
The Law of Gender

This law embodies the Truth that gender is manifested in everything - the masculine and feminine law is ever at work on all planes of causation. Gender manifests on all three planes of causation which are the great spiritual plane, the great mental plane, and the great physical plane. The law is always the same on all planes, but on the higher planes, it takes higher forms of manifestation. This law works in the direction of generation, regeneration, and creation. All life forms contain the two elements of gender - masculine and feminine. On the great physical plane, the sexes of all species are manifested as male and female and the role they play in sexual reproduction.

On the great mental plane, gender manifests as masculine and feminine energies that exist within each and every person. Every male has its female element, and every female has its male element. On the great spiritual plane, gender manifests as the Father-Mother principle of the Infinite Omnipresent God in whose mind the universe is conceived and firmly held. It is written, "We all live, move, and have our being within God. When balance and learning reach a critical mass, the personality achieves the merger of God, and see self as neither male or female, but as one blended self.


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