
Quotes About Humor

Whatever you have read I have said is almost certainly untrue, except if it is funny, in which case I definitely said it.
Tallulah Bankhead

Wit lives in the present, but genius survives the future.
Marguerite, Countess of Blessington

Make us laugh and you can pick all pockets.
Clemence Dane

It is often a sign of wit not to show it, and not to see that others want it.
Suzanne Necker

The man with the real sense of humor is the man who can put himself in the spectator’s place and laugh at his own misfortune.
Bert Williams

Funny is an attitude.
Flip Wilson

Impropriety is the soul of wit.
W. Somerset Maugham

Wit is the rarest quality to be met with among people of education.
William Hazlitt

There is nothing in which people more betray their character than in what they laugh at.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

No mind is thoroughly well organized that is deficient in a sense of humor.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.
Will Rogers

You are not angry with people when you laugh at them.  Humor teaches tolerance.
W. Somerset Maugham

The man who sees the consistency in things is a wit; the man who sees the inconsistency in things is a humorist.
G. K. Chesterton

The man who can make others laugh secures more votes for a measure than the man who forces them to think.

You could read Kant by yourself, if you wanted to; but you must share a joke with someone else.
Robert Louis Stevenson

With is the sudden marriage of ideas which before their union were not perceived to have any relation.
Mark Twain

Humor is a painful thing told playfully.
Charles W. Jarvis

The greatest advantage I know of being thought a wit by the world is that it gives one the greater freedom of playing the fool.
Jonathon Swift

I don’t make jokes; I just watch the government and report the facts.
Will Rogers

Of puns it has been said that they who most dislike them are least able to utter them.
Edgar Allan Poe

I have never understood why it should be considered derogatory to the Creator to suppose that he has a sense of humor.
Ralph Inge

Good taste and humor are a contradiction in terms, like a chaste whore.
Malcolm Muggeridge

Brevity is the soul of wit.
William Shakespeare

Men will let you abuse them only if you make them laugh.
Henry Ward Beecher

Wit is so shining a quality that everybody admires it; most people aim at it, all people fear it, and few love it unless in themselves.
Lord Chesterfield

A difference of taste in jokes is a great strain on the affections.
George Eliot

Men show their characters in nothing more clearly than in what they think laughable.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

No dignity, no learning, no force of character, can make any stand against good wit.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Humor can be dissected, as a frog can, but the thing dies in the process and the innards are discouraging to any but the pure scientific mind.
E. B. White

Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.
G. K. Chesterton

Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.
W. H. Auden

We are in the world to laugh.  In purgatory or in hell we shall no longer be able to do so.  And in heaven it would not be proper.
Jules Renard

Not by wrath does one kill but by laughter.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

We are all here for a spell; get all the good laughs you can.
Will Rogers

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
Arnold Glasgow

If you don’t learn to laugh at trouble, you won’t have anything to laugh at when you grow old.
Edgar Watson Howe

What I want to do is make people laugh so that they’ll see things seriously.
William K. Zinsser

If you are not allowed to laugh in heaven, I don’t want to go there.
Martin Luther

Laughter is a form of internal jogging.  It moves your internal organs around. It enhances respiration.  It is an igniter of great expectation.
Norman Cousins

He who laughs, lasts.
Mary Pettibone Poole

There are few who would not rather be hated than laughed at.
Sydney Smith

The best ideas come from jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible.
David Ogilvie

Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Laughter is by definition healthy.
Doris Lessing

The most wasted of all our days are those in which we have not laughed.
Sebastien Chamfort

The man who laughs has not yet heard the news.
Bertolt Brecht

My way of joking is to tell the truth; it’s the funniest joke in the world.
George Bernard Shaw

Humor is an affirmation of dignity, a declaration of our superiority to all the befalls us.
Romain Gary

If the caveman had known how to laugh, history would have been different.
Oscar Wilde



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