present age, an age in which great attention has been devoted to the study of psychology and psychic subjects in general, we find that while the old belief in personal magnetism has been strengthened, there exists, at the same time, very little general knowledge among the public regarding the real nature of the force or the best means of using and employing it.

But this lack of knowledge just alluded to is confined to the general public. In all ages there have been a few advanced individuals who have thoroughly understood and employed the force of personal influence. Not only have the occult students of the past possessed this knowledge, and have passed it on to their successors, but many of the greatest men of history have acquired a thorough knowledge likewise, and have employed it in advancing their own interests. In some cases, individuals of this last mentioned class have received direct instruction from occult teachers, but in many cases they have stumbled across the existence of the power within themselves, and then advanced in their knowledge of the subject by careful investigation and study, accompanied by constant experimentation. Many of them, in their writings or sayings, have testified to their knowledge and use of this most wonderful power. It is difficult even to correctly define the term "personal magnetism," so little are its principles understood by the masses of the people. The dictionaries give us but little help in the matter, so vague are their so-called definitions. Perhaps the best definition is the following: "the strong, peculiar, but little understood power, force, or influence, exerted by certain individuals, in varying degrees, by the means of which other persons are attracted to, controlled by, dominated, or influenced by the individual possessing the power; a form of mental influence exerted by certain individuals over those with whom they come in contact."

The principal objection that I, personally, have to the above otherwise fairly good definition, is it implies that only certain individuals possess personal magnetism, the implication being that the remainder of the race are devoid of it. This, in my opinion, is a sad mistake. The truth is, each and every individual is in possession of a certain degree of personal magnetism; that each person may increase the degree and strengthen the power by knowledge and practice.

Even the most "un-magnetic" person possesses personal magnetism, perhaps even to a considerable degree, but is generally so ignorant of the nature of the force of the means of its employment, that he or she actually repels other persons instead of attracting them. For, do not fail to note this fact, personal magnetism, like material magnetism, may repel as well as attract - it has its positive as well as its negative side. Many very repellent persons are really manifesting a high degree of personal magnetism in a negative form, and are driving away persons from them in the same manner that others attract persons to them – it is all a matter of the use of the power.

The fact is that every person generates and throws off a certain degree (varying among different individuals) of personal magnetism, which affects the minds of other persons coming within the field of its influence. Not only does each person emanate and project a certain amount or degree of personal magnetism, additionally, each person is also constantly surrounded by a field of personal magnetic influence – a personal atmosphere, so to speak. This personal atmosphere affects to a greater or lesser degree other persons coming within its field of influence.

This personal atmosphere varies greatly in degree of strength, extent and general character, among different individuals. The average person has but a weak personal atmosphere, which extends but a short distance on all sides of him, while the strong characters of the race are surrounded by a widely spread personal atmosphere of great, power, especially when they are aroused by any strong emotion, feeling or desire. The personal atmosphere of those strong individuals, who are generally recognized as leaders of the race, usually extends great distances from the person, and is fairly saturated with strong dynamic magnetism, which impresses itself strongly upon those coming within their field of influence.

But even the weaker individuals of the race, or using personal magnetism unconsciously, exert at least some degree of influence upon those around them. It requires but a moment’s thought to recognize that some persons emanate an atmosphere of good-cheer, brightness, and happiness, which affects in a desirable way all persons with whom they come in contact. Others, in the same way, are surrounded by an atmosphere of gloom, pessimism and discouragement, which adversely affects persons coming near them. These things are too common to even excite interest among the average persons, but in this phenomena may be found the key to the higher forms of personal magnetism.

We are so accustomed to regarding personal magnetism as meaning only the positive, attractive phase, that it comes as a shock to some of us to be told that the repelling personal atmosphere is equally "magnetic" – that is, magnetic in the wrong direction. This should cause no wonder, when we remember that even the physical metallic magnet repels, under some circumstances, as strongly as it attracts under others. There are, it is true, certain individuals who seem neither to attract nor repel, but this does not affect the general rule. These neutral individuals are usually of weak magnetism, and weak character – that is to say they have no strong motives, aims or desires, or strong cast of character or personality. Each faculty of the mentality is neutralized by some other faculty of equal strength, and the result is a neutral condition akin to lukewarm water- neither hot nor cold. It follows, naturally, that such persons exert but a neutral influence, and have but a weak neutral personal atmosphere. They neither attract nor repel – they simply "bore" persons with whom they come in contact.

Some may raise the question that if, as I have said, each and every person is possessed of personal magnetism, then why should any one bother any more about the matter, or study the subject of personal magnetism at all. Such a question (and it is frequently raised, for that matter) causes a smile to manifest on the features of those who have knowledge of the subject; so childish does it seem to them. While it is true that each and every person is possessed of personal magnetism to some degree, it is equally true that the majority of persons have but a weak magnetic force, and that often of a negative or undesirable character. And, it is a fact positively known to those who have mastered the subject, that even the weakest and most negative person may so develop his or her personal magnetism as to gradually acquire the same degree and character of magnetism as that possessed by many individuals originally far in advance of them in magnetic influence.

One may completely change the character of his personal magnetism, from negative to positive, from undesirable to desirable, by careful study and practice along the lines, which I shall lay down in this book. Moreover, it is possible for any person possessing sufficient will, perseverance and determination to develop from a puny state of magnetism into a condition of giant magnetic powers. But this latter requires determination, constant practice until a certain stage is reached, and an indomitable will. While any one may easily increase his or her degree of power of personal magnetism, and still more easily change the character of one’s personal atmosphere, the higher prizes are reserved for those who will persevere to the end, and continue faithful in the exercises. This, of course, is true not only of personal magnetism, but also of every other thing worth having. There is no royal road to anything worth having. We must work for what we get. The prizes are not for the weaklings and triflers, but for the persistent, earnest individuals who will "hang on" until they succeed.

In this little book, I give you the key to the secret of personal magnetism, but it will still remain for you, yourselves, to determine just what degree of success you shall attain. I give you the best tools, and instructions as to how to use them – but you will have to do the rest yourself. This I will say, however, success must and will be yours if you will follow the instructions carefully, persistently and perseveringly. That is all I can do for you – the rest is in your own hands.


Abundant Dreams

“Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.”—John Updike

Before we talk about your goals and dreams, let me ask you some questions. What is it that you’ve always wanted to do with your life? What is the most important thing that you want to experience? What have you always wanted to try or learn?

These are important questions, which must be answered before you can move forward. You wouldn’t start a long road trip without plans and a map, right? Well, this journey is even more important. Rainier Maria Rilke said, “There is only one journey - going inside yourself.”

This is the journey to discover your dreams, your goals, and your plans for what you really want out of life. Robert Browning told us, “Our aspirations are our possibilities.” So, what are your aspirations? What are your dreams in life? Until you discover what that is and take the necessary action, your life will be out of alignment. Work with your inner passions and the Abundance that flows will attract the situations, people, and/or money to make that dream a reality.

Before you set about making that dream a reality, ask yourself if this is truly your dream, and yours alone. You can’t fulfill the dream of your father, or your mother, or anyone else’s. It must be yours and only yours. You must listen to your own heart and not be pushed, even by those with good intentions, into a life decision that doesn’t fit in with that dream. There are enough regrets in life; and if you take action on someone else’s idea of what your dream should be, you’ll always regret it.

Are you sure this is what you truly want to do with your life? When you wake in the morning, do you drag yourself out of bed, dreading the day’s work, or do you leap out of bed, eager to get started on that day’s tasks? Do you say, “Good morning, God!” or do you say, “Good God, morning!” Your own true passion and only true passion will fuel you each day and make you eager to get started.

Do you feel that fear might be holding you back from having this dream? Do you feel that maybe you don’t deserve it? Do you feel guilty about enjoying your dream, when you could be giving to others? You can’t give to others from an empty cup. If you’ve ever flown with small children or babies, you may remember that the instructions the flight hostess gave for emergency situations is to put the oxygen mask on your own face first before putting them on your children. If you give it to your children first, you could die, leaving those children without their parent.

Don’t be afraid of achieving your goal, of making that dream a reality. People often feel that they just can’t have what they want, or that they somehow don’t deserve the dream. Unfortunately, they often just bury the dream, shoving it way down in their consciousness. They figure that if they don’t think about it, it won’t hurt as much. They may even try to forget they ever had a dream.

Realization of your dream threatens everything you know, your whole life, and your belief system. You may have been unhappy with the old life, but it was familiar; you understood it. Don’t let your dream be life-threatening. Embrace the new thinking, the new belief system. Don’t be afraid of it.

You have every right to listen to your heart. By going with your passion and your dream, you are fulfilling an obligation. Only you can perform that particular task and make that specific contribution to the world. This is what you were meant to do with your life; this is your job on the planet.

So now you’re positive that this is the dream of your heart. This is what you want to do with your life. This is your contribution to family, society, community, and the world. There’s no doubt in your mind. How will this make you feel? Imagine that you’ve accomplished your goal, and your dream is in place. How do you feel about it? If your answer is, “I couldn’t be more thrilled! This is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to me!” then you are living your dream.

If you knew today that your dream would come true in the very near future, what would you do? What would you do differently in your life right now? How would you approach that Abundance coming your way? If things are going your way, how do you think your family and friends will react? Will they be supportive or critical? Will they back you all the way, or try to discourage you and tear you down? What do you expect of them?

Your passion must be strong enough to withstand even the criticisms of loved ones. It must withstand their well-intentioned discouragement without falling apart. Then, you will know the dream is valid; the passion is real and unstoppable.

Now what do you plan to do with this unstoppable passion and dream? Let your mind take you wherever it will. This is important dreaming. How will this change your life?

It’s important that you take whatever steps are necessary to move forward with this dream today. Even if it’s just a small step, you must start now, today. Remember, action is vital. Don’t put it off; don’t let procrastination keep you from your dream. Set up whatever is necessary to kick this dream into overdrive and go for it! Don’t miss a single opportunity that might aid you in making this dream a reality.

Keep up the momentum, don’t let a day go by without making some move forward, anything that will move you forward, even just a little. If the dream is especially big, maybe you can break it down into smaller projects and do them a little at a time. Large dreams can be intimidating, unless you break them into smaller, doable chunks. Let yourself enjoy each step you take, knowing you’re getting closer and closer to the ultimate goal. Start thinking of that goal in all caps—THE DREAM! Make it an event every day, make it happen.

Is this what you really need to be happy? Think of how your future will play out if you don’t make this dream a reality. Now, return to the image as you want it to be. Does it make you happy? Then you have to go for it. Eric Fromm said, “Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.”

“Whatever you can do or dream, you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it,” said W.N. Murray

Finally, don’t forget to add a gift for yourself each day. Add the gift of time - time just for you and time to spend with yourself. When everyone is down for the night, and the house is quiet, tiptoe into the kitchen, and make yourself a cup of chamomile tea. Sit down and put your feet up. Then put on some soft music (use the headset, so as not to wake anyone), close your eyes, and visualize your dream. Think about it in detail, exactly how you would like it to unfold in your life. Don’t think in generalities; be specific.

If your dream is a home, design it in your mind, one detail at a time. Design it from the layout of the rooms to the color of the sofa cushions. Add everything to each room exactly as you’d like to see it in reality. If your dream is a job or career, imagine yourself doing that job, or having that particular career. See yourself working each day, enjoying that work. See yourself moving forward step-by-step, up the ladder of success.

Whatever your personal dream happens to be, give yourself the time alone to think and build that dream in your mind. Visualizing that dream, putting it out there in the universe, is the first step to realizing that dream. See it in your mind, build it bit by bit, until it is so real to you that you almost feel you can reach out and touch it.

Many people find it helpful to write down their dreams, or even make sketches, depending on the dream itself. Call this your creative journal. Anything will do: notebooks, sketchpads, or whatever is handy. Look at it everyday; add to it as the dream becomes more vivid in your mind.

Look through magazines and find pictures that help to develop your dream, whatever it is. You can keep these pictures in your creative journal, along with the sketches and notes.

Anthony Robbins told us, “I believe life is constantly testing us for our level of commitment, and life’s greatest rewards are reserved for those who demonstrate a never ending commitment to act until they achieve. This level of resolve can move mountains, but it must be constant and consistent. As simplistic as this may sound, it is still the common denominator separating those who live their dreams from those who live in regret.”

“Your diamonds are not in far distant mountains or in yonder seas; they are in your own backyard, if you but dig for them.” - Russell Conwell


Spiritual Abundance

“There is an inner world; and a spiritual faculty of discerning it with absolute clearness, nay, with the most minute and brilliant distinctness. But it is part of our earthly lot that it is the outer world, in which we are encased, which is the lever that brings that spiritual faculty into play.” - E.T.A.W. Hoffmann

First of all, let me explain that we are not talking about religion in this chapter; yet we all have our spiritual side. We care about each other; we care about our families, our society, our community, and our world. We’re all connected in many ways. That’s pretty darn spiritual. We have a certain responsibility to our families, our society, our community, and our world.

Joseph Campbell said, “What we are seeking is…the rapture of being alive.” Perhaps that’s it - we seek rapturous living. In our quest for abundance, we must believe in our own spirituality, our connection to every other living creature on the planet and our responsibility to each other.

As we go along this path towards that rapturous living, we have many ways to connect with each other and help each other. That’s part of the spiritual lifestyle; many things and people will cross your path in the search for spiritual abundance. There are no coincidences and no accidents; everything happens for a reason. Everyone has a purpose on this planet, whether you realize it or not, believe it or not. Learning to look for that reason is part of the spirituality of human life.

In order to let that abundance flow towards you and resist blocking that flow, your passions have to be considered. You must enjoy what you do, and be passionate about what you do as a vocation. It should be something that delights your soul. When you allow that passion to surface, you’ll find that the universe moves in your direction to help you in your quest.

When you’re doing something that you love to do, the abundance has no blocks in its way towards you. As you radiate delight and joy in what you’re doing outwards, the universe and abundance radiates back to you. It’s part of the Law of Reciprocity.

The Law of Reciprocity is simple. Whatever you give out to the world, you will receive back. In essence, it’s the Golden Rule - do unto others what you would like others do unto you. Try it for yourself. The next time you’re out shopping and running errands, smile at someone and say thank you. Ninety-nine percent of the time, you will receive a smile in return, as well as a heartfelt ‘you’re welcome.’ That’s a very simple example of the Law of Reciprocity.

That’s not to say that whatever you put outwards will always come back to you immediately. Sometimes, it takes a bit longer, but you will receive it back. It’s a given; you can take that to the spiritual bank. What you give out should be considered a gift. What should we do with this gift? Mother Teresa said, “Give your hands to serve and your hearts to love.”

The Law of Reciprocity is a blessing you give away and yet find is given back to you tenfold. In his book, “The Science of Getting Rich,” Wallace D. Wattles said, “you do not have to get something for nothing, but can give to every person more than you take from him.”

Brian Tracy also told us that “the more credit you give away, the more will come back to you. The more you help others, the more they will want to help you.” And according to Jim Rohn, we must “learn to help people with more than just their jobs; help them with their lives.” Even Albert Schweitzer said, “every person I have known who has been truly happy, has learned how to serve others.” So, it’s true that the Law of Reciprocity or giving back to our world is an essential element of abundance.

One way to work along with the Law of Reciprocity is to volunteer. You might ask where you would be most useful. How about a senior citizen home? Not everyone has a family that comes to visit; and those folks would be grateful for your thoughtfulness. Just taking the time to play chess with someone, or read a newspaper to someone with failing eyesight, or even just sitting and chatting with a lonely person, could well make the day a little brighter for these people. Knowing they haven’t been forgotten is a blessing to them.

You could volunteer at the library and read to little children. Helping them with their reading lessons and showing them that you care could well make a huge difference in the molding of a young person’s compassion for others.

Volunteering at your local hospital is a wonderful way to give back to your community. Visiting the sick is a worthwhile way to spend your free time and show the Law of Reciprocity in action. And while you’re helping others, you’re also expanding your horizons, learning new things such as other people’s cultures.

Abundance actually starts with you, inside you, not outside yourself. You send it out into the world. In this way, you are increasing your own inner abundance by sharing it with others. It will be returned to you when you least expect it. As you practice this, you’ll discover you’ve opened a window, letting in amazing possibilities for yourself and others. The more you share, the larger your world will be, with more options than you have ever dreamed could possibly exist.

Another element of abundance, possibly the most important element, is a sense of gratitude. Without gratitude for what you receive, you will end up blocking yourself once again from the natural flow of abundance. There is energy in the universe, one that shows us the give and take of that natural flow. Your mind and heart need to be in harmony with that energy to truly enjoy abundance in your life.

Gratitude is necessary to keep your mind aligned with the thought that the supply of abundance is unlimited. It’s very easy to slip into the mindset of scarcity or lack, rather than abundance; so endeavor to prevent it from happening. The moment you feel yourself slipping back into the abundance mindset, say thank you out loud, for all that you’ve received and all that you are yet to receive.

It’s a good idea too, to sit down and write out all the blessings you are grateful for in your life. When you are feeling down, it is an especially good time to remind yourself of all you have, instead of constantly thinking of all you feel you don’t have. Many people write in “gratitude journals” and record daily all that they are grateful for in their lives.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow,” said Melody Beattie

We all want to progress forward, better ourselves, make better lives for our families, and grow as citizens of this planet. Brian Tracy told us to “develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.”

Simply put, you give, you get back. That’s not to say that you should perform some act of kindness simply to receive something in return. It doesn’t work that way. It must be given freely, with no thought of repayment. You might also know this principle as ‘pay it forward.’ You give to others, possibly because someone else gave to you. Keep it going, keep the abundance flowing outward, and it will always return to you.

The most powerful element of constant gratitude is the way it prevents you from slipping back into dissatisfied thoughts - the thoughts of scarcity and lack. Another way to avoid this slippage is to stop drifting into the past or worrying about the future. "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment," said Buddha.

The past is over; you can’t change anything that has happened before. Going over past mistakes or regrets is pointless, futile, and definitely a waste of time, energy, and emotion. Avoid the pitfalls of the “should’ve, could’ve, or would’ve” mindsets. Mistakes of the past are only important as long as you’ve learned from them. You can’t go back and change anything that happened.

Equally pointless and futile is trying to foresee the future and worrying about what will happen in the years to come. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t make a few plans; just don’t carve them in stone. You may have to go to Plan B occasionally. It’s like they say: the past is over, the future isn’t known yet, it’s today that’s important, that’s why it’s called the “present.” The fighter, Joe E. Lewis said, “You only live once; but if you work it right, once is enough.”

“It’s only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up, that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had,” said Elizabeth Kubler Ross

You’ve heard people say that we just need to have faith so that everything will be fine, or commiserate that someone seems to have lost their faith. Eric Butterworth told us, “there is no such thing as a lack of faith. We all have plenty of faith; it’s just that we have faith in the wrong things. We have faith in what can’t be done rather than what can be done. We have faith in lack rather than abundance, but there is no lack of faith. Faith is a law.”

One of the important things you can do to prepare for abundance to come your way is to clean your house, literally and figuratively. You must re-evaluate what’s important in your life. Get rid of unnecessary mental clutter that keeps new thoughts and opinions from being able to enter your mind. Get rid of old bad habits, those that keep you in the scarcity mentality; and then make way for new good habits, those thoughts and emotions that are drawing abundance into your life, rather than chasing it away.

Stop procrastinating! Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. We’ve all heard that one before, haven’t we? It may be a cliché, but it’s still true. We do tend to think that tomorrow will be a much better day to start changing our lives. That’s just fear talking. If you stop putting it off and jump on it right now, if you get started immediately, then tomorrow will seem a little brighter, a little more hopeful and full of promises.

Remember that facing the fear of change will make an immediate change in and of itself. It will become smaller and more easily managed. The longer you put it off, the larger and more menacing it becomes. Then you can pat yourself on the back for having conquered the beast; and that will do something for your self-esteem. “Finding out who you are is not simple. It takes a lot of hard work and courage to get to know who you are and what you want,” said Sue Bender.

The biggest blockage keeping abundance from your life is clutter. That’s right, I said ‘clutter.’ Look around you right now. Can you see some ruined furniture, stained clothing, the dented bits and pieces that make up your home? The more junk you have surrounding you, the less room you have in your life for the good things.

Replace that ruined mess with pieces of beauty that fuel your soul, with the necessities of life that make you comfortable, with the music that thrills your heart and makes you smile. You must clean out the old and ugly in order to make room for the new and beautiful.

When you decide to clean out your life, start by cleaning out your closets. You know that tastes or interests change; and even something that you enjoyed years ago might not be your taste now. Look back at the clothes you wore ten years ago. Maybe skirts were shorter then; maybe the neckties were wider. Can you honestly see yourself wearing any of that stuff now?

Of course not; you’ve grown as a person. You don’t like the same things you did ten years ago. That’s perfectly normal; all people change whether they realize it or not. So why do we hang on to things from our past? Is it as simple as thinking that one day we’ll wear those clothes again? The style might return, but let’s be honest and admit that we are never going to look the same in those garments as we once did. Are we afraid of letting go of the past? That’s a real possibility; many people are. Maybe it’s a memento of things that once were. If it’s a good memory, why not hang onto it? If it’s a painful one, time to let go of the pain and move on.

Now, it’s only fair that we discuss the “pack rats.” I’m not talking about keeping a few mementos of the past. I’m talking about the full out, no beating around the bush “hoarders.” They don’t hang on to a few items; they hang on to everything, and I do mean everything! They have garages full of stuffs, closets full of stuffs, boxes of stuffs, stuffs stacked on tables, piled in corners, and taking up every inch of space in their homes.

Have you ever really looked into the face of “pack rats?” They may tell you that they need all these stuffs, that they’re all necessary and useful. Who knows when they might need them some day, they argue. But look closely and you’ll see their faces say otherwise. There’s pain, confusion, and a horrible burden. They are so weighed down by the crushing responsibility of having all these stuffs that they are miserable. They’re embarrassed to have anyone over to see such a mess. There’s no room to move; they’d have to go outside to turn around. Edna Ferber said, “Perhaps too much of everything is as bad as too little.”

And it’s not just the “pack rats” that suffer, but everyone else around them. Everyone who lives with them feels the burden too. There’s no space left to move around; and most importantly, it’s getting in the way of comfortable living.

The first move is to get help for the poor “pack rats.” Convince them of the necessity of clearing out their lives, starting with their homes. Then help them clean them all out. Either throw them out, or give them away to someone who can make use of whatever they are. Repair what needs fixing.

What criteria should “pack rats” follow to decide what goes and what stays? It’s simple really. Anything that’s really useful right now (not those that might be handy some day) should stay. If they can’t find a use for a stuff right this minute, then they should get rid of it. And they should keep it if they find the item truly beautiful to them; not someone else’s idea of beauty, but theirs. So if it’s honestly useful right now or truly beautiful to them, it stays. Otherwise, load it up and get rid of it. “Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful and believe to be beautiful,” said William Morris.

Now maybe you’re asking, “What does a house clear of unnecessary clutter got to do with Abundance?” It’s simple. Until you clear out the clutter, the broken, worn-out, stained old junk from your life, how can Abundance find you? There is no room for it until you clean your house - mentally, emotionally, and physically.

When your home is cleared of the clutter, then you can bring in what fuels your soul, delights your mind, and thrills your heart. Bring in the meaningful objects, the truly beautiful pieces. Add wonderful movies, music, books, and art. And when you’re finally done with the purging and the beautifying, you’ll be able to enter your dwelling, and think to yourself, “Ah, I’m home!”

It’s important that you decide what you want in your life, according to your own personal values, then make a decision to take action regarding those values. By living simply, you invite Abundance into your life. As long as your home and your mind are cluttered with junk, there is no room for the flow of Abundance. Simplify your life. Albert Einstein said, “Out of clutter, find simplicity.”

Not only will you begin to feel better about yourself, it will start to show in everything you do. It will show in how you interact with family and friends. You’ll be more relaxed, happier, less stressed, and much relieved in your heart and in your mind (not to mention your closets). Congratulations, the blockage is gone. Hold onto your seat, here comes Abundance!

“Simplicity is an acquired taste. Mankind, left free, instinctively complicates life.” - Katharine Fullerton Gerould.


Abundant Physical Health

“Look to your health; value it next to a good conscience; for health is the second blessing we mortals are capable of; a blessing that money can’t buy.” - Izaak Walton

Most of us would consider good health as simply an absence of disease or sickness, but it goes much deeper than that. Abundant health affects more than just your body. Without good physical health, the rest of you is affected as well. Your mind, your spirit, your emotional health, everything about you, everything that makes you “you” comes under the gun.

Illness causes your body to ache, or grow feverish. It diminishes your strength and vitality. But it can also cause you to feel depressed, fearful, and hopeless. The longer an illness lasts, the more damage it does to every single part of your body and mind. An illness that lasts for more than just a few days, can seriously affect your entire life.

This might yet be another fear you could have in your life – the fear of acquiring illnesses that last for long periods of time. What would you do if you have to spend weeks or even months in the hospital?

Here again, as with all other areas of abundance we’ve discussed, you must focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want. All that you’ve learned about abundance can be applied here as well.

So, let’s start over. You wake up in the morning filled with abundant health. Maybe you haven’t felt this good in years. But this morning, you feel especially wonderful, because you’ve been learning about having a more abundant life. You’ve discovered how to draw abundance to your life like a magnet. You’re completely focused on exactly what you want in all areas of your life.

Your financial life is on the mend; you feel happy, contented, and totally fulfilled. Even your relationships are blossoming. With things on a more even keel, you’re sleeping like a baby these days, and awakening with zip and vitality, ready for anything your day throws at you.

Let’s take the opposite case.

Maybe you had been experiencing some health problems. Your doctor told you stress was causing a possible stomach ulcer, not to mention those headaches every day due to tension at the office and at home. You just kept telling yourself that stress happens, that it happens to everyone, and that it’s just part of life. Why should you be any different? And you handled it as well as the next person.

Except you didn’t handle it well. You were developing ulcer, killer headaches, and insomnia; and you were getting more irritable by the day. Everyone around you noticed it and was affected by it too.

Then you learned about abundant living and how it could benefit you. You learned how to make all areas of your life work together in harmony, just by letting the abundance come to you naturally. You realized that you had literally been chasing that abundance away by your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions, or lack thereof.

When you begin to allow the abundance that’s all around you to flow into your life, it starts a chain reaction. You focus on what you want and need, and it comes to you quickly. This causes you to relax just a little bit; a little of that tension leaves your mind and body. You begin to breathe easier, which allows more abundance to flow towards you. Things in your life start to ease up and even out. You have a need, so you focus on that need, allowing the abundance to flow even faster. There’s no need to worry about things. You’ve learned that it’s your thoughts and emotions that create your world. And it’s begun to happen, on a daily basis. You see the changes with your own eyes, and all because you made it happen.

So, now that you know how worry, tension, and stress can affect your body and mind, you’ve decided to start taking better care of your health. And you’ve heard all the fitness gurus, doctors, nutritionists, and everybody else telling you what you need to do to ensure your continued good health. What do you do next? Who do you listen to?

Start by getting a simple physical examination, to make sure you don’t have health issues that need to be addressed - perhaps something you’re unaware of that’s going on in your body. Listen to your health care provider, but also listen to your body. Pay attention to its needs.

Are you eating everything in sight, then popping antacid tablets like candy? Maybe your stomach is trying to tell you it needs a different lifestyle. Eat good, solid foods, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Eat lesser quantities, but more often. Like constant stress, improper nutrition can be the cause of less than optimum health.

Drink lots of water to keep your body properly hydrated. Stay away from alcohol and sodas. Stop smoking and get some daily exercise.

You’ve heard all this before, but told yourself you just didn’t have time to exercise. You’re such a busy person. Besides, you really, really hate to exercise. And cooking was too much trouble, it was so much easier to run by the nearest fast food restaurant. Meals were crammed in between meetings or social events. “No big deal,” you told yourself, until you started feeling so fatigued, so bloated, so out of sorts, so run down, and just generally awful every day.

Once again, you were focused on what you didn’t really want, instead of what you did want, which was abundant good health. Thomas Jefferson told us that, “Health, learning, and virtue will ensure your happiness; they will give you a quiet conscience, private esteem, and public honor.”

As for the exercise, a few minutes a day aren’t that hard to schedule. Give up watching half hour of news; instead, go outside and take a walk. You don’t have to join a gym, buy thousands of dollars worth of equipment, or invest in videos or DVDs of fitness programs. Walking is something just about anybody can work in to the day. It’s low impact, so there’s a very low risk of injury in just walking. Walk in the park or just around the block. What’s important is that you get active at least a few minutes a day. As you become more fit, you might feel compelled to add more activity. Try tennis or bowling; it’s even more fun to exercise with a friend.

What seems to stymie most of us is that one physical health problem seems to set off another, and another, in a domino effect. You’re stressed at work and/or at home, working hard, not eating properly, which then affects your sleep patterns. Now you’re experiencing insomnia and possibly even other sleep disorders. So, now you’re exhausted from loss of sleep, and still working hard. Your nutrition has gone down the drain as well, causing constant fatigue.

You can also feel your irritation growing day by day. Everything makes you angry; nothing is going right. The stress and tension continue to build up. The stress makes your stomach hurt. Your head pounds every day and you’re in great danger of blowing your top.

Stop right there. Take a deep breath and remember the abundance training we’ve been talking about. Remind yourself that your thoughts and emotions create your world. Is this the world you want to live in? Of course not!

It would be impossible to completely remove all stress and tension from your world overnight. It simply can’t be done, much as we’d all like that. But by focusing on what’s important, you can pull yourself back to the state of mind you need to allow that abundance to flow towards you once again. “Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings,” said Publius Syrus. Your good sense tells you that you must bring yourself back to the flow before the stress and tension can cause more serious health problems. And don’t be fooled, extreme stress over long periods of time can and will adversely affect your health.

Become proactive right now. Before another moment goes by, make up your mind to do something to protect your overall health. Let the natural flow of abundance reach you. Locate and dispense with whatever is causing the flow to be blocked. Whether it’s financial, emotional, mental or physical, discover what’s keeping that flow from reaching you. Then take action. Thomas Jefferson said, “Exercise and application produces order in our affairs, health of body, cheerfulness of mind, and these make us precious to our friends.”

“Health is my expected heaven.” - John Keats

How to Find Your Place in Life

The other day while looking over the Sunday paper, my eyes were instantly drawn to a picture of a graduating class at one of the large universities. I analyzed that picture. The faces on those boys appeared to be uncertain, not uncertain about life or its future, but uncertain as to the place they could take in it. They seemed to be in a quandary. Were they wondering where it would be possible for them to fit in? Were they wondering how to make the most efficient use of their talents and abilities to Tender the best and most useful service?

Not only boys graduating from universities and colleges, but thousands of other people are wondering at all times if they are in the right place. Am I a square peg in a round hole, or am I a round peg in a square hole? Am I making the full use of my talents? Are my abilities being channeled in the right directions? Is there not some occupation or thing that I can do more efficiently? Are my efforts being fully appreciated? These are typical questions people ask themselves. Most every one is seeking to find, or to improve, his place in life. He wants a place in the sun, where his knowledge and skill may be applied with efficiency and where unity, harmony and peace of mind may be enjoyed.

Is there a system or a guide to help people find their true place in life? Is it necessary to stumble hither and yon with no definite objective? After giving this subject much thought, I evolved five steps to help you. Take these five steps and you will be in your place.

If you were going to engage in a business, the first sensible and practical thing to do would be to take a complete inventory. You would survey its present location, inspect the building, make an inventory of the stock, appraise the fixtures, list its assets and tabulate its liabilities. You would quietly analyze these data. You would visualize the business in relation to the customer. You would study his needs and wants, and make provision to supply them. Your chief desire would be to render a good service to the customer and to earn a reasonable profit. You would study also the opportunities of the business, work out methods to improve them, and endeavor to realize and to capitalize on its possibilities.

The same principle applies to you. You are in a sense a merchant, and your business is to merchandise your ability. When you bought this book, it became your silent partner. By using its contents in conjunction with your business, there is no limit to where you can go.

The central location of your ability is in your occupation. It matters not what it is, or where it is located, it has unlimited possibilities for improvement and expansion.

The building from which you operate is your body. It must be maintained and kept in good condition. It must be well fed and well treated. It supplies the energy with which to perform and gives vitality to the ability. It qualifies you to work with efficiency. Keep it in good condition by applying the principles in "How to Double Your Energy."

Your stock of goods represents your thoughts. Are you dishing out negative thoughts to drive the customer away? Are you using positive thoughts to increase the business and to fulfill your desires? Read "It Might Have Been You."

Are you making full use of your stock in the basement? Do you bring it out, let people know what you have? You can draw on your stock in the basement, and make full use of it by reading "Are You Nine-Tenths Under Water?"

Do you observe the customer's needs? Do you concentrate on methods and plans to satisfy those needs? Have you his name listed correctly and can you re-call the last transaction? Do you reason out his wants in advance and contemplate how to take care of them? Do you stir in a little of the Priceless Ingredient every now and then, that he may know your real value and spread your name around among his neighbors? "How to Increase Your Power to Think and to Build," catalogues all these and tells you how to make the wisest use of them.

Do you use the right words in presenting your stock, in order that the customer may have full confidence and a complete knowledge of what you can do for him? "The Key to a Fortune" tells how.

Have you enthusiasm for your business, and can you generate it in yourself, and also in the customer? Read "How to Generate Enthusiasm."

Do you lack faith in your business? Is your stock getting shop-worn and ragged around the edges? Read "The Most Interesting Thing in the World," and watch your business improve.

Are you making the full use of your ideas to improve the stock, stimulate buying interest, and enlarge the business? New ideas about commonplace things often attract attention, and arouse buying interests in the customer. Read "How to Turn Your Ideas into Money."

Are you anxious about the future of your business? Are you concerned about a shortage in stock? Are you uncertain and doubtful about conditions? Is your peace of mind perturbed? Review "How to Make Use of the Present."

Have you inspected your fixtures lately? How about your equipment to display your merchandise? Your speech, voice and manner are the best fixtures you have. A good overhauling will improve them. It will help you to display your stock, and make it easy for the customer to understand and have full confidence in what you say. Review "How to Improve Your Speech, Voice and Manner."

You are a good merchant. You have a wonderful reputation. The Rotary Club wants to know how you do it. You are called upon to make a speech. You can do it. Read "How to Make a Speech."

Do you want more business? Do you want to attract more customers? Do you want people to feel kindly toward you? Do you want to extend your services? "How to Attract and Get What You Want," tells you how to do it.

Is your merchandise on display at all times? Are you exposing it to the greatest number of people, in order to increase the number of customers? The Law of Averages never fails. Read "How the Law of Averages Can Make You Rich."

When you take stock of your ability in the light of this analysis, and use the chapters of this book to coach and guide you, you are going to be a going concern on any corner. You will have an unlimited working capital, and a surplus sufficient to weather any storm. Your place in life will be secure.

The other day I took a walk in the woods. I came to a very beautiful tree. I plucked a leaf from that tree. I observed its form, its size, its color, and also the many lines running through its body. In symmetry and design, no artist could have imitated its beauty. In texture and construction, no sculptor could have approximated its formation. Every line from stem to tip had its place. It was an expression of perfection, the apex of quality. From the same tree, on a near-by limb, I plucked another leaf. On the tree its appearance was identical with the one that I had just examined. As they hung on the tree it was impossible to tell them apart. However, when I put those leaves side by side, and compared them, I instantly discovered a decided difference. Each leaf was perfect, and each one had its own form, size, color, lines and what I call its own leaf-ality. I plucked from the same tree a dozen more leaves and, on close analysis, I found each leaf had its own individuality.

I began to study the tree. Very near was another tree. At close range the general appearance of those two trees was almost the same. I walked a few feet away, and looked at those trees. I discovered a decided contrast in their contour. I examined the limbs, the twigs and the bark of those trees; all bore a striking similarity, and also a striking contrast. The trees, like the leaves from the tree, have an individuality.

The analytical description of the trees and the leaves, establishes one fundamental principle that exemplifies individual self-reliance. Self-reliance be-stows on them the power to draw on, and to absorb all the forces around them with a capacity to fulfill a natural law. The appearance of each tree and each leaf indicates a complete fruition of health, harmony, unity and prosperity.

All animals practice the doctrine of self-reliance. They follow their natural instinct, which is a natural spontaneous impulse of propensity, moving them without reason toward action, essential to their existence, preservation and development. By adhering to this instinct, they are fed, sustained and maintained in their natural habitat, and live a complete and full life.

All birds and fowls follow their natural instinct, and they too are fed, nourished and sustained, maintained and directed in what to do and how to do it.

All things in nature practice and demonstrate the power of self-reliance. To observe the acts of plants, trees, birds, fowl, animals, fish and insects should be an inspiration to every man to practice self-reliance. Observe the lilies of the valley, they toil not, neither do they spin, and yet Solomon in all his glory is not arrayed like one of these. Observe the robin that built a nest in your backyard, as he goes south in November and returns the following spring to his old nest. Observe the homing pigeon being shipped a thousand miles away from his home. When released without compass or chart, he circles a moment, and then makes a beeline back to his home. Observe the salmon returning after years at sea to the exact river in which he was born. Observe a bee five miles away from its hive (equivalent to one thousand miles for a man) returning laden with its pollen. Observe the horse keeping in the road on the darkest night. Observe the bear hibernating. Observe the dog without map, guide or road sign, scenting his way home a thousand miles away. Do not forget the cell from which you sprang. These are only a few examples. The list is infinite. This must prove that God, the Supreme Intelligence of the Universe, works in and through all things, including man.

God knows His business. He makes no mistakes. Everything created by Him has a place, or it would not have been created. You have a place. You are an individual. Your finger prints indicate this. Of all the millions of finger prints on record, no two are alike. Your finger prints distinguish you. You are a complete entity possessed with all the qualities and attributes to unfold into a perfect individual. You can-not imitate another's finger prints, and neither can you ape another's ability. You must rely on your own. You must practice self-reliance.

What is self-reliance? It is relying on your own mental resources, judgment and ability to perform. It is absolute trust in the integrity of your own mind. Integrity is the quality of being complete. It is the independence of individuality and helps you to realize that no part of you can be separated from the whole of you. You have got what it takes at any time or any place. All you have to do is to rely on it. Think, speak and act your latent convictions and they shall be the means to influence all men. Self-reliance is the power to believe in your own thought, and to act as if it were impossible to fail.

Conventional methods and orthodox procedure are excellent guides, but they are very poor teachers. "That which each can do best, none but his Creator can teach him." In the distance I can hear a woodthrush. The loud, clear notes are an exquisite arrangement of tone and pitch blending into the concord of sweet sound. It is music at its source. I pause. The woodthrush never had a lesson in voice culture. It teaches a lesson on self-reliance.

Situations arise from time to time where it is absolutely necessary to practice self-reliance. Conditions must be met on the spot. You must either sink or swim. I encounter many of these situations in selling by telephone. The following one is a good example.

I called a very prosperous wool merchant on the telephone, whom I had never seen. His secretary answered the telephone and she put me through the third degree as to my name, history, pedigree, business qualifications and last, but not least, she wanted to know what I wanted to talk to Mr. Woolman about. I told her my mission point blank. I told her I was calling Mr. Woolman about a life insurance plan. That positive statement of fact connected me with Mr. Woolman. "Is this Mr. J. Edgar Woolman?" I said. "Yes, what about it?" Then with a mellow but firm voice I told my story. Attentively he listened and when I had finished he said, "I am not interested." I accepted his statement. Self-reliance came in and suggested that I could possibly convince him more thoroughly if I knew his date of birth, and submit my plan in the form of a brief. Believing that discretion is the better part of valor, and that a soft word turneth away wrath, I spoke to him very gently and said: "Mr. Woolman, I have never met you, yet I know you are like all other good business men. I know you are naturally a good sport. Therefore, Mr. Woolman, I want you to do me a favor and that favor is simply this: I want you to give me your date of birth." To which he replied, "I do not care to give out my date of birth to a stranger, over the telephone." Self-reliance said: "Mr. Woolman, will you loan me your date of birth for a few days." Laughingly he replied: "August 15, 1875."

In a few days I submitted the plan for Mr. Woolman's consideration. He liked it and as a result of that telephone conversation, using the principle of self-reliance, I sold him a one-hundred-thousand-dollar life-insurance policy.

Man is born with an instinct--the instinct of self-preservation. When he acquired the power of conscious thought, he changed the name of instinct to intuition, but he did not change its source, purpose, quality or power. Intuition may be defined as a quick perception without conscious attention or reason. It is ready knowledge from within, knowledge that is always available to act in an emergency, to thwart a disaster, or to avert a calamity. I like to think of intuition as the trunk-line of communication directly to God. Often hunches present themselves. Some-times a hunch tells you what to do instantly.

Following a hunch carries me back thirty years ago. I was traveling in the South selling paint and roofing material. In my territory was a purchasing agent who bought for fifty different cotton mills. I called at his office and a young lady took my card in. A minute later she returned and gave me a nickel for my card. A hunch came. I sent another card in with a message that the cards were two for a nickel. I was going down the corridor and the young lady came shouting after me that Mr. Purchasing Agent wanted to see me. I went in. I told him that I was honest and did not want to cheat him. Following a little hunch, I received an order for several carloads of material.

Self-reliance is one of the fundamental principles of existence. It develops character and will help you to perfect yourself, and to perfect yourself is to perfect your place in life. "To reform a nation, to reform a world, no wise man will undertake and all but foolish men know, the only solid and thorough reformation is what each one begins and perfects on himself."

This may be of interest to you. Take a one-dollar bill and turn the green side up. On the left side of this bill you will observe a pyramid, and just above the pyramid is a triangle, or the unfinished part of the pyramid. Look at the eye glowing out of that triangle. It almost speaks. The eye in the triangle represents the All-Seeing and All-Knowing Eye of God. That triangle represents the apex of perfection. Over the triangle is the Latin phrase "Annuit Coeptis." Translated, this means "God looks on with favor."

That triangle symbolizes the individual dignity of man, and recognizes his individual integrity. That is a traditional heritage that guarantees to every American the right to perfect himself in any art, craft, business, profession, science or in any other field of endeavor. He can rise to the top. This traditional heritage is symbolized in the Great Seal of the United States. This means that these individual rights are guaranteed to you by the entire resources of the United States. It is a franchise to encourage everyone to practice self-reliance. This heritage and right should set a man on fire with inspiration. It is a wonderful country where a poor boy can become the head of it.

Always remember what Burroughs, the great naturalist, said about his friend Emerson, the great essayist. "Where he was at all he was all together." It makes the practice of self-reliance a reality.

Have you ever turned on the light in a dark room? It makes a vast difference. Yet nothing has changed. The only thing lacking was light. A little light makes a big difference. It matters not where you are or what you are doing, the minute you light up your consciousness you light up the place around you.

The best way to light up your place in life is to turn on the light of Optimism. Optimism comes from the Latin word "optimus," which means "best." It is looking for the best in everything and every-body.

The optimist is right. The pessimist is right. One sees things in the light. One sees things in the dark. Each is right. They only see things from different points of view. The optimist sees things as they are, and is able to establish their proper relations. The pessimist only sees a small part of things, and is unable to establish their true relationship. The optimist has knowledge enlightened by facts. The pessimist has knowledge but it is dimmed by ignorance. The optimist sees the doughnut, the pessimist sees the hole.

Optimism is thinking straight. It is an excellent vaccine to prevent failure. It is maintaining a sense of equilibrium regardless of what happens. It puts in practice the adage taught by Marcus Aurelius: "Whatever happens at all happens as it should hap-pen."

A man without a penny dropped into a restaurant. He ordered one dozen oysters. He was an optimist. He hoped to find a pearl with which to pay for the oysters. In the last oyster he found a pearl worth one thousand dollars. Does optimism pay?

When you walk toward the light, the shadows are back of you. When you walk away from the light, the shadows are before you. Practice and demonstrate optimism in your affairs. Always walk toward the light and endeavor to encourage others to walk with you. Let your light shine. Trim the wick with kindness, and feed it with the oil of optimism.

Optimism is like digging a hole in the ground, the more you take from it, the larger it gets. You can share it with others, because it is inexhaustible. It is also like a sweet-scented perfume, you cannot spread it around without getting some of it on yourself. Share optimism with others. Be as happy about their success as you are about your own. Never kick a man who is down, or aid the gossip of the town; and if you hear of one gone wrong, think your best to make him strong. Always remember to let your light shine.

"The road is always better than the inns." Maurice Materlinck, famed author of The Blue-bird, says: "To me, these words by the great Spanish writer, Cervantes, mean a way of living. In my younger days, I often aimed too hard to reach some goal, finish some job. 'When this is done,' I'd say, 'I shall find satisfaction and reward.' But later I came to realize that each achievement, like each inn, is only a point along the road. The real goodness of living comes with the journey itself, with the striving and desire to keep moving. I find now that I can look back on my eighty-four years with pleasure and what is even more important, to me, that I can still look to the future with hope and desire. I have learned to take each inn along the way with a traveler's stride-not as a stopping point, but a starting point for some new and better endeavor."

There is nothing permanent in the world but change. Everywhere this law is evident. Everything in nature is always on the move. Movement teaches a great natural law. It tells you to keep on the move. It tells you to keep active. It is more fun to wear out than to rust out. Keep on keeping on. As an old proverb says: "He who tills the soil shall eat." Keep on the move. It is the real way of life. Watch the bees flit from blossom to blossom in search of honey. Observe the ant, consider her ways and be wise. Every cell in your body is active. Everything around you is on the move, so why not you and I?

When you keep on the move, you advance. Grass does not grow under moving feet. Keep on the move and you form good habits. You turn pessimism and defeat into action and achievement. You turn negative thinking and discouragement into positive thoughts of confidence and power. You turn failure into success.

A king was seeking a motto that would act as a panacea for all troubles. He invited all the wise men in his kingdom to offer a motto. Many brilliant ones were submitted and not two were alike. The king analyzed each motto. Each one was given careful thought and consideration. Among those suggested was one that the king selected as the most inclusive panacea for all troubles. It read "And this, too, shall pass away."

This motto is the essence of patience. It denotes calm, endurance, or self-possession. Patience is the capacity to realize that all conditions and situations are only temporary; and if you exercise forbearance and remain cool, calm and collected, the most trying ones will right themselves. Patience teaches us to grin and bear! Trials, tribulations, troubles, obstacles, delays, disappointments and failures are only stalking shadows that instantly disappear in the light of patience. "In your patience possess ye your souls."

Of all the characters in history, there is one that always shines out as a true example of patience-Abraham Lincoln. During a critical period of the Civil War, when the nation was falling apart and everything was going wrong, President Lincoln sent a very important order to his most astute Secretary of War, Mr. Stanton. Secretary Stanton read the order, tore it to pieces, told the messenger that he would not fulfill the order, and that Lincoln was a damned fool for giving it. The message was taken back to Lincoln. "If Stanton called me a damn' fool, then I must be one," said President Lincoln. "I will go over and see him." Throwing his long arms around the shoulders of Secretary Stanton, Mr. Lincoln pleaded with him for cooperation. From that day on Secretary Stanton was Mr. Lincoln's best friend and staunchest supporter. Patience had won the day.

When adverse conditions cross your path, these six lines will console you, and help you to exercise patience.

Sweet are the uses of adversity;

Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous,

Wears yet a precious jewel in his head;

And this our life exempt from public haunts

Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks,

Sermons in stones and good in everything."

Most of us are prone to forget all things must be accomplished by a little at the time. This entails detail. Life is made up of details. It is one thing after another, and no one escapes it. Talking is detail, one word after another. Walking is detail, one step after another. All personal acts and all acts of service entail detail. The house in which you live is a mass of detail constructed in orderly arrangement. This book is a mass of words arranged in detail to present different ideas.

Everything in nature operates in detail. The silent shining of the sun conforms to detail. Ponder on the enormous amount of work it accomplishes. Millions of miles to travel, a complete solar system, including eight planets--Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and our own earth, to heat and light and, with all these vast duties to perform, the sun can still ripen the tomato in the back yard.

It took Leonardo da Vinci over four years to complete "Mona Lisa," the most famous portrait in the world, for which an offer of five million dollars was refused. With untiring patience, da Vinci inserted every detail and captured that fleeting something we call "expression." After four hundred years, this masterpiece of art hangs on the walls of the Louvre, an inspiration to every mortal.

The one way to master detail is to exercise patience. Learn to love it. With the proper attitude, chores are a very pleasant pastime, especially when you realize that everyone else is doing them. Every task begins in detail, and ends in detail. To feel kindly toward detail relieves tension and strain, develops the power to concentrate, and the task is soon completed. Relish detail, and detail loses its sting. Don't mind detail, and detail will mind you. With all your manifold details, exercise patience. It will reward you.

It is estimated that it takes less than seven per cent of a locomotive's power to pull a train of box cars, but that it needs one hundred per cent of a locomotive's power to start the train. The task, the difficulty and the job seem to be in starting. Start something. Take stock of your ability, analyze it, and size up your place in harmony with the chapters in this book. Practice self-reliance, learn to depend and rely on your own ability. It is always where you are, and is instantly available for your use. By all means draw upon it. Let your light shine. Demonstrate optimism. Look for the best and expect the best. It is always present. Keep on the move. Gold is found by those who look for it. It is no farther away from you than the five steps in this chapter. Keep on the move. You will find it. Exercise patience. Trials, tribulations and adverse conditions are only temporary, and patience is a ready solvent to dissolve them. All things come to him who thinks and has patience to wait.

Opportunities are as plentiful as the air you breathe, and also as inexhaustible. They are all around you. Take the five steps in this chapter and convert these opportunities into realities. Achievement is the result of invested effort. "He that loses his life shall find it." Harness your forces, measure your time, marshal your energies, and concentrate your ability on the job at hand. Lose yourself in the affairs, services and needs of others. Make their interest your cause, let the results take care of themselves, and before you know it, your place in life will be secure. You will turn wishbone into backbone. You will crown your efforts with achievement.

Be like the postage stamp, stick to one thing until you get there. You will discover that your place is where you are, and your success is only a by-product of what you are.


How the Law of Averages Can Make You Rich

Love is the Universal Law of Justice. That is why God is Love. All natural laws express justice. Natural laws have no favorites, and are available to all who endeavor to understand and apply them. The Law of Averages is a natural law. It works with all and for all with absolute certainty, precision and justice.

Man in his quest for knowledge uncovers many natural laws. He reduces these laws to workable things, and through the effects of these laws is able to add to his own comfort and enjoyment. He is able to prove the effects of these laws, and to express them in scientific formulas. The Law of Averages can be reduced to a scientific formula, and applied in dealing with people. The results may be anticipated with accuracy. In my forty years of experience in the field of selling, I have proved that the Law of Averages applies to human beings as well as to things. A scientific knowledge of the Law of Averages is one of the most stimulating and fascinating factors in business. The application of this law guarantees success in any field of endeavor.

In this chapter I want to give you--First: A practical introduction that proves the Law of Averages in dealing with things and people. Second: I want to give you a scientific interpretation of the Law of Averages. Third: I want to tell you how the Law of Averages can make you rich and also how it works with me and for me.

To introduce the scientific application of the Law of Averages let us observe a demonstration. Take a coin and toss it into the air one hundred times. Mark down the number of times it falls heads, and the number of times it falls tails. What happens? There are two sides to that coin, and both sides are exposed. The Law of Averages determines the number of times that the coin falls heads and the number of times that it falls tails. As there are only two sides exposed, it must fall an equal number of times heads, and also an equal number of times tails. A coin tossed into the air a sufficient number of times will get the same result every time.

There is another demonstration that will interest you. Number ten golf balls, one, two, three and right on up to ten. Put them in a sack and shake them thoroughly. Draw one. The number you draw is one of the ten. The Law of Averages yields number one every time during the ten draws. Draw these balls one hundred times, and during the draws the Law of Averages yields the ball marked number one and two in succession. Draw these balls one thousand times, and during the draws the Law of Averages yields the balls marked number one, two and three in succession. Draw these balls ten thousand times, and during the draws the Law of Averages yields the balls marked number one, two, three and four in succession. Draw these balls one hundred thousand times, and during the draws the Law of Averages yields the balls marked one, two, three, four and five in succession. Keep the draws up to ten billion, and during the draws the Law of Averages yields the balls marked one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten in succession. If you do not believe it, try it.

Either of the above demonstrations will prove that the Law of Averages works. Since it does work, let us endeavor to define it. Socrates, one of the greatest thinkers who ever lived, had one great motto: "De-fine your terms." It is only logical, therefore, that you should know the scientific meaning of the Law of Averages. In my attempt to define the Law of Averages, I wrote letters, made inquiries and asked many questions. From these different sources I received many ideas and suggestions. To sum them all up the answer was: "If you put something in, you get something out." A very good answer and it contains the elements of truth. However, it did not satisfy me.

Many millions of people had seen things fall to the ground long before Sir Isaac Newton discovered the Law of Gravitation. But Newton wanted to know the reason why things fell to the ground. Someone asked him how he discovered the Law of Gravitation. His answer was: "By thinking about it."

After thinking many days about the Law of Averages in terms of application, in terms of demonstration, in terms of relationships, and in terms of how it produces results, I created the following definition.

The Law of Averages is the law that determines the number of times a thing will happen in proportion to the number of times that that thing is exposed.

The coin is exposed one hundred times. It has two sides only, heads and tails. Therefore, it must fall an equal number of times for each side and will always do this in proportion to the number of times it is exposed. The same principle applies to the golf balls. Expose them enough times and the result you are seeking is bound to happen.

The definition of the Law of Averages establishes it on a scientific basis. Therefore, it will prove very helpful to you to visualize this definition, and get it well established in your mind. To know a principle thoroughly inspires us to apply it. Anyone who applies the Law of Averages based on the above definition cannot fail to produce results.

Some may confuse the Law of Averages with chance. Chance comes from the Latin word "cadere" which means "to fail." Chance is taking a gamble that a thing will happen. It is a pure risk with a possibility to win based on that imaginary thing called luck. The Law of Averages is a definite law that eliminates chance, avoids risk and fulfills every requirement to which it is applied.

The Law of Averages is used by all life insurance companies to determine the death rate of a given number of people at a given age. It is the scientific principle on which to compute all mortality tables. Why? Because a given number of people are exposed to death at all times, and therefore, a certain number of deaths will happen each year, with absolute accuracy. This fact, plus the rate of interest earned on the premiums collected, determines the cost of the life insurance per year.

The Law of Averages also applies to the investment portfolio. Out of a given number of companies doing business, a certain number of these companies will be successful. A financial institution can invest in a sufficient number of these companies in order that the Law of Averages can operate. This provides a reasonable security for an investment and also a guaranteed interest return on the investment. Therefore, by applying the Law of Averages, a financial institution can invest money scientifically.

Most credit risks are based on the Law of Averages. Out of a given number of credit risks, a certain number will always be responsible and prove to be satisfactory.

In all enterprises the Law of Averages operates. Some people in business are conscious of this law, and expand their enterprises with speed, alacrity and certainty. Others apply it in a hit or miss fashion but they by no means reap the rich and full reward of its scientific application.

"Ignorance of the law excuseth no man"--is an old legal maxim applying to the law of the land. To commit a crime with the plea of ignorance does not excuse the offender. The same principle applies to the laws of creation, except these laws are more exacting. To be ignorant of these laws in no way interferes with their operation. The laws are here for us to use and not to use them is certainly no fault of the laws. The Law of Averages is a fundamental law of creation. To apply it is to enjoy its rewards.

The Law of Averages is expressed no less than three times in the Bible--in the thirteenth chapter of Matthew, the fourth chapter of Mark, and the eighth chapter of Luke. In each of these different chapters is found the "Parable of the Sower," which plainly states that the Sower must sow his seed before he can expect to reap a crop. Some seed will fall by the wayside, some will fall among thorns, some will fall among the rocks, but some will fall upon good ground and bring forth a crop of a hundredfold.

The secret of the Sower is the kind of seed that he sows. The seed must be of good quality in order to take root when it falls on the right soil. That which he reaps will be of the same nature as that which he sows. If he sows wind, he will reap a whirl-wind. If he sows sawdust he will reap sawdust. Everything increaseth after its own kind. As the seed contains all the elements essential to the plant, so must ideas contain all the elements essential to influence people. You must sow ideas before you can reap a reward. You must give before you can get. So when you sow and when you give, do it freely with no strings to it. As Jesus put it, "Except a kernel of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone. But if it die, it beareth much fruit." You do your part and the seed will do its part.

Most of us, most of the time, are thwarted, distracted and discouraged because we have no definite knowledge of a law on which to expand our efforts. Doubt, uncertainty and dread creep into our consciousness, and there is a tendency to vacillate from one goal to another, from one interest to another, and end up by being simply bewildered, and with a shallow sense of being cheated. In applying a fundamental law, be not anxious or overzealous to change your procedure. Remember that natural laws do not vacillate. The laws that rule the Universe are un-changeable. They unfold logically. Observe how logically things in nature grow and develop. Nothing is accidental. They develop in logical sequence and unfold in perfect fruition.

The Laws of God cannot fail. To fail would be a violation of God's own principles. This is impossible. Does the Law of Gravitation fail? Drop what you have in your hand and see what happens. This law is constantly on the job even though you are not conscious of it. The Law of Physics, the Law of Chemistry, the Law of Mathematics, or any other fundamental law is constantly available for our use. Someone may ask what a dozen eggs will cost at 6 cents each. Instantly, through the Law of Mathematics, you multiply 12 x 6 and solve the problem. The moment you are conscious of the Law, it is there to meet your need.

Thus far, I have given you a practical demonstration of the Law of Averages. I have defined it and have endeavored to interpret it scientifically. From here on I want to show how the Law of Averages works for you and for me.

The Law of Averages yields results with the same certainty and accuracy as the Law of Mathematics, when applied. I not only believe in the Law of Averages, I not only have faith in it, but more than these, I know the Law of Averages operates. When I multiply 6 x 12 I know it is 72. Faith and belief in the Law of Mathematics become ready knowledge. The application of the Law of Averages be-comes ready and usable knowledge the minute it is applied.

Not many years ago, I made 1800 calls over the telephone. I did not get a bite. Was I dismayed? Was I frustrated? Was I discouraged? Not in the least. I was exposing an idea in the form of a sales plan portraying the benefits of life insurance. I was putting into operation the Law of Averages. I knew that this Law could not fail. Operating on this principle, there was no occasion for doubt. I knew that results were certain. What happened? Within a few days, I struck the jackpot. It rained business. Did the Law of Averages pay off? In less than one month I received more than $2.00 for every telephone call made. In addition, I received a bonus of at least that much more.

In the field of selling, the Law of Averages is very exacting as to the amount of calls necessary for a sale. It certainly requires that you plant ideas, but it does not prescribe the method to use. In fact, the Law of Averages is absolutely indifferent as to the method you employ to put it in operation. In my experience in selling, I have always used the telephone. I find that the telephone method is the quickest, the most practical, the most efficient, the most feasible and the most scientific method of carrying an idea to the greatest number of people in the shortest period of time. It is the quickest and most direct means of exposing an idea in a personalized way and, therefore, fulfilling the requirements necessary for the Law of Averages to operate.

In applying the Law of Averages in the field of selling, it is absolutely necessary to determine the result you desire. The Law of Averages does not know the objective you desire until the decision is made. Once a decision is reached, the law goes into operation to fulfill it. The number of times you expose an idea about a product or service is the number that determines how often the exposition of that idea will reward you.

Most of those people who sell work either on a commission basis or for a salary. If you work on a commission basis, put a definite cash value on each call. If you work on a salary, put a definite estimate of the number of calls you want to make to con-summate a sale. Keep a record and watch the Law of Averages operate.

In my own experience, I have always placed a value of $2.00 on each telephone call. Therefore, if I make 50 telephone calls in one day, I know I have earned $100.00. To illustrate this fact, it will be of interest to you to know that in June 1947 I began to operate the Law of Averages on this basis. At the end of December 1947, I found that I had made 3,000 telephone calls and the Law of Averages paid me not only $2.00 for each call, but again rewarded me with a substantial bonus.

You may ask, "Does the Law of Averages work among strangers?" Does the sun know any strangers? The Law of Averages knows no strangers, and once it is put in operation it works like a magnet. It attracts and draws to it the thing you desire. Remember the "Parable of the Sower," always rely upon good seed. The value and advantage of the product, or service, and what they mean to the prospect, are the seed you sow. To expose ideas built into a sales plan and transmit them with absolute faith and certainty to a given number of prospects puts the Law of Averages in operation. Are reactions to ideas predictable? Yes, there is nothing more certain to predict than the reaction you will get from a given number of people when you present them with a certain definite idea. A positive action always gets a re-action. This reaction will be favorable or unfavorable. If it is favorable, you act upon it quickly. If it is unfavorable, you forget it and go after another one.

Are you seeking a job? Do you want a larger salary?

Do you want to improve your present occupation? Apply the Law of Averages and it can be a decided advantage to bring about any of the above situations. How can this be achieved? Formulate ideas about that which you want to accomplish. Begin to apply these ideas. Keep on trying. Be convinced that the Law of Averages is working with you and through the process of elimination is helping you to reach your goal. Therefore, by persistence your efforts will be crowned with achievement, and that which you are seeking will automatically manifest itself in your experience.

In applying the Law of Averages, endeavor to be patient. Shake the limb of an apple tree with a green apple upon it, and nothing happens. Shake the limb when the apple is ripe and the apple falls off. Also remember the grain--"first the blade, then the ear, and then the full grain in the ear." The Law of Averages cannot be forced, coerced, or hastened. When the requirements are met, it operates with precision. Nothing can force it to act, and nothing can prevent it from acting.

The Law of Averages will remunerate you in proportion to the value you yourself put on it. If you demand little, it pays little. If you demand much and set a worth-while goal, it will always meet your standard. The old saying goes, "Why put a mountain in labor, just to bring forth a mouse?"

Remember the old poem by Jesse B. Rittenhouse from the "Door of Dreams" which says:

I bargained with life for a penny

And life would pay no more,

However, I begged at evening when

I counted my scanty store.

For life is just an employer;

He gives you what you ask,

But once you have set the wages,

Why, you must bear the task.

I worked for menial's hire

Only to learn dismayed,

That any wage I asked of life

Life would have paid.

Tell the Law of Averages what you want. Ask for it, seek it, and demand it in a humble and sincere way--then stick to that demand with faith, with persistence and determination until you have achieved your objective.

N. W. Ayer, one of the greatest advertising men that this country ever produced, had a great slogan: "Keeping everlastingly at it brings success." Some people think that this implies a form of slavery. I think possibly Mr. Ayer was referring to the Law of Averages. A chain of ideas puts into operation the Law of Averages which brings about results. An idea once in print begins to accelerate a process of other ideas, to form a chain of influence, and eventually through the Law of Averages the idea brings success.

In applying the Law of Averages, remember that you have no control over its rewards or the source from which the rewards come. It rewards you from the most unsuspected sources and in the most unexpected way. As a salesman you may be all aglow with a sure sale. On the surface the prospect could not fail. What happens? The prospect does fail to buy. Why? Because he is human. The Law of Averages, on the other hand, cannot fail, and what you thought only a "suspect" turns into a genuine sale. This principle applies also to those who seek a job, a larger salary or an improvement in occupation. The reward comes from the source least expected.

The Law of Averages is unlike man-made law. It cannot be changed, altered or amended. No act of chicanery, no cunning fraud and no art of deception can force it to act, or cause it to fail. It can only be put into action by concentrated thought. The true purpose of the Law of Averages is to give you a definite plan of action with the absolute assurance that the application of your ability cannot fail to produce results. This assurance gives you the power and determination to carry on.

The experiences which I have enumerated are not opinions or theories about the Law of Averages. They are the Law of Averages in action. This Law does not need a favorable place or a favorable time to operate. It will operate for anyone, at any time, or at any place. It requires concentration and application and these provoke quick thinking. Many constructive thoughts and ideas will come to you as you begin to apply the Law of Averages. Your ability to express these thoughts and ideas will increase as you need them. Your knack of applying the Law of Averages will give you many thrills and many checks. It can make you rich.


How to Attract and Get What You Want

Some time ago I had a dream. In this dream I awoke to find myself all alone in the World. There was no distraction, no disturbance, no confusion, no trouble, and no conflict. Worry, care and responsibility were unknown. In this Utopian World, with everything mine, and the Monarch, I was conscious of being alone. A feeling of loneliness and a sense of in-security took possession of me. I felt a burning desire for something not there. What was it? What did this Utopian World lack? It lacked human beings. There was no one to influence, no one to appreciate, no one to love, and no one to share. Human interest was lacking. In this Utopian World I found myself in a state of misery. A loud knock came on the door. I was thrilled to awake and be conscious of a world filled with people, a place where human beings can attract and be attracted.

Has it ever occurred to you why the ocean is constantly moving up and down with the waves rolling and breaking against each other with clocklike regularity? Without these incessant ups and downs, the ocean would become stagnant. Everything in and around it would perish. These movements keep the water teeming with wholesomeness and vitality.

"A lifetime of happiness! No man alive could bear it; it would be hell on earth," says Bernard Shaw. The sweet is hidden in the bitter.

Ups and downs in human nature are a tonic to provoke thoughts and to stimulate action. The World is a proving ground. The people in it furnish a laboratory for the study of human relations. Your ability is the head chemist to compound formulas, and if these are scientifically compounded, you can attract and get what you want. In this chapter, there are formulas compounded in the laboratory of human relations, tested in the field of experience and proved on the proving grounds of hard knocks.

Einstein's Law of Relativity is abstract until we begin to understand its principle. To understand this principle we find that this obscure scientific law is as close to us as our elbows. According to this law, there is only one kind of material in the Universe and it is all held together by the Law of Attraction. In physics you were taught that the Law of Attraction is a force acting mutually between particles of matter, tending to draw them together.

The Law of Attraction operates in human relations. It is the formula, the process, the method, and the act you employ to attract people. The more you know about people and the sources that control their acts, the more quickly can you attract them. The formula to do this is a combination of science and art. Science instructs what to do. Art teaches how to do it. Through observation, experience, reflection and reason you can analyze people. You can uncover reasons that influence and motivate them to act.

People are influenced and motivated to action by ideas. To compound ideas into a scientific formula, and to present them in logical sequence, is the quickest way to stimulate a reaction, and the best means to get results. Human nature is fundamental. There is nothing more certain to predict than the reaction you will get from people, when you present them with a certain definite idea. A positive idea in action always produces a reaction. This reaction will be favorable if the formula to convey the idea is scientifically prepared.

Over two thousand years ago, Socrates, the wise old Greek, said: "Know thyself." Sometimes a knowledge of ourselves, and what appeals to us gives us a definite clue to what appeals to and attracts others. We discover an appeal that makes them act. Most people are fundamentally alike. What will appeal to one will appeal to all. Most of us are constantly and eternally trying to persuade and even convince ourselves that we are different from everyone else. With forty years' experience working and experimenting in the laboratory of human relations, I know differently. We all have a lot in common with each other. The sooner we realize this, the sooner we will generate the power to attract. We must realize and appreciate one great fact about other people. They are all rational human beings. They have desires, problems and needs; and will listen to an appeal on how to meet and fulfill them, based on reason and common sense.

The qualities, characteristics and attributes of other people can usually be determined by an understanding of our own. As Emerson once said: "To speak what other men think, to express what other men feel, is the essence of genius." Therefore, with this understanding, using other people and their needs as the center of interest, we can build and construct thoughts, plans, systems, suggestions and formulas that will impel them to act. We can attract them and inspire them to have confidence in our proposition.

In analyzing people, we find their acts are con-trolled by three sources. These three sources were discussed in Chapter VIII, "How to Turn Your Ideas into Money." Ideas are the subtle power we employ to attract and to motivate. So important are these sources that I again enumerate them. By all means initiate them in your activities. They are:

1. Emotion
This is the means to send out thoughts to attract attention. Make it easy for people to listen to what you have to say.

2. Judgment
The Judgment is reached through knowledge. You must organize your knowledge and arrange it in sequence. This conveys the power of your intelligence, and impresses others with what you are capable of doing.

3. Desire
This creates the urge to Act. To gain attention, and to get interest is not enough. With a feeling of confidence and earnestness, you must arouse the desire, incite that inward, invisible intensity of being and make others want to do what you propose.

After uncovering the sources that control the acts of people, you must uncover the causes that prompt these sources. These causes are motivated by interests.

What are these interests? There are many, but the three main interests in the lives of most people are:

First: Family.

Second: Vocation or Business.

Third: Themselves.

Practically everything people do in life is centered around one of these interests.

In making an analysis of the causes and the interests to attract people, we discover that these may be influenced by certain advantages, and the effect they have on the lives of people. These advantages are:

First: Gain of happiness or peace of mind.

Second: Gain of health.

Third: Gain of money or wealth.

Thus you have a direct road to the source, a direct road to the cause, and also a road map of the advantages to attract any human being in the world. You have a psychological background. This is your foundation.

With this scientific knowledge and information about people, you can create thoughts and plans from within that will attract people, and, by getting them to believe in you, you can get anything you want. Thoughts about the things you want circumscribed by a service to others, and believed in, will make their appearance in your experience.

The Law of Attraction is very plainly expressed in the Bible. It reads: "To him that hath shall be given, and from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath." As applied to attracting people, this simply means that if you have the thoughts and forces to attract, and give them out, then you attract other things to you and more things shall be given to you. On the other hand, if you do not make use of the thoughts and forces you now have, then even that which you already have shall be taken away. It merely expresses an inexorable and immutable law that you have got to give to get.

In life you have only one thing to give and that is your ability reviewed and appraised by your own intelligence, and conveyed to others through a system or plan of action. You can give this in a haphazard way, or you can give it in a scientific way. To attract and get what you want, the latter is imperative.

The perfection of a business, art or profession starts with you. How high do you register in the scale of perfection? What are you doing to improve your efficiency? Have you learned to harness all your forces and concentrate them on the job at hand? Have you acquired the knowledge and skill to do the greatest amount of work with the least possible amount of effort, in the shortest period of time? Can you get maximum results with minimum effort? Are your thoughts liquid? Can you adjust yourself quickly? Have you the power of adaptability? Can you apply common sense? Do you need a slide rule to multiply two by two? Do you assume the role of self-importance when shouldered with the responsibility of directing others? Does your expert knowledge and keen executive ability lose its charm and savor at the expense of impudence and arrogance? Do you use your head for other things, as well as for a place to hang your hat?

In analyzing and studying the chapters in this book, you realize that the whole purpose of it has been to develop the physical, mental and spiritual attributes, and to lay a foundation for personal efficiency. It is time to capitalize your personality, and turn your ability into cash. The potentialities are stored up within. How can you connect them with the task at hand? How can you render an efficient service to others?

All social and economic progress comes from individual effort. Economy and society are reflected by you. Energy, ideas and freedom of action have made America the richest nation in the world. The chief purpose of all business is to fill in with material things what ideas formulate. Economy is only a distribution of ideas and energy expressed in things to serve and make each other happy and comfortable. New ideas, or old ideas, with a new body, new knowledge and new skill, on how to do things better, are always in demand. A need today was only a visualization yesterday, and what is a need today may be only an antique tomorrow.

About seventy-five years ago an old gentleman was about to take out a patent on a certain gadget. On discovering that his proposed patent bore number one hundred thousand, he decided to proceed no further. He took the gadget home, convinced that everything was patented. Since that time two million nine hundred thousand patents have been taken out and today more than one hundred new ones are going through the Patent Office every day.

All business transacted is built around five general principles. (1) Things needed. The business of food, clothing, and shelter; and also running the Government including the Federal, State and Municipal, are examples. (2) Things wanted. New ideas create new wants, and to supply these wants man develops new enterprises. This principle includes all businesses to supply the utilities of comfort and enjoyment. Automobiles, household appliances, certain building developments, railroads, steamships, buses and all timesaving devices are examples. (3) Things to make money. Banks, investment houses, stock exchanges, mortgage companies, underwriting syndicates, investment management and all business pertaining to finance are examples. (4) Things to satisfy pride. All garments of style, cosmetics, beauty parlors, hairdressing establishments, gift shops, and all things to adorn, are examples. (5) Things to satisfy caution. Man is a cautious creature and he likes to make sure about the future comfort and enjoyment of his family and himself. To secure this he associates himself with others to form a co-operative association for the mutual protection of each other in time of need. The insurance business is an example.

All these different principles of business are conducted by and participated in by human beings. Everyone is endeavoring to serve the other, in order to be served. The better they serve, the better are they served. Therefore, for you to get your share of these good things, you must evolve a formula to share your good things with others.

The highway to the average man's interest is through one of these five principles of business. You have access to this highway and a choice to operate in any of them. You have a definite contribution to make and a definite service to render. Your ability and power as an individual must be expressed through ideas. You must be able to merchandise these ideas, either by creating something new or by improving something old. Every occupation is a merchandising proposition. The person performing that occupation is turning over what he has to get something else. In short, he is selling something.

How can you merchandise your ideas?

First: Select the idea you want to accomplish.

Second: Define and enumerate the idea in terms of service, thing or proposition and visualize its values and advantages in concrete terms.

Third: Arrange the idea and its advantage in sequence and give it a solid plan or body. Review Chapter VIII and apply its contents.

Fourth: Idealize the plan, see and feel it attracting attention and getting results. Reinforce your power to do this by the four laws, namely, the law of faith, the law of imagination, the law of repetition, and the law of persistence.

Fifth: Have plan typewritten in plain words or have a blueprint made if it is to portray a thing. This will make either of them mean something to you and to others.

In applying for a new job or position, review your ideas in the light of your own experience, setting forth in detail past performances, present engagements and what you feel capable of doing. The employer can react only on what you tell him. Leave nothing to chance. Be thorough and explicit. No one has a better idea of what you are capable of doing and no one can tell it better than you.

Applying the above principles to merchandise his ability, a young fellow presented his qualifications to his next-door neighbor. He specified his training, gave a complete review of his experience, enumerated his attributes and qualities, visualized and idealized his capabilities and graphically portrayed how the corporation could use and benefit from his services. His next-door neighbor was the president of the corporation. He was so impressed with the plan presenting the young man's work specifications that he immediately employed him at a substantial salary. Today he is vice-president of the corporation.

To try my own prowess, using this plan to merchandise my own ability, I applied to a company for a job. No one in the company knew me. I had no letter of recommendation. I addressed my communication to the president of the company. In brief, I stated my name, age, education and experience. I enumerated all the different departments of this business from the time the raw material was received until the product was in the hands of the consumer. I visualized in my application all the ins and outs of getting this product to the customer. I suggested a merchandising plan that would make every customer a salesman to obtain a wider distribution of the company's product. I presented a plan that would create and develop a better relation between the customer and the product. I made the president feel that I could increase the business of the company. A few days later I received a letter from him, suggesting an interview to make arrangements for employment at a substantial salary. Of course I did not accept. I called on him as a matter of courtesy and told him of my experiment. He insisted that I take a fee, which I refused.

I did not approach the president of that company begging for a job. I approached him with an idea that meant money to his company. I attracted his attention, incited his interest, and made him feel that I had ideas to share. This, in turn, made him feel that he had a profit to share with me.

Most people are so busy scratching in the dirt that they never stop to think of what the dirt is made. They wonder why they do not get ahead. Now and then one pauses, thinks and analyzes the dirt. He becomes a creative thinker. He uses his head, and the minute he begins to use his head, at that minute he begins to get ahead.

Three men were working on a construction force. Someone asked: "What are you doing?" Number One answered: "I am cutting stone."

Number Two answered: "I am earning $10 a day."

Number Three answered: "I am building a Cathedral."

Number Three has vision and imagination. He is thinking about that which he is doing. Eventually Number Three will be conducting his own business.

Feeling his seniority rights had been overlooked, an employee went to the president of the company to complain that a younger man had been advanced to a position to which he felt entitled. "Why has my twenty-five years of experience been ignored?" he queried. The president said: "You have had only one year's experience twenty-five times."

Merely putting in hours does not win a promotion. It is injecting your ability in the hours that wins recognition and guarantees a reward. Experience is the knowledge, wisdom and skill gained through a wise use of time.

The use you make of spare time will assist you in developing your ability. There are twenty-four hours in each day. Each week has one hundred and sixty-eight hours. Your vocation takes up forty hours. This leaves you with one hundred and twenty-eight hours each week to sleep, to eat, to entertain, to relax, and to improve yourself. By using only ten per cent of this spare time, you have almost two hours per day to read, to study, to think, to meditate, to reflect and to improve your capacity to perform. A few hours each week wisely used will enrich your knowledge, broaden your outlook, season your experience and qualify you for a promotion, or an increase in salary. Efficiency and understanding of your job bring added remuneration.

Spare time may be organized effectively. To use it constructively is both interesting and profitable. Decide now to make use of it. Work up a program to use it and adhere to it.

Spare time, either to develop a hobby, an avocation, or self-knowledge, helps to form good habits. Spare time is your property. One man has as much time as another. No one can deprive you of it. The use you make of it largely determines your progress. Fill each minute with sixty seconds. It is not the days or hours that you waste; it is the precious seconds and minutes. It is the use of these that will make or break you. Take care of the minutes, the hours will take care of themselves, and the days will take care of you.

As John D. Rockefeller once said:

I was early taught to work as well as play;

My life has been one long happy holiday.

Full of work and full of play--

I dropped worry on the way,

And God was good to me every day.

Here are six suggestions that will help you to develop your spare time:

1. Try to spend one hour each day in silent meditation. Read, reflect and review.

2. Pick out one subject, take pencil and paper and write down every thought you can think about on that subject. Spend twenty to thirty minutes each day doing this.

3. Write a letter. Try not to use the words "I," "me," "my" and "mine."

4. Try to converse at least fifteen minutes each day without using the words "I," "me," "my" and "mine."

5. Try to write a little article each day, either explaining, relating or defining something.

6. Spend at least fifteen minutes each day reviewing and analyzing your experience. Endeavor to visualize and idealize all your relationships with people in a spirit of gratitude and appreciation. It will help you to discover other people's interests. It will help you to form ideas that are wonderful to others, because others will feel wonderful with your ideas.

A piece of glass sparkles more brilliantly than a piece of magnetic iron. There is no comparison as to the quality of attraction. This principle is applicable to human relations. It is a simple matter to attract people by superficial amenities, but to draw the blood and influence them to act, you must have the power of attraction within. A smile may win attention, but it takes the conscious power of ideas to obtain results. A hyena can smile, but when an employer wants something done, he does not employ a hyena. The moral is, do not spend all your time painting the outside of the house, but spend more time on the furnishings. It is here you can make people feel at home, and inspire them to do your own bidding.

Someone has said: "Praise is like a diamond. It derives its value from its scarcity."

Praise is one of the greatest motivating forces to attract people. In the Bible is a very vivid story that illustrates the great power of praise. Paul and Silas were unjustly accused, and were cast into prison with-out trial. It did not daunt their spirits. At midnight they prayed and sang praises to God. An earthquake came. The prison doors opened. Paul and Silas were free men.

In the physical world, there are two ways to expand things:

1. By pressure.

2. By heat.

To expand things elastic, like an automobile tire, air is blown into it or water is poured into it, and the force of pressure of either of these elements expands it.

The inherent pressure from within will expand things when heat is applied. Water is converted to steam, and the steam produces power. Metals are heated to a molten state, and while in this state they can be shaped to any form. Heat applied to coal releases rich gases, coal tar products for dyes, and other useful products, even nylon hosiery.

In the world of human relations, it is not possible to apply physical pressure or heat to individuals. An-other formula must be prescribed. The one formula that will aid you more than all others to expand and grow in your relationships with people is the heat of Praise.

Jesus taught and demonstrated Praise. Five thousand hungry people stood before him. Five loaves and two fishes were the only available food. What did he do? He did not complain. He did not grumble. He blessed the five loaves and two fishes. He thanked God for them. He praised them. The whole multitude was fed, and many baskets were left over.

As the father of four children, I endeavor at all times to praise their efforts in a spirit of true appreciation. It works. It seems to tap a hidden fountain within and makes them more eager and alert to accomplish.

It seems to be an inherent law that we increase whatever we praise. Creation expands to praise. Praise a dog and he is your friend. Praise children and they will glow with joy. Praise plants, flowers and trees and they will grow better. Praise your ability with gratitude and you increase the flow of intelligence.

Children like praise. Animals like praise, plants like praise, and so do you and I. A little sincere pat on the back increases good will and in many cases contributes to the success and happiness of others. Positive praise feelingly applied is an active prayer. Practice it.

Whatever we praise multiplies. If you are in need of supply, the best way to start the flow of additional supplies is to praise that which you have. If you want a better job and more pay, start praising the work you are doing. Those around you may seem unappreciative, but keep praising your situation and soon they will be thinking your way. You will be amazed how quickly things begin to turn your way.

William Law once wrote: "If anyone could tell you the shortest, surest way to all happiness and all perfection, he must tell you to thank and praise God for everything that happens to you. For it is certain that whatever seeming calamity happens to you, if you thank and praise God for it, you turn it into a blessing. Could you, therefore, work miracles, you could not do more for yourself than by this thankful spirit; for it turns all that it touches into happiness."

Praise magnifies the good qualities, and minimizes the bad ones--if any. Praise is a positive expression of appreciation. It is being glad over the accomplishments of others. It is something you can't buy. It must be earned, and shared by those who deserve it. It is more than fame and money. It is giving hearty and warm approval to a friend. It is letting him know that you are interested in his welfare. It breaks down barriers and lets you in on situations that would not otherwise be possible. Praise may be called the Great Liberator. Therefore, when anyone deserves or earns your approbation, by all means give it. You will encourage them and have a greater appreciation of your own qualities.

I like what Berton Braley says in "Do It Now."

If with pleasure you are viewing any work a man is doing,

If you like him or you love him, tell him now;

Don't withhold your approbation till the parson makes oration

As he lies with snowy lilies o'er his brow;

for, no matter how you shout it,

he won't really care about it,

He don't know how many teardrops you have shed;

If you think some praise is due him,

now's the time to pass it to him

for he cannot read his tombstone when he's dead!

People stop learning too soon. They reach the mature age of thirty and think they can learn no longer. Learn something new, formulate new ideas, develop new interests and generate new enthusiasm. In these you will find new zest, new courage and new inspiration to perfect your job. Ordinary things done in an extraordinary way attract more attention and create more interest than extraordinary things done in an ordinary way. It is not necessary to be an economic royalist to have stars in your crown, friends among your associates and money in your pocket.

Two of my good friends are Frederick Beckhusen and Karl Kaltenhauser. They are head masseurs at Young's Health Institute. Two finer characters could not be found. These two men know the names, characteristics, idiosyncrasies, and personal attributes of over three thousand men. Every member at Young's Health Institute loves and respects these men. Why? Because these men do ordinary things in an extraordinary way. They give their best willingly and cheerfully at all times. They are able to attract and get what they want.

Speaking of being too old to learn, take a lesson from Moses. According to the Bible, Moses was eighty years old when he started his great work. He led the Children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage, and incorporated the Ten Commandments through the inspiration and guidance of God. After forty years of stewardship, leading and directing the Israelites, we find Moses at the ripe young age of one hundred and twenty, with a clear eye and a steady hand.

In attracting people it is not wise to rely too much on education. Intelligence precedes education. Man had intelligence long before he acquired education. Education comes from the Latin word "educare," which means "to draw out." The whole process of education is to draw out and develop the latent abilities and to arrange them according to the standard of convention, that others may understand and benefit by them.

The human consciousness is a product of God. It is created and formed in harmony with order. Even though it is not recognized, law and order prevail in the human consciousness, and anyone skilled in the knowledge and understanding of human relations forms ideas on this hypothesis.

To have the maximum effect, any medium to exchange or to transmit thoughts and ideas must follow this principle. Order glorifies the principle of God, and harmonizes with the cosmic consciousness which operates throughout the Universe, and in the consciousness of man.

I can make as much sound on the piano as Iturbi.Iturbi, through science, knowledge and skill, arranges those sounds with the keys of the piano to form a sound pattern. This sound pattern harmonizes with the order of the Universe to produce the concord of sweet sound, which is music. This principle applies to ideas. To attract and influence they must be formed into a pattern with the right words, and arranged in harmony with order.

In the Universe, there is nothing supernatural. All things are governed by the immutable and unchangeable Law of God. God is Truth. Why? Because Truth is an established principle with no exceptions. All natural laws are principles of God.

The law of physics, the law of mathematics and the law of chemistry are, have been, and always will be Truths. All of these laws are an established principle with no exception. Two parts of hydrogen and one of oxygen made water before man wrote the chemical formula H2O. Two parts added to two more parts made four parts before man discovered mathematics. An apple was falling to the ground the day Newton discovered the Law of Gravitation. Electricity was available to light the Egyptian Pyramids, but the Egyptians did not know how to cut the lines of force, set up a magnetic field and use a dynamo to convert physical force into electrical energy. An airplane flown over Bethlehem the day Jesus was born would have been considered a miracle. Yet the principle of aerodynamics was as applicable then as it is now.

The Law of God is not based on chance. "Chance is a word void of sense and nothing can exist without cause," said Voltaire. So-called luck is based on chance. If what Voltaire says is true, then luck can play no part in obtaining results. Achievement must have a cause. Accomplishments are not pulled out of the air. They are the results attained by the application of ideas in well-formed plans, loaded with fact, meaning and feeling centered around the needs of people conforming to the Law of God, which is the principle of Good.

Another thought that will help you to attract and get what you want is to recognize and realize that all branches of knowledge teach relationship. Everything in the Universe is related. To be conscious of this fact and demonstrate it with kindness and appreciation toward all things is to have all the forces of the Universe co-operating with you. Man can multiply two by two, or he can divide two into two from now until the end of time. This proves that man is a part of the infinite, and also is a part of the infinitesimal. I know that I am a part of everything in the Universe, and that everything in the Universe is a part of me. I work on this principle. Feeling that I am a unit in the Universe and a citizen of the world brings me in contact with harmony and unity. I am at home in the kitchen or the drawing room. Man worries because he does not know. Man dreads because he does not understand. Man fails because he does not think.

When you love God, you love Good, and this establishes order in your relationships that produces unity and that which you do is done with certainty and harmony. This is Peace of Mind.

"Know ye the Truth and the Truth shall make you free." In all your relations, endeavor to discover what is true, and practice what is good. Believe in yourself, and acquire the habits that will make you believe in yourself. Act as if it were impossible to fail. Keep active.

Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration. Geniuses are only people who keep busy in the perfection of a science or an art.

The heights by great men reached and kept

Were not attained by sudden flight.

But they, while their companions slept,

Were toiling upward in the night.

Remember these few precepts.

(1) Get the attitude of success, think and feel it. A flower girl of London looked like a duchess, thought like a duchess, talked like a duchess, acted like a duchess, and soon became a duchess in the play "Pygmalion."

(2) Operate scientifically. Know all the facts. No business is good enough for a man to spend a day in, but any business is good enough for him to spend a lifetime in. The road to perfection is not crowded.

(3) An automobile performs better in high gear, so does your personality. Throw it in gear and go places and do things.

(4) Be cheerful. Smile, but do not depend upon it for an increase in salary.

(5) Keep flexible. Changes are taking place with lightning rapidity. Learn to adapt yourself quickly to conditions and adjust yourself gracefully to people.

(6) Study people, find out what they like, and make plans to supply them.

(7) Exercise tact and diplomacy. Feel your way along. It is better to get there whole than in parts.

(8) Agree with thine adversary quickly. The storm does not last very long.

(9) Be forgiving. Next time it may be on you.

(10) Speak softly. Arrogance and impudence have their reward.

(11) Be dependable. If you make an appointment or an agreement, keep it. Let your word be your bond.

(12) Think, then act, and you will not grow weary acting. The more you think, the less work you have to do.

(13) Be a friend. The only way to have a friend is to be one. Execute all your ideas with a humble and friendly spirit.

(14) If you feel the symptoms of self-importance, and a slight attack of big-headedness coming on, take this antidote. "Think of all things that have been done, all things that are being done, and all things that will be done, even without you and me."

Keep planting ideas. Some will fall upon stony hearts, some will fall upon marble domes, but some will fall upon fertile brains and will bring forth some thirty, some sixty and some even a hundred fold of good results. The Law of Averages is a very exacting law. It requires that you plant ideas, but it never fails to justly reward you. When you have earned something, nothing in the Universe will keep you from getting it.

You can attract and get what you want by simply believing in your ideas. They are the substance of things you want, and if you have faith in them, the substance of the ideas become the evidence of the things you wanted. Every successful achievement has followed this principle.

In this chapter I have revealed to you the psychological attributes and the spiritual qualities that enable you to attract people, and impel them to be conscious of your ideas. Ideas that conform to a pattern are like music to the ear, they inspire confidence and motivate action by virtue of their own power. They are the very essence of business. They are irresistible. People feel about them the way you feel. You can build and create ideas around the needs of others that will attract attention, stimulate the imagination, wake up the slumbering interest, electrify the latent desires, incite the feeling and move people to action. Your ability to attract and get what you want in your-self does lie. Use it and results will follow as the night the day.

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