Diaphragmatic Breathing
This is what we call very deep breathing, and it is quite effective as an immediate response to stress. To practice diaphragmatic breathing, lie on your back, with the palms of your hands placed on your lower stomach area. As you breathe, expand your chest area while keeping your tummy flat. Next, expand your abdomen so that your stomach rises and falls with each breath while chest size remains relatively constant. Practice it at various times of the day.
Body Scanning
Even when you are tensed, there is some part of your body that feels relaxed. Body scanning requires you to search for that part and, once identifying it, spread that sensation to the more tense parts of yourself. The relaxed sensation can be imagined to be a warm ball that travels to various bodily locations, warming and relaxing them.
Massage and Acupressure
Massage has a way of relaxing the muscles of a tense body. But acupressure – pressing down on points of the body where knots or bands of muscle tension frequently occur – appears to be one of the more popular forms. To use acupressure correctly, you should obtain a chart of acupressure points.
Yoga and Stretching
Yoga comes from a root words that has many meanings: to bind, join, attach, and yoke; to direct and concentrate one’s attention; or communion with God. The stretching involved in yoga can be quite relaxing, and the prescribed yoga positions encourage this benefit. However, be careful not to stretch in a way that is uncomfortable (remember, you are trying to relax) or in a way that will cause injury.
Quieting Reflex
Quieting reflex is a relaxation technique designed to elicit relaxation quickly, even in as short as six seconds. To practice QR:
Think about something that makes you afraid or anxious.
Smile inside.
Tell yourself “I can keep a calm body in an alert mind”.
Inhale a quiet, easy breath.
Let your jaw go loose as you exhale; keeping your upper and lower teeth slightly apart.
Imagine heaviness and warmth moving throughout your body – from head to toes.
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