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» Plant a Vegetable Garden and Eat the Produce
Plant a Vegetable Garden and Eat the Produce
You consciously choose to eat healthier, avoid purchasing packaged foods, and buy organic whenever possible. Still, how can you be certain that your food hasn't been treated in some way with agents you want to avoid (such as those that may cause cancer). Try growing your own food. Plant a postage stamp-sized garden and do companion plantings, (that is, placing plants known to repel specific pests next to plants that attract those pests) to keep down the pest population. You don't need much space for a small kitchen garden, but if space is a major consideration, you can grow your veggies in pots and planters on the patio. Freshly picked tomatoes, peppers, and other vegetables taste far superior and have greater nutritional value than their shipped and warehoused counterparts. You'll be happier eating organic food from your garden.
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