
Following Sleeping Patterns

In life, there are three steps to building up energy which have been taught in schools: food, exercise and sleeping. These are the three elements that create energy and sustain one person to do all the things that he is supposed to accomplish for that day.

Now, let us study one particular element – sleeping. Ever since you were young, you have been taught to sleep at least eight hours a day.

Sometimes, when you lack sleep, you lack the energy that you need for the day. At other times, when you oversleep, you sometimes fail to build the energy you need the most.

This is not a hard and fast rule. Sometimes a person gets little sleep but still has the energy to work a full eight hours the next day. There are also people who never sleep much but still have all the energy they need. Still others need more than the usual eight hours, but everyone needs a certain amount of sleep at night in order to function well during the day.

So what makes energy in your body build up when you sleep? What is the connection between sleep and energy and how does this connection work for everyone? Does the sleeping time have any connection with that and energy?

Let us study the connection between having unlimited energy and sleeping. What are the important components of sleeping that make unlimited energy? What ground rules should we follow in order to have unlimited energy? How does sleeping make up for the energy that we need to use every day?

Tips on Waking up with Energy
Have you ever felt like going back to sleep again once you have woken up from a peaceful slumber? Do you feel tired even a minute after waking up? The reason for all of this is that you didn’t get a peaceful night's sleep, and your energy has depleted with all the tosses and turns that you suffered during the night. So what is the solution to this? It’s quite simple – you only need to prepare yourself for a good night’s sleep. When you have a good night’s sleep, your body is able to relax and to repair itself from all the fatigue and stress that you experience during the day. Here are a couple of tips to help you wake up feeling rejuvenated and energized.

Empty your mind of unwanted thoughts before going to bed. Having your head filled with different thoughts makes you want to focus on those thoughts, and not on sleeping. Don’t think about that upcoming test, or don’t worry too much about the big presentation for tomorrow. You can clear your thoughts by taking a deep breath or writing something in your journal.

Don’t eat too much before going to sleep. When you eat a lot before going to bed, your body has to work hard so that your food will digest properly.

Never drink alcoholic beverages before going to sleep. Drinking alcohol prior to going to bed makes heart irregularity possible. Just like eating too much before going to sleep, your body has to work doubly hard to break down these toxins. Even one alcoholic drink makes you toss and turn in your bed.

Make a routine. When you sleep, try to sleep at the same time every day. This way, your body will get used to the routine that you made for yourself.

As stated before, get enough sleep. By trial and error, you can determine your own personal limits. Then, stick to them.

Minimize stimulation prior to going to bed. This means that before going to sleep, limit your time in any activity that would build up energy when you are already ready to sleep.

Go to bed early. The hours of sleep before midnight are said to be twice as beneficial as those after midnight.

When all of these are implemented before going to bed, you can be quite sure that you will wake up with the unlimited energy that you need for the day.

Sleep Disorders and Unlimited Energy
There are actually different kinds of sleep disorders. We will just discuss in brief the most common ones.

One of them is insomnia, the most obvious, wherein a person can’t sleep for hours after going to bed. He will just toss and turn. There have been studies that people with insomnia actually have a lot of things on their minds, whether positive or negative, that bring about this sleep disorder. It takes them about 2-4 hours of tossing and turning before they finally go to sleep. Insomnia causes a depletion of energy in the body and the difficulty for a person to do the things he is supposed to do during the day.

There are three less well-known sleeping disorders which can also affect a person's energy levels. They are all related to the body's circadian rhythm, that is, the 24 hour daily cycle.

One of them is what is called DCR.
DCR stands for Delayed Circadian Rhythm Disorder, which means that your body clock is going slower than the usual 24-hour clock rhythm. The effects of this would be getting up groggy and with low energy levels in the morning; you might also experience the same symptoms later in the day. With DCR symptoms, there is generally a lack of energy in the morning, difficulty in concentration and focus, and at times, those who suffer from DCR oversleep and have trouble getting up in the morning. Anyone who suffers from DCR has their body clock moved backwards and therefore, it takes several hours for a person to be active, alive and energetic in the morning. Aside from that, the ability to function at school or work might suffer because you lack the energy, the alertness and the ability that you need.

The only solution is Dawn Simulation, which means that the person affected with this disorder should seek help from a clinic or a laboratory. A shaft of light will enter through the retina of the eye to the brain’s nucleus or to the body clock that is present in the hypothalamus. The reason for the light is that it also serves just like a morning sunrise where the light signal increases slowly, providing the right amount of light. When combined with morning light, it improves the effectiveness of treating this kind of disorder.

This medical procedure would bring about increased energy for a person in the morning and he would feel energetic, alive and active with his responsibilities.

ACR stand for Advanced Circadian Rhythm Disorder but unlike the DCR symptoms, the body clock of a person undergoing ACR Symptoms has his body clock going faster than the usual 24-hour cycle. This means that your energy tends to run out on you before the 24-hour cycle is over. People who suffer from this disorder often sleep less than eight hours a day and wakes up early, therefore, depleting their energy before the 24-hour cycle is finished. In an advanced stage, ACR is quite similar to DCR in that it drains energy from the body and makes you feel weak and tired at the same time.

When you suffer from this type of sleeping disorder, you tend to lose energy or feel tired in the afternoon or early evenings.

Just like DCR, the only solution to bring back the energy needed for you to fulfill your duties for the day is to undergo a procedure which uses a specialized bright light and is quite effective.

Bright light is then often used during the time when you feel you are at your weakest. In this case, during the afternoons and early evenings. Also, try to avoid the bright light before 9 in the morning as much as possible. If you can’t avoid going out of the house, simply wear sunglasses. You can also try to make your night time as dark as possible and try to shun out light when you need to get up in the morning.

In this way, you will revive your energy again.
Circadian Amplitude Disorder (CAD) simply means that your body clock may be generating lower amounts of night or day hormones than needed. If you have a sleep disorder such as this one, the problem doesn’t lie in whether you have a hard time going to sleep or waking up. The problem with CAD is that the quality of sleep may lessen, which means that you will probably have limited energy during the day.

Several of the symptoms are a lack of energy when waking up, which means the lack of ability to concentrate or to focus on your responsibilities for the day.

Serotonin is needed to bring the energy that you need for the day, but since this hormone isn’t produced much, you won’t feel active during the day. The hormone melatonin isn’t produced enough either, which means you are less productive in your work and you are vulnerable to sickness.

To bring unlimited energy back into your life, you also need light stimulation. It doesn’t matter what time of day you do it, since the Circadian rhythm of waking and sleeping hasn’t changed. Dawn Stimulation has also been proven useful for this kind of sleep disorder.


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