Count to ten and tell your friend that you're breaking the gossip habit. Counting is one of those techniques you can use to manage a behavior that you choose to avoid. It's a powerful technique in anger management and can also be used when you don't wish to gossip. Malicious gossip is mean, and some experts declare it nothing less than a form of bullying. Step back, count to ten, and remove yourself from the gossip clique. Don't take part in the mudslinging. Feel happy knowing that you didn't and your friend might see the error of it as well. Finding things to praise about others inspires people to feel happy whereas gossiping does just the opposite.
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Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends. Walt Disney
The Law of Spiritual Awakening
A basic level of self-control and stability is required to maintain the degree of effort required for the awakening of other states of awareness. Because such awakening brings with it higher forms of perception and power, self-centered misuse of the greater perception and power bears proportionally graver karmic consequence. Spiritual Awakening brings with it the need for moral impeccability.
Keep Your Promises to Others
One way to spread happiness is to keep your promises. Just as you see someone who is faithful to her word as trustworthy, so your friends, family, and business colleagues will also trust you when you hold to the truth. In this age of spin, when facts get altered in ways to deliberately mislead people and to further ideological agendas, let your truth be absolute. It isn't always easy to align your feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and spoken words so that no one questions your truthfulness or integrity. Gandhi used truth as his nonviolent weapon against adversaries. No one questioned his truthfulness or whether he could keep his promises to others. Imagine the happiness of millions of Indians when his Quit India movement secured their freedom from the British
The Law of Time.
The only moment we have is now. This is where we create. What we have done is done and that moment in history exists only as a record or energy trace in time and space. The consequences of past actions are atoned through karma, and can be rewritten to a degree. The FUTURE only ever happens in and from the present tense and is built of today's thoughts, dressed by emotion and driven by action. Activity is the key. Third dimension living has more rigid structure of time than fourth dimension existence. There are those who can slip into 'no time' but these are people who have raised their personal vibration (demonstrating many virtues, dispensed a great deal of karma and much killing of the ego) and accessed the information to create the ability. Third dimension linear time was created for those living under this veil of forgetfulness to center in the moment and perceive a sense of order without the remembrance of burdens of past lives.
The Law of Spiritual Approach
This law depicts the conscious act of a personality to create with its every thought, word and deed the ability to be the reflection of its god self. Every action is a prayer to the Creator of All. When this is done with success, the personality becomes a mirror or reflection of the god self for others to learn from and emulate. This is a walking, talking example of becoming our higher self.
The Law of Surrender
Because people so cherish the self, surrendering is a very frightening experience. A person may experience the surrender as a leap into an abyss or as death. This may be perceived because s/he has not yet attained a complete trust and faith in God, the complete assurance that once the self is abandoned, the being automatically merges with a higher stage of existence which is necessarily ready and waiting to accept it. There is no chance for the process not to function. At the instant of surrender, the entire being of the individual merges into the specific higher manifestation of reality that it is in relation to at that point in its development. God streams into the soul that has managed to negate the self. This is the surrender of the idea of I.
Think of Three Things You Can Do to Make the World a Better Place
Think of three things you can do that don't cost money but that can benefit the world. You could pick up trash along your daily walk. With the rain forest disappearing at an alarming rate, you could plant a tree or two. Recycle, if you don't already. Hold open a door for a mother with a small child and a stroller. Give a laborer a fresh bottle of water when he's working up a sweat. Implement as many ideas as you can and feel the joy of knowing that you are truly making the world a better place, one selfless action at a time.
Give a Book to a Friend to Motivate or Inspire Him
If you know someone who can't seem to get going, is a little down, or has lost interest in things that used to excite him, give him a book that you have found inspiring or motivational. Talk with that individual about the reasons that life is no longer happy and fulfilling for him. See if you can find out what precipitated the loss of interest. Perhaps that person needs more than a book; it might be necessary to suggest that he seek professional counseling if he's depressed. Ask yourself what you might do to help him get interested in life again. Would a motivational support group help him? Would he like to attend church, temple, or a meditation group with you? Is he burned out from work and does he need a weekend or longer away? If so, invite him to join you for some rest and relaxation, a vision quest, or a spa getaway. Just as you might during dark times in your life welcome a shoulder to cry on, a helping hand to lift you, or someone to walk with you when you feel alone, your friend may need that from you now.
The Law of Vibration
One of the seven laws of our solar system, under the three major laws. This is the basis of manifestation, starting on the first plane, the beginning of the work of the Logos. This is the atomic law of the system, in the same sense that on each of our planes the first subplane is the atomic plane. Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. This is the law of progress, of movement and of rotation. This Principle explains that the differences between manifestations of matter, energy, mind and spirit, result largely from varying rates in vibration. All that exists, is in constant vibration and motion.
Atoms always vibrate with such great rapidity that they seem motionless to the physical eye. At the other end of the scale are things that vibrate so slowly that they also appear to be motionless or non-existent. In between are the various vibrations of living entities which range from consciousness all the way down to the lowly dust particle that plays an important role in the food chain. Still there are things even lower then dust. If we were to follow the scale of life all the way down to the utmost regions of the negative pole (undifferentiated matter), we again would find ourselves in the realm of spirit - the Alpha, and the Omega. All that is, begins in spirit and ends in spirit completing a single cycle of evolution that will be repeated countless numbers of times through eternity.
Atoms always vibrate with such great rapidity that they seem motionless to the physical eye. At the other end of the scale are things that vibrate so slowly that they also appear to be motionless or non-existent. In between are the various vibrations of living entities which range from consciousness all the way down to the lowly dust particle that plays an important role in the food chain. Still there are things even lower then dust. If we were to follow the scale of life all the way down to the utmost regions of the negative pole (undifferentiated matter), we again would find ourselves in the realm of spirit - the Alpha, and the Omega. All that is, begins in spirit and ends in spirit completing a single cycle of evolution that will be repeated countless numbers of times through eternity.
Suggest Three Goals to Help a Family
Member Strive to Be the Best Perhaps your ten-year-old son struggles to keep up with his peers in math, your younger sister has body-image issues, or your spouse recently was denied that promotion he was promised. Let them grapple with their issues but be their cheerleader. Remind them that there are good alternatives to blaming or feeling self-pity. Point out what is truly unique and special in them. During times when loved ones are down, you can cheer them on to success. In a frank and loving discussion, help them figure out three goals that will enable them to be better at what they aspire to do and to also have a healthier self-image.
Inspire a Negative Person to Think Positively
If you have a family member or friend who is always negative, try to understand why he interprets everything in the worst possible light. Show him a more positive way of viewing the world. For example, maybe your husband is complaining that his daughter wrote on his Father's Day card that she loved him, but also asked why was he always so negative. Empathize with his hurt feelings first, and then try to discuss (without judging) how his personal views are affecting his relationships with her (and maybe everyone else). Work out a plan that you can implement together to help him develop a more positive take on things.
Interview Happy People for an Article That Shares Their Tips
When you meet people who are positive-thinking and content with their lives, ask them what makes them feel that way. Ask them if you can interview them as part of the research effort you are doing for an article about happy people. Pose questions in a way that will draw out their answers — not simply as yes or no — but rather as long and thoughtful responses. Encourage them to share their tips for cultivating a happy life. Then, work up a short article about what you've learned and see if you can get your local newspaper or neighborhood flyer to print it.
Speak Thoughtful and Caring Words or Don't Speak at All
With a little effort, you can retrain your impulse to blurt out commonly used negative words and phrases in your speech in favor of using positive words that are carefully chosen and thoughtfully offered. For example, phrases like, “there's always room for improvement,” “I've seen better from you,” or “good enough, but no cigar” are not helpful and, in fact, suggest that someone's actions or thoughts have come up short and don't meet your expectations. You don't want to hear that kind of response, so stop when the impulse arises to say it. Consider positive, helpful feedback and comments. Speak honestly but caringly so as to inspire greatness from others and generate happiness during the process.
Ask Five Colleagues to Help You Sponsor a Single Mom's Education
Your efforts to get others to help you sponsor a single mother's college education could make a huge difference in her quality of life and in the lives of the children she is raising alone. For a single mom, getting a degree or professional certificate may seem impossible, a fantasy. Many single mothers work multiple jobs just to feed and clothe their brood. Often they live paycheck to paycheck and hope they don't get sick. Yet they frequently catch the colds and illnesses that go around because their fatigue and stress reduces the ability of their immune systems to fight off such opportunistic infections. Many do not have health insurance. Research supports the idea that higher education for single mothers benefits society. You don't have to do it alone; ask five business colleagues or friends to join your effort.
The Law of Telepathy
The will, projected from the point between the eyebrows, is known as the broadcasting apparatus of thought. When the feeling is calmly concentrated on the heart, it acts as a mental radio, and can receive the messages of others from far or near. In telepathy the fine vibrations of thoughts in one person's mind are transmitted through the subtle vibrations of astral ether and then through the grosser earthly ether, creating electrical waves which, in turn, translate themselves into thought waves in the mind of another person.
The Law of Rhythm
Everything flows, out and in; everything has its' tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.
This principle, on the Physical Plane, is the most visible of all principles and its power is observed within the forces of nature which move the waves and tides of our oceans and the continuous changes of the seasons. It is observed in the continuous cycles of life, death, and the rebirth of all things, a rise and fall of governments and nations, a constant creation and destruction of suns, worlds, and galaxies. On the plane of energy it is observed in the behavior of the alternating current wave of electricity, light, and heat as it vibrates between the positive and negative pole. Rhythm on the mental plane is experienced as the wide mood swings displayed in human nature. It can be experienced as extreme happiness, and then swing to extreme sadness - from a gentle behavior to an extremely violent behavior at the blink of an eye. Rhythm is the law of compensation and maintains the equilibrium in all things.
It returns to us what we measure out in life. The return swing of the pendulum is assured without fail and there is no escape from the effects of this immutable law. This law holds us true to what we believe, or not believe, and compensates us accordingly. All of nature follows this law. Rhythm perpetuates the phenomenon of time. The pendulum-like swing of rhythm is immutable and we can only counteract its backward swing by mentally polarizing ourselves in a desirable position on the scale of life. It requires a dedicated personal commitment to cultivate the unknown within all of us in order to cause a quantum leap in the evolutionary process of life with all its aches and pains. This is a mental art that is known to hierophants, adepts, and masters of all ages. We will fulfill the law one way or another. Either use the law to our advantage, or become its subject. The door of universal law swings in all directions.
The final result depends what we have chosen to believe and whether or not our belief system allows us to see the truth as it really is. If we do not want to know or do not care, then we will evolve through the standard process of evolution. Nothing can, or is allowed to stand still. All manifestation is the result of active energy producing certain results, and expenditure of energy in any one direction will necessitate an equal expenditure in an opposite direction.
This principle, on the Physical Plane, is the most visible of all principles and its power is observed within the forces of nature which move the waves and tides of our oceans and the continuous changes of the seasons. It is observed in the continuous cycles of life, death, and the rebirth of all things, a rise and fall of governments and nations, a constant creation and destruction of suns, worlds, and galaxies. On the plane of energy it is observed in the behavior of the alternating current wave of electricity, light, and heat as it vibrates between the positive and negative pole. Rhythm on the mental plane is experienced as the wide mood swings displayed in human nature. It can be experienced as extreme happiness, and then swing to extreme sadness - from a gentle behavior to an extremely violent behavior at the blink of an eye. Rhythm is the law of compensation and maintains the equilibrium in all things.
It returns to us what we measure out in life. The return swing of the pendulum is assured without fail and there is no escape from the effects of this immutable law. This law holds us true to what we believe, or not believe, and compensates us accordingly. All of nature follows this law. Rhythm perpetuates the phenomenon of time. The pendulum-like swing of rhythm is immutable and we can only counteract its backward swing by mentally polarizing ourselves in a desirable position on the scale of life. It requires a dedicated personal commitment to cultivate the unknown within all of us in order to cause a quantum leap in the evolutionary process of life with all its aches and pains. This is a mental art that is known to hierophants, adepts, and masters of all ages. We will fulfill the law one way or another. Either use the law to our advantage, or become its subject. The door of universal law swings in all directions.
The final result depends what we have chosen to believe and whether or not our belief system allows us to see the truth as it really is. If we do not want to know or do not care, then we will evolve through the standard process of evolution. Nothing can, or is allowed to stand still. All manifestation is the result of active energy producing certain results, and expenditure of energy in any one direction will necessitate an equal expenditure in an opposite direction.
The Law of Sex
This is the term applied to the force which brings about the physical merging of the two poles in connection with the animal kingdom, and of man, viewing him as responsive to the call of his/her animal nature. It concerns itself with the due guarding of the form in this particular cycle and its perpetuation. It is only powerful during the period of the duality of the sexes and their separation and, in the case of man, will be offset by a higher expression of the law when man is again androgynous.
The Law of Repulse.
This is also known as the law of all destroying angels, and its symbol is an angel with a flaming sword, turning in all directions. It is the Angel guarding the treasure, driving man forth in search of another way of entrance, thus forcing him through the cycle of rebirth until he finds the portal of initiation. The ray energy is rejecting energy of 1st ray, the dispersing factor.
Join an Organization That Works to Secure World Peace
In light of the armed military conflicts being waged in hot spots throughout the world, peace seems like a complicated issue. Yet, some would say that peace begins with you, the individual. Exemplars of peace include the spiritual leaders like Buddha and Jesus and social reformers and pacifists like Mohandas K. Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., among others. All were visionaries who rallied others around them through their ideas of love, compassion, and harmony. Achieving peace, it seems, will take individuals in great numbers to stand up for and demand peace as a fundamental human right. The Dalai Lama said that peace has to begin first with each person finding inner peace. Join those who believe that, as citizens of the global community, peace is pre-eminently important. Work for a culture of peace and happiness, not just for the few but for everyone, everywhere.
Listen to Audio Books by Financial Experts During Your Commute
What do you do during your commute other than drive? Talk on your cell? Think about your troubles? Curse at the long line of cars ahead or the guy who just cut you off? Do something productive when you are forced to sit in traffic. Buy some audio books about finance. Or choose audio titles in other areas of your business. Maybe there's an industry topic that you want to know more about or a new language you'd like to learn for a new market you want to tap. You have to be on that road twice a day, so instead of letting all that time go to waste, use the time in ways that can return dividends in your career or business. You may find yourself looking forward to that commute.
Close Your Eyes and Imagine that You Are a Magnet for Money
Practitioners of the universal law of attraction say that what you think about most is what you attract into your life. Instead of worrying about money, think of yourself as a money magnet. Yoke your willpower and actions to your positive thinking. Believe that money from various sources (known and unknown) is flowing to you. Don't discount any of the myriad ways it might arrive including checks in the mail, found money, gifts, inheritances, rebates and coupons, refunds, dividends, and donations.
Mentally Affirm Two Ways Life May Become Better
Your boyfriend walks out on you. Your dog dies. Your new Camry is totaled by a tree limb. Your boss announces layoffs and your name is first on his list. Some days, it seems that nothing goes right. But remember what Alexander Graham Bell said about doors: one closes and another opens but you don't often see those that open because you are staring regretfully for so long at the ones that are closed. Change is certain, and things can and do get better. Think of two ways that change could happen in positive ways for your life. Expect to be happily surprised when you stop staring at the closed doors and see the new ones opening: a new man walks into your life … with dogs. Your new job comes with a car. Life is good and you are on top of the world. Relish the thought.
Sign Up for a Wealth Seminar
Wealth begins as a state of mind. You must want it and be willing to work toward having it. Even if you don't have any discretionary income to put to work earning money, at least invest some time in a class to begin to learn about how you can build wealth. Some of the wealthiest people in American history were once poor, hard-working immigrants with little to show for their daily endeavors. Many even faced discrimination. But they had big dreams and didn't let their situation stop them from building great wealth. A wealth seminar could be just what you need to get started working on your own stash of cash.
Release the Tension
You've dealt with crisis. When it concluded, did you breathe a deep sigh of relief? Whether the crisis you faced took hours, days, weeks, or months to resolve, it probably wasn't something that inspired happiness. But that doesn't mean the next time you must deal with a crisis that you can't find a single moment of happiness during the period that the crisis spans. Perhaps it's the moment when finally you can release the tension you've held in your body and mind. Or, maybe it's the moment when you realize the ordeal is finally over and the outcome is better than you thought it would be. Whatever stage of the crisis you find yourself in, seek out that special place inside yourself where you can feel peace and joy at the miracle of being alive and out of harm's way. Breathe deeply. Let go of the tension. Just be present in that moment and stretch it out.
Spread Happiness Through E-mail
When you find a happiness quote that you love, put it at the bottom of your e-mail so it will be read by everyone you correspond with throughout your day. Also, when you happen upon funny pictures, hilarious stories, jokes, quips, and quotes that brighten your day, spread the good feelings to everyone in your e-mail address book. If your e-mail recipients are having a bad day, your dose of optimism, humor, and happiness may be just what they need to start giggling and get back into their joyful groove.
Learn to Adapt to Change in a Crisis
Change is inherent in every crisis, whether personal, societal, environmental, political, global, or some other type. You'll manage the crises of your life better if you learn to not only adapt to change but to search for the gains (rather than the losses) from each one. By focusing on and finding the profit in a crisis, you are more likely to experience positive emotions, such as openness, compassion, love, and hope, and fewer of the negative emotions, such as fear, apprehension, sadness, and anger that accompany many crisis events.
Spend an Hour Listening to Someone
Discuss Life's Struggles If you know an individual who is going through difficult times or who lives alone without much social contact, donate an hour of your free time to listen to her talk about life and the difficulties she faces. Humans need social contact, but not everyone's life circumstances allows for such interaction. Your company, even for an hour, can raise someone's spirits. Your time of listening can mean a lot to someone who believes there is no one in the world who cares if she lives or dies. You don't have to solve her problems, but just be a supportive and sympathetic listener. Your company might enable her to relieve some of the pressure she feels in her ongoing life struggles. You take brightness into her life through the generosity of your time and thoughtfulness.
Volunteer Cook at a Children's Summer Camp
Put your cooking skills to good use preparing food for children at a summer camp. Children need good nutrition to keep them active, healthy, and happy. Unlike a meal thrown together when you are angry or upset, the food you prepare when you feel a sense of well-being, happiness, and love is infused with good vibrations according to yoga practitioners. So cook up something kids will love and serve it to them with a smile. You already know that kids laugh a lot, so a smile or a snicker could be enough to spread the cheer all the way down the serving line.
Notice One Thing Each Day That Gives You Pleasure
In spite of the negative circumstances you may be dealing with, find little moments throughout the day to notice the things that, under ordinary circumstances, give you pleasure. For example, take time to appreciate the view of the neighbor's yellow roses that have just burst into bloom, the taste of a perfectly ripe sweet apple, the sound of classical music as the CD plays on your laptop, the painting you bought in Paris that hangs in your office, the feel of your favorite loafers, or the warmth and smallness of your child's hand in yours. Savor the gifts of sight, sense, taste, touch, and smell. They are working even as you deal with crisis. Take comfort in simply noticing the blessings in the small things and short moments throughout the day.
Think of One Thing You Need to Stay Strong and Focused
Think about what you would need to be grounded and focused if a crisis were to show up in your life five minutes from now. What could instantly calm you and help you deal with a rise in possibly negative emotions? Would a whiff of sandalwood help? How about a shot of brandy? Would fingering your prayer beads or finding a place of absolute silence where you could think and pray work best? A crisis can arise suddenly and without warning. Whether it's an emergency, a cataclysmic natural disaster, or a financial catastrophe, a crisis often requires you to figure something out fairly quickly. Knowing what will get you through the next minute and the minute after that can be as helpful as having an escape plan for the unlikely event that your house catches on fire
Incubate Your Dream and Let It Take Flight
This exercise might not seem too specific, but in fact it is. Incubate means allowing something time to reach its fullness. Letting your dream take flight is letting go of the restrictions you might place upon yourself and your dream. Instead, think about it until it reaches its fullness then let it go. Follow it. Writer Anaïs Nin once observed that a dream was always ahead of her and she chased it, but when she caught up and lived in unison with it for a moment, that moment was nothing short of a miracle. Dreams open your mind to beautiful and exciting possibilities. Give your dream free reign. You may even discover happiness and unfathomable success.