Money Management

Money management offers a tour of research on the science of spending, explaining how you can get more money.

Information of the Ages

Learn wisdom from extra-ordinary leaders of the ages.

Business Guide

Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends. Walt Disney


Read a Passage in an Inspirational Text

What kind of crisis are you facing — financial, medical or health, spiritual, educational, or relationship? Whatever it is, you can bet that others have faced similar situations. Life beats up on everyone from time to time. If you don't want to reach out to a trusted friend or professional, find hope, optimism, and perhaps a path out of your situation in the stories of others. For example, if your spouse needs an organ transplant, read the stories of patients who have already been through that ordeal. Draw inspiration, relief, hope, and a sense of renewal from your reading.


Give an Elderly Person Your Seat on Public Transportation

Be a good person. Get up, and with a smile, offer your seat on the bus, train, or subway to an elderly individual. It's the right thing to do. Think of the good karma you are generating. Old people are not as stable on their feet as they were in their youth. Vacate your seat and allow them the safety of sitting instead of holding onto a rail or strap over their heads, something you might easily do. You'll feel good just knowing that you showed an act of kindness to another. And you are a better person for having done it.

Buy Yourself a Home

Recent changes in the housing market have made it possible for many people to purchase their first home. It's a huge decision and one that requires careful consideration. You may want to consult a trusted real estate agent or bank loan officer to get all the facts and to help you understand the process. There are many advantages to owning your own home, not the least of which is having a place of belonging where you can build your life and even start your family, if you haven't already. There are tax advantages to owning your own home, and the best news is that there are huge numbers of homes on the market today and many are much more affordable than they were just a year or two ago. If owning your own place will make you happy, now might be the right time to check into it.


Generously Tip Hotel, Motel, and Housekeepers

No one enjoys picking up dirty, wet towels and cleaning sinks and showers of soap scum, whiskers, and hair. When you are working out the budget for your trip, try to include tips for the household workers who keep your home away from home clean, sanitary, and fresh. Housekeepers and motel workers make very little money, yet their work, in addition to being tedious and dirty, is often thankless. Your generous tip will help them better provide for their families and tells them that you have appreciated their work. And you can feel happier knowing that your act may change the ugly American perception by some foreigners to a view that Americans are friendly, caring, and generous.


Three Times a Day Visualize Achieving a Personal Goal

What's your primary personal goal? Is it to lose weight, spend less, or earn more money? Whatever it is, write out an affirmation for achieving it. For example: From now on at mealtimes I will eat one-third less than my usual serving of food, and I will walk for a half-hour each weekday. Try to keep your affirmation succinct and to the point. That way, it will be easy to recall, and repeat it at least three times during the day. The more specific your affirmation, the more effective it will be in helping you attain your goal.


Ask Someone You Admire to Share Her Success Story

Whenever you meet someone who has successfully followed and manifested her dream, ask her to tell you about her personal journey. Unless you already know everything there is to know about becoming successful and turning your dreams into reality, you can learn a great deal from others. Perhaps there are pitfalls and minefields you can avoid that someone else has already gone through. Be open to suggestions, insights, caveats, and the counsel of successful people. Most likely, they were once in your shoes, embarking upon a path toward their dreams and hoping to achieve success.


Schedule Thirty Minutes Each Day to Work on Your Dream

Isn't your dream worth thirty minutes of your time? If you think you can't squeeze thirty minutes out of a twenty-four-hour day, think again. How long do you spend in the shower or shaving or putting on makeup? How long is the prep for dinner? Use snatches of time here and there if you can't find a block of thirty minutes. The point is to work on lifting that dream out of the wish state and pulling it into manifestation in your life as soon as you can. Yoke your dream to your will, intent, and action and then give yourself a pat on the back for drawing your dream into physical reality.


Take a Sauna or Steam Bath

If you believe that time spent in a sauna or steam bath is healthy because sweating releases unwanted material from the body and improves circulation, you are correct. Make sure that you are in good health by checking with your physician before stepping into a sauna or steam room. Also, it's important to drink lots of water to replace what you lose from perspiration. Taking a sauna or steam bath can eliminate toxins and excess sodium, relax tense and sore muscles, and enable you to relax into your happy place.


Carry a Bag for Someone Who Needs Help

Come to the aid of someone struggling with her luggage. Maybe she's trying to get it on the tram to the airport and you are going her way. Or, perhaps your traveling buddy is headed back from the local flea market with his rented bike overloaded with bags. You could take one and lighten his load. Or, you see a little old Greek lady crossing the street after buying her groceries and the handle on one of her bags breaks. Don't wait for someone else to rush over and help her. You do it. And put a smile on your face. Little old Greek ladies deserve as much.


Be Fearless

Be courageous in your decision-making. Stand by your choices and never look back.

Be fearless in your decision-making. Unless you have a crystal ball, you can’t know what the future holds. You can only make the best decision for you, right now, based on the things you know today.

The only wrong decision is indecision, so consider your options, make a choice and then make it work.


Establish Attainable Goals

When you have decided that success is possible and have worked on your inner game (that is, being able to think of yourself as successful), then it's time to establish some modest, attainable goals. Reaching for too much too soon might render disappointment if you aren't immediately successful. Starting out with some attainable goals will increase your confidence and inspire you to even greater accomplishments.


Give Your Dream Some Rocket Power

A dream needs a powerful push to move into manifestation. You give it that power by making your dream as clear as possible in your mind, turning it into a specific goal or goals, putting the goals into a time line, and knowing what the culmination of that dream looks like. For example, you wish you could leave your indoor office job and find some kind of work in nature, possibly landscaping, or overseeing the care and security of a park. Get more specific. Working at a wildlife rescue center is quite different than that of caring for the horses at an equine therapy center. Clipping spent flowers from rose bushes at a community garden is different from enforcing the rules governing the use of a local park. St. Augustine, in the fifth century, offered the following sage advice, “Pray as if everything depended upon God and act as if everything depended upon you.” Ignatius Loyola changed the word “act” to “work.” The point is that belief, actions, and work are all necessary to push forth a dream from the idea realm into manifestation.


Get at Least Eight Hours of Sleep Each Night

If you want to wake up happy with a hopeful, positive outlook, get adequate sleep. Your body needs it. Without sufficient sleep, sleep researchers say, your mental function becomes impaired. Certain regulatory systems and important organs continue their vital work while you sleep. Researchers have been able to pinpoint parts of the brain that actually increase their activities when subjects are asleep. Inadequate sleep has serious consequences. For example, it can negatively impact your daytime performance, causing lower levels of energy and duller thinking. Adequate sleep, however, enables you to wake up refreshed, energized, and in a good mood.


The Law of Chemical Affinity

This law governs the soul aspect in the mineral kingdom. It concerns the marriage of the atoms, and the romance of the elements. It serves to perpetuate the life of the mineral kingdom and to preserve its integrity. It is the cause of the immetalisation of the Monad.


The Law of Balance

This is elaboration and continuation of the law of equalities. The law of balance is a universal law that supersedes all of man's laws, creating stability for all third dimension manifestation. Each thought must be balanced by whomever creates it. This is divine wisdom. Allow all viewpoints without feeling you must defend your own. Allow no one to tell you what your journey must reflect or what your reality is. Do not give your power away so easily, but give your love unconditionally. Any messages communicated in love validates equality. Low self esteem is just as non productive as a puffed up sense of self esteem. They both deny equality. Another manifestation of the imbalance of this law is addiction.


The Law of Challenge

We have the right to ask of another his or her intent, identity, and whatever pertinent information we feel we require when encountering a disembodied being. Those who come to us in the roll of information givers to channelers don't mind being challenged. Ask the entity your questions three times (using the same words each time) and you will be given the correct information.


The Law of Will Power.

This law concerns the individual drive within a soul extension/personality which is projected from the complete entity. The individual developing soul extension differs in degree of will power from its other entity extensions/soul family members. Depending on the conditions of an incarnational experience and the incoming will of this extension, the personality can possess a drive to accomplish something that may seem overwhelming to others in the soul family and/or other incarnational personalities (friends). This law depicts the right and condition of each personality or soul extension to generate it's own degree of will power.


Always Do Your Best

The most important commitment you will ever make is to being the best you can be.

When you wake up each morning, make a conscious decision to be the best you can be.

If you make this commitment before you do anything else, it will inform the rest of your actions for the day and guarantee that you give nothing less than your best.


Be Generous

Recognise how much you have to give.

When you have things pulling you in different directions, it’s easy to become selfish in your perspective.

Instead of focusing on everything you want or need, focus your attention today on what you could do or give to someone else.


Be Grateful

The only way to get an understanding of the true wealth in your life is to acknowledge all the things you have to be grateful for.

Start your day by acknowledging the things in your life that you are truly grateful for.  Hold this sense of gratitude close to your heart and as your day unfolds, remind yourself that no matter what happens you really are fortunate.


Overcome Your Obstacles

Just because there is an obstacle in your path, that doesn't mean you have to get off the road.

It won’t always be easy to get what you want from life, but just because something doesn't come to you quickly, doesn't mean you need to give up. If you find an obstacle in your path today, put your mind to it and find a way over, under or around it.


Let Go of Your Limits

If you believe in yourself, anything and everything is possible.

Make the decision today to believe in yourself – unconditionally. Listen to your inner dialogue and banish any limiting beliefs or doubts that could prevent this from becoming your reality.


Give Yourself An ‘A’

Perfection is impossible. Expecting the best from yourself isn’t about trying to be perfect; it’s about striving to be the best you can be.

If you find yourself stressing over the little details today, trying to make things perfect, remind yourself that if you were in school, getting something eighty per cent right would still get you an ‘A’.

It’s okay to strive for an ‘A+’ but don’t exhaust yourself trying to achieve a perfect score.


Enjoy the Life You Have

It’s okay to aspire to a better life, but don’t let it stop you from enjoying the life you already have.

Take a few minutes today to picture your life through the eyes of a stranger. If someone who wasn’t from your world discovered your life, what would they think? Although there may be things you still want to achieve or aspire to, chances are the life you are living is already pretty good.

Create a Manifestation Board for Your Dream

A sheet of poster paper or foam board will serve as a board on which you can paste images, inspirational words, goals, and dates for accomplishing goals as well as ideas of new directions to take your dream. Maybe you want to find a way to help your children's school establish a theatrical group or an arts program. Perhaps you are an artist and can guide children in making masks, costumes, stage sets, and the like. Cut pictures of those images from magazines and put them on your board. Do you know other parents or artist friends and teachers who could help you launch such a program? Write their names on your board. Check them off as you call and make your pitch. You'll soon learn that a dream doesn't have to be a solo dream; it can come about through a team working together on a commonly held vision.


Decide Who You Want To Be

The only thing you have total control over is who you choose to be. Be the best you can be.

Start each day with a very clear intention of the kind of person you want to be.

Decide where you want to spend your time, what you want to devote your energy to and how will you communicate with the people around you. Then go out there and be that person.


Choose To Be Happy

Choose to be happy. It’s the only sensible option.

Start each day with the simple mantra ‘It’s good to be alive’. No matter what happens today, keep this simple but powerful message close to your heart and at to the top of your mind.


Trust Yourself

Don’t rely on the opinions of others. Only you will know what is right for you.

Instead of looking for feedback and approval from other people, learn to trust in your own judgement and intuition.

Deep down, you know the right answers to whatever it is you are facing. Today make a point of asking the right questions.

Motivate Yourself

Identify your driving motivation and you will have all the encouragement you need.

If you want to get something done today, don’t think about all the reasons why you ‘should’ be doing it.

If you really want to motivate yourself, think about how great you’re going to feel when it’s done.


Show Your Love

Give the people you love the best of yourself, not the worst.

It’s easy to take the most important people in your life for granted, leaving them at the bottom of your to-do list.

At the end of your life, the people whom you’ve loved and who have loved you will prove to be one of your greatest sources of happiness. Make the commitment today to give them the time they deserve.


Set Yourself Free

Sometimes you have to risk or give up some of your financial wealth to have a richer life.

Don’t allow attachment to money or wealth hinder your choices or constrain your options.

If you find yourself thinking that there is some part of your life you would like to change if only you could afford to, remind yourself today that money should buy you freedom, not chain you to a life you don’t really want.


Don’t Make Excuses

There is nothing wrong with deciding that you don’t want something, but if you do want it, go out and get it!

There is a big difference between quitting and walking away. If you feel like something you have been working towards is no longer aligned with your values or going to meet your needs, feel free to walk away. But if all you are really feeling is that things are a little tough today, don’t let that become your excuse to quit.


Believe In Your Dreams

When someone else doesn't believe in you or your dreams, remember it’s about them, not you.

If you find that someone you are talking to today criticises your ideas or pricks your balloon in some way, don’t let it deflate you.

Not everyone has the courage or confidence to live their best life, but don’t let their lack of self-belief undermine yours.


Focus On What You Have

Nobody’s life is perfect. Rather than wishing for things you don’t have, make the most of the things you do have.

In our materialistic world, it’s easy to fall into the habit of constantly focusing on the things that you wish you had.

Every time you find yourself thinking ‘I want’ today, challenge yourself to replace that thought with ‘I have’, and acknowledge the things that are already yours.

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