'With first-chapter allusions to martial arts, "flow", "mind like water", and other concepts borrowed from the East, you'd almost think this self-helper from David Allen should have been called Zen and the Art of Schedule Maintenance. Not quite. Yes, Getting Things Done offers a complete system for downloading all those free-floating gotta dos clogging your brain into a sophisticated framework of files and action lists all purportedly to free your mind to focus on whatever you're working on. However, it still operates from the decidedly Western notion that if we could just get really, really organised, we could turn ourselves into 24/7 productivity machines. As whole-life organizing systems go, Allen's is pretty good, even fun and therapeutic.
It starts with the exhortation to take every unaccounted for scrap of paper in your workstation that you can't junk. The next step is to write down every unaccounted-for gotta do cramming your head onto its own scrap of paper. Finally, throw the whole stew into a giant "in-basket".
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