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Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends. Walt Disney


Plan for Success

Being optimistic isn’t about believing nothing can go wrong. An optimist acknowledges what can go wrong but expects things to go right.

If you find yourself faced with a challenge or opportunity today and are unsure what to do, take a minute to ask yourself, ‘How bad could it really get?’

Once you’ve considered the worst thing that could happen, you will be much better prepared to plan for the best.


Resist Temptation

So many people sabotage their own chances for happiness. Don’t be one of them.

If you find yourself wanting to give in to temptation today, don’t. Remind yourself that your hopes, dreams and ideas are worth so much more to you than a few moments of instant gratification.


Be Happy Regardless

Most of the things you find yourself wanting will have little or no bearing on the happiness in your life.

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of thinking that getting certain things will make you happy.

Whether it’s a promotion, a car or a bigger house, it’s important to remember that nothing can make you happy if you are not already happy. Make a commitment today to be happy regardless of what you have, not in spite of what you don’t.


Don’t Criticise Yourself

If you want to be the best you can be, don’t judge anyone. Not even yourself.

Don’t be your own harshest critic.

Instead of judging yourself today based on whether you have failed or succeeded, evaluate your efforts and decide if you gave yourself a winning chance.


Get Back on Track

It’s easy to be brave when everything is going your way. When the going gets tough, it takes courage to follow the path you believe in.

It takes courage to create your best life. It takes even more courage to stick to that goal when things are not going to plan.

If you are faced with a setback or disappointment today don’t be tempted to quit. Instead, take a deep breath, dust yourself off and know that the only way forward is to get back on track.


Be Happy with Who You Are

The only person who can take responsibility for your happiness is you.

Start each day with the affirmation ‘I am happy with who I am and the life I live’.

Begin each day with this simple thought and before long it will become your reality.


Explore Your Options

There is no such thing as ‘no choice’. There are always other options. Explore yours.

Instead of making the obvious choice today, whether that’s your coffee, your route to work or your favourite lunch, think about the other options available to you and choose something else.

Sometimes stepping out of your day-to-day comfort zone is all it takes to open your mind to the different options available in life.


Do One Thing at A Time

Multi-tasking is stressful. You will get things done much faster if you do them one at a time.

One of the easiest things you can do to enhance the quality of your day is to try to do less.

Focus on doing one thing at a time and doing only that one thing until it’s completed, regardless of what else you think you should be doing. Remember, ten per cent of ten things isn’t one hundred per cent of anything!


Take a Deep Breath

Remember, however bad things might be right now, this moment will pass and your life will continue to be a good one.

Nothing lasts forever, not even the bad times. If you find yourself having a tough day, take a deep breath and remind yourself that ‘This too will pass’.


Do the Right Thing

To be happy, you need to do the right thing for you, even when it feels like the hardest thing in the world.

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is the most important. If you are faced with a challenging situation today, remind yourself to have courage and that your bravery will be rewarded in the long run.


Choose a Happy Life

Happiness is a choice. Choose to be happy and you will be.

When you wake up each morning, take a moment to think about the kind of life you want to have. Consciously choose to have a happy life: one that is filled with love, laughter, good health and success. Then begin your day focused on the things you can do to make this your reality.


Don’t Waste Your Energy

So many of life’s eventualities are beyond your control. Work out what things you can influence and come to a peaceful acceptance of the rest.

Sometimes everything will go your way and on other days nothing at all seems to go right. If you are having one of those days, instead of wasting your energy raging against something you can’t control, take a deep breath and accept it. That way, even though the moment may be ruined, your day won’t have to be.


Go After the Things You Want

There is nothing wrong with wanting more. There is no reason why you shouldn’t get everything you want from life.

If you find yourself feeling guilty or telling yourself off for wanting to do, be or have more in your life, stop.

You can have anything you want in life if you are willing to work for it. Don’t waste energy today beating yourself up for wanting more. Put that energy to good use to make your dreams come true.


Focus on Today

Accept the past, dream of the future, but live in the moment.

Some people waste their time thinking of what might have been. Others spend all their time thinking of what could be. If you want to get the most out of your day, make sure that today is where you focus your energy and attention.


Be Confident in Your Future

Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams and believe in your right to achieve your dreams.

Before you start your day, take a minute to visualize your life as if your hopes and dreams were your reality. Pay attention to how comfortable and natural it feels to be living this life. Then carry that feeling of quiet confidence about the future with you as you go about your day.


Have the Right Attitude

Your expectations determine your experience. Expect the best from life and you will usually get it.

Start each day expecting nothing but good things to come your way. Even though life may present you with all manner of ups and downs, having the right attitude will ensure your day will be a good one regardless of what you are given to work with.


Make Yourself Happy

Although happiness is a state of being, it usually still requires some doing if it is to be lasting in your life.

Ask yourself, ‘What can I do today that will make me happy?’ This doesn’t have to be a grand gesture or lofty goal. Just come up with one simple idea each day … and then go and do it!


Spend Your Time Wisely

Being generous is not just about the decisions you make with your wallet. Being generous with your time and energy is just as important.

When life gets busy it’s easy to put off getting in touch with family or friends with the excuse that ‘there are never enough hours in the day’. If you find yourself holding back from connecting with someone you love today because you don’t have the time, remind yourself that you do. You just need to make a better choice about how to spend it.

The Law of Rebound

The law of rebound concerns the right of one to come out of a negative situation stronger and bolder and with more soul growth than previously experienced. This has been used as an example in stories since the beginning of mankind. Traumatic situations create the need for rebound, and the soul often seeks these negative occurrences to give self and observers a leap in faith.


Make Conscious Decisions

Being the best you can be takes courage. You need to own your decisions and have the courage to see them through.

It’s easy to allow yourself to drift from one thing to another without ever really taking charge of your life. But not making a decision is actually a decision in itself.

If you find yourself considering your options today, be decisive. If you practise this on the little decisions, making bigger decisions will soon come more naturally to you too.


Look for The Lesson

Learning from the past can help you move forward. Lingering in the past will only hold you back.

At the end of each day, ask yourself, ‘What did I learn?’ and ‘What would I do differently next time?’ Armed with your answers, you can leave the past firmly where it belongs and focus on making each new day your best one yet.


Make Smart Choices

Commit to being happy and make the choices that will support your commitment.

Make the decision today to think before you act. Every time you are faced with a choice, instead of just taking the easy way, ask yourself, ‘What is going to make me happiest in the long term?’ and go with that option instead.


Live with Integrity

Live your life with courageous integrity. Do the right thing, not the easy thing.

If you find yourself faced with a difficult decision today, don’t just make the easy choice. Ask yourself, ‘What is the right thing to do?’ As difficult as your answer may be, remind yourself that taking the easy way out will always be harder in the long run.


Simply Do Your Best

Perfectionism is a lost cause. Focus your energy on being the best you can be.

Being perfect is an impossible goal. Instead of pursuing perfection, make the commitment today to simply do your best. Then relax, confident in the knowledge that your best is always good enough.


Don’t Hold Yourself Back

One of the most powerful questions you can ask yourself is, ‘How do I hold myself back?’ Once you know the answer you can get out of your way.

Listen to your inner dialogue. Every time you find yourself saying ‘but’ to one of your ideas, what you are really doing is putting an obstacle in your path.

Challenge yourself today to rethink your ideas as if there were no ‘buts’.


Use Your Energy Wisely

Unless you have a crystal ball you don’t know how the future is going to unfold. Focus on the things you can influence and don’t fret over the rest.

If you find yourself worrying today about things that haven’t happened yet, stop. There really isn’t any point.

Instead of fretting over things that may never eventuate, put your energy to good use and focus on making the things you do want to happen into your reality.

Upgrade Your Thinking

Your life paradigm is the set of beliefs or operating system for your life. Make
sure you choose one that supports lifelong happiness.

If you find the same thing going wrong in your life over and over, take responsibility and ask yourself, ‘What belief do I hold that is perpetuating this pattern?’

Make the commitment today to upgrade your operating system. Uncover your limiting beliefs, and embrace a set of thoughts and behaviours that support you in the life you want to create.


Focus On What You Want

See the world as being filled with positive potential. Focus your attention on your intention and make that potential a reality in your life.

Most people spend a lot of their time complaining about things they don’t want or don’t have, only to wonder why their life stays exactly the same. If you want to live your best life, start each day by focusing your attention on your goals and dreams. Then apply your efforts to making these your reality.

Walk Away

Choose your battles wisely. Unless you have a very high chance of victory, spare your energy and walk away.

If someone annoys you today, regardless of whether the issue is big or small, ask yourself if it is a battle worth fighting. Unless you are one hundred per cent sure of the answer, take a deep breath and walk away.


Don’t Keep Score

If you are generous in your relationships you will receive as much as you give.

Don’t fall into the habit of keeping score in your friendships. If a relationship is based on mutual respect and shared values, it doesn't matter who phoned whom last or whose turn it is to pay for coffee. Make a point today of being the one to act first, not last.


Remember: It’s Good to Be Alive

Look for the joy in each and every day. Just because it isn’t immediately obvious, that doesn’t mean it’s not there.

Make a point of acknowledging something good or positive each and every day.

Rather than making this a bedtime activity, try doing it at two or three different times during your day.

It’s so easy to be caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that if you don’t stop and pay attention, you might not notice how good it is just to be alive.


Enjoy Your Wealth

Worrying about money is one of the biggest causes of unhappiness, but no amount of money can make you happy unless you change the way you feel about it.

No matter how much money you have, it won’t make you happy if you’re not already happy. And no matter how much you spend, you won’t be able to buy happiness either.

Remind yourself that a ‘poverty’ mentality might not have a big impact on the amount of money you have in the bank in the future, but it can have a dramatic effect on your ability to appreciate the real wealth and abundance in your life today.


Distinguish Between Your Wants and Needs

When you understand the difference between ‘want’ and ‘need’, you will finally realise how rich your life really is.

Most of the things we say we need are really just things we want. There is nothing wrong with wanting everything that life can offer, as long as you don’t allow it to stand in the way of your happiness. If you find yourself saying ‘I need …’ today, ask yourself if you really do.


The Law of the Present Moment

Time does not exist. What we refer to as past and future, have no reality except in our own mental constructs. The idea of time is a convention of thought and language, a social agreement. In truth, we only have this moment. When we hold regret for an occurrence in the past we keep the regret alive with pictures and feelings we conjure up. When we feel anxiety about the future, we keep the anxiety alive with the pictures we imagine. Time is the abstract concept. When we practice remembering that the here and now is all we have, our present moments improve.


You Deserve to Be Happy

Being happy is not a privilege – it is something everyone deserves.

Remind yourself today that you really are worth it, that you do deserve to be happy and that it is your right to be happy.

Nothing is more powerful than the recognition that you deserve to be living the life you want.


Decide to Feel Rich

Having a poverty mentality leaves you focusing on all the things you don’t have, when in reality you probably already have everything you need.

If you spend your time thinking that you are poor, you will be. The truth is, even if there are things you still want for your life, you probably already have everything you need.

Every time you take out your wallet today, remind yourself how fortunate you are just to be able to do so.


Give Yourself Permission

You have to give yourself permission to be happy. Nobody else can give it to you.

If you find yourself making excuses or apologising for the things you want, stop. There is no reason why you can’t have everything you need to create a happy and fulfilling life.

Give yourself permission today to do, be and have all that you want from life. Then go and make it your reality.


Treat Yourself with Respect

Your self-esteem is a valuable resource. Make sure you encourage, nurture, protect and support yours.

Constantly criticising yourself or using a harsh tone is not the way to get the best out of yourself.

Listen to your inner dialogue and make the commitment today to only ever speak to yourself with kindness, patience and love. Your self-esteem is one of your most precious possessions. Treat yours with the respect it deserves.


Choose to Have a Great Day

Nobody from your past should be held responsible for your future. The only person accountable for your future is you.

It’s easy to fall into the habit of blaming other people for how your day turned out: the bus driver who was rude, the co-worker who was impatient, the guy who stole your parking space.

The truth is, nobody else has the power to make your day good or bad. It’s up to you.

Make the decision that today is going to be a great day and don’t let anyone else stand in your way.


Breathe Slowly and Smile

True happiness is a state of being, not one of doing or having.

One of the fastest ways to embrace a sense of happiness and wellbeing is to focus on the feeling you want to create. Close your eyes, breathe slowly and smile. Keep smiling until you feel a sense of calm contentment wash over you. Take a moment to capture how good that feels and then carry this feeling with you for the rest of your day.


Don’t Make Judgments

Everyone has a different journey in life. Don’t judge someone else for theirs.

Looking down at someone or thinking that you are better than them will never make you happy.

While feeling superior might give you a quick, short-term high, it will only last until you let that same judgement determine that someone else is better than you.

Make a commitment today not to judge. Even if the person you are judging is you.


Take Care of Yourself

There is a big difference between being selfish and being selfish putting yourself first doesn't mean you have to put everyone else last.

Make a point of putting yourself first today. While it might not be possible for you to be your number-one priority every single day, it’s important to have your own needs met if you want to have the energy it takes to be there for everyone else.


Think About What You Have Learned

Don’t be attached to outcomes. Enjoy your experiences for what they are, what you have gained and what you have learned.

Instead of becoming disappointed or feeling let down if something doesn’t turn out the way you wanted today, shift your perspective and ask yourself, ‘What have I learned?’

When you are able to focus on what you’ve gained you’ll be able to turn every experience into a positive one, regardless of the outcome.


Embrace Your Feelings

Don’t deny your emotions and force yourself to smile when you feel like crying. Cry, but learn to smile through your tears.

In every full and interesting life there will be sad times as well as happy ones. If something leaves you feeling low today, you don’t need to deny yourself that feeling. Allow yourself to experience it fully; just remember not to wallow in it.


Believe in Yourself

Regardless of your upbringing or formative experiences, it is never too late to start believing in yourself.

Make the decision today to believe in yourself, your dreams and your right to achieve those dreams.

It doesn’t matter if this isn’t how you felt yesterday, or if you don’t yet have the confidence to know you will feel that way tomorrow.

Just begin each day with this thought in mind and watch your self-belief grow.


Do Something Just for You

You only have one life. Make sure that yours is one you are happy to be living.

As you work through all the things on your to-do list, make sure you find time for something just for you. It might be that you exercise, stop for a coffee at your favorite café, call a friend or read a chapter of a book. Whatever you choose, make sure that you do something each day that you really do enjoy. Your life will be happier for it.

Be Proactive

Don’t take your happiness for granted. Be proactive about maintaining and sustaining it in your life.

If something has been bothering you, wearing you down or getting on your nerves, don’t just ignore it.

Make the commitment today to being proactive about your happiness and address whatever is getting in your way.


Take Action

Worrying doesn't change anything. Focus your energy on the outcome you want and then do what you can to make it happen.

If you find yourself worrying about something today, stop. Ask yourself, ‘Is this something I can do something about?’ If you can’t do anything about it, then worrying is a waste of your energy. If you can do something, put your energy to better use by taking action.


Understand the Other Point of View

Before passing judgment on someone’s choices, stop and look at the questions they were trying to answer.

Today, before you label someone else’s decision as being right or wrong, remember this is just your perspective. Take a minute to understand where they are coming from.

It still might not be the right approach for you but you’ll have a much clearer idea of why it was the best answer for them.


Don’t Be Complacent

Most people are fine with ‘fine’ and okay with ‘okay’. If you want to be the best you can be, make sure you’re not.

When you lead a busy life, it can be easy to get so caught up in the day-to-day that you forget about the bigger picture. If you are not careful, you can let weeks, months or even years can go by without stopping to focus on what you really want from life and what you need to do to make that your reality. Make the time today to think about your goals, hopes and dreams and then do one thing that takes you closer to making them your reality.


Be Firm But Fair

Sometimes being happy will require some difficult conversations. Some of those conversations will be with yourself.

Sometimes you need to give yourself a reality check. If you need to give yourself a pep talk today, don’t use it as an excuse to beat yourself up. Be firm, fair and focus on what you need to do to get back on track.


Do the Things that Matter

Focus on what matters. Honor your values and make decisions that are aligned with them.

It is hard to live a happy life if you don’t take time to think about what matters most to you.

Start each day by asking yourself, ‘If I could do just one thing to make my life happy today, what would it be?’ Then make sure you do it.


Aim for Your Personal Best

Let go of the idea of winning or losing. In the game of life, the most important thing is just showing up and doing your best.

Every time you evaluate yourself against someone else, you’re competing. And every time you compete in this way, not only do you set yourself up for failure, you erode your self-esteem.

The only person you should ever compete against is yourself. Make the commitment each day to aim for your personal best … Now that’s a challenge worth meeting.


Seek Out Silence

It’s hard to be present when your attention is suffering information overload. Switch off and just sit still.

Find time to experience five minutes of silence in your day: walk away from your computer, put your phone on silent, close your eyes and just breathe. Then return to whatever it is you need to focus on, feeling refreshed and re-energized. It will only take five minutes but you’ll feel like you've been recharging for five hours.


Live Without Regret

Don’t be afraid to take a chance. The worst that can happen is that you don’t succeed … this time.

Make the promise today to live without thinking ‘If only … ’.
The price you will pay for not being brave is a life of regret. The reward
for being bold will be the satisfaction of knowing that you tried.


Guard Your Self-Esteem

Examine your self-talk. Never speak to yourself more harshly than you would to a small child.

Some of the most important conversations you have are the ones you have with yourself.

Pay attention to your inner dialogue today and make sure the things you tell yourself support, rather than erode, your self-belief and sense of self worth. You are the guardian of your self-esteem. Make the commitment each day to protect and nurture yours.


Act As If It Were True

Challenge your assumptions and identify your limiting beliefs. Every time you find yourself thinking that you can’t do something, ask yourself,‘Why not?’

Challenge yourself to suspend reality and spend the whole day acting ‘as if … ’. As if anything you wanted to do, be or have was possible. As you view your world through this new perspective, you will begin to see the answers and solutions you need to make your dreams a reality.


Find Happiness Within

There is nothing wrong with enjoying life’s luxuries as long as your happiness isn’t contingent on them.

There is nothing wrong with wanting nice things for yourself, if you want them for the right reasons.

If you catch yourself today thinking, ‘I’ll be happy when I’ve got this or I’ve done that’, remind yourself that the things you’ve bought and the places you’ve been don’t define your life, they’re simply how you accessorise it.


Recognise the Effort

Most people are doing their best, most of the time.

If someone does something today that annoys or frustrates you, before you let it get to you remind yourself that they are probably doing the best they can. Just because their best wasn’t good enough for you, that doesn’t mean they weren’t making an effort.


Post on Your Mirror Five Factors Vital to Your Success

Think of five factors that are absolutely vital to the success of your dream. Write them on sticky paper or note cards and place them where you can see and think about them. For example, having a dream of owning your own business might mean knowing everything you can possibly know about your product or service and the demographic of your ideal customer, having a business plan, finding enough capital, and establishing the proper price point for your product. Determining the optimum business location or having a great website will also be important. You want to start a business that succeeds. Knowing what is vital to that success will help you get those things before you launch your company.


Incubate Your Dream and Let It Take Flight

This exercise might not seem too specific, but in fact it is. Incubate means allowing something time to reach its fullness. Letting your dream take flight is letting go of the restrictions you might place upon yourself and your dream. Instead, think about it until it reaches its fullness then let it go. Follow it. Writer Anaïs Nin once observed that a dream was always ahead of her and she chased it, but when she caught up and lived in unison with it for a moment, that moment was nothing short of a miracle. Dreams open your mind to beautiful and exciting possibilities. Give your dream free reign. You may even discover happiness and unfathomable success.


Give Your Dream Some Rocket Power

A dream needs a powerful push to move into manifestation. You give it that power by making your dream as clear as possible in your mind, turning it into a specific goal or goals, putting the goals into a time line, and knowing what the culmination of that dream looks like. For example, you wish you could leave your indoor office job and find some kind of work in nature, possibly landscaping, or overseeing the care and security of a park. Get more specific. Working at a wildlife rescue center is quite different than that of caring for the horses at an equine therapy center. Clipping spent flowers from rose bushes at a community garden is different from enforcing the rules governing the use of a local park. St. Augustine, in the fifth century, offered the following sage advice, “Pray as if everything depended upon God and act as if everything depended upon you.” Ignatius Loyola changed the word “act” to “work.” The point is that belief, actions, and work are all necessary to push forth a dream from the idea realm into manifestation.

Buy a Blank Journal and Record Your Daily Progress

Blank journals are great for keeping track of the progress you make toward achieving your dream. You can find blank journals in bookstores, drug stores, and some supermarkets and department stores. Perhaps you've always dreamed of owning your own salon. Assuming you already have your cosmetology license and, perhaps, a station at a local salon, begin by figuring out all of your options, including striking out on your own or partnering with a friend, relative, or an associate. Is there a local salon for sale? Is there retail space at a good price in a great location? Do you already have a client who will follow you to your new location? Where will you get the money for your startup operations? Brainstorm until you know everything about actualizing your dream. Write your ideas in the journal. Then, make your dream happen.


Laws of Magnetic Development

FIRST LAW: Discovery of endowment. The limits of magnetic endowment latent in every normal person emerge only through prolonged effort in the culture of magnetism.

SECOND LAW: Difficult environment. Magnetism develops in direct proportion to the difficulty of environment.

THIRD LAW: Magnetic intention. Magnetism evolves solely through multiplication of endowment into environment by the persistent magnetic intention.

FOURTH LAW: Free adjustment. The culture of magnetism imperatively demands that central adjustment of the self to all powers which realizes in absolute psychic freedom.

FIFTH LAW: Concentration. The magnetic multiplication of endowment into environment is only possible to intense, persistent and unified concentration to the methods of Success-Magnetism.

SIXTH LAW: Purpose-ideals. Growth of noblest magnetism depends, in the larger sense, upon general adherence to a single, preeminent, ideal life-purpose, and, in the particular sense, upon specialization of the individual in studied magnetic conduct related to that end.

SEVENTH LAW: Receptivity. The highest magnetism realizes through magnetic laws in proportion as the inner self maintains alert receptivity to the Universal Forces.

EIGHTH LAW: Demand. The silent, persistent demand of the self upon the Universal Magnetism makes it a center toward which the Forces naturally gravitate.

NINTH LAW: Affirmation. Continuous, intense affirmation of actual possessed magnetic power stimulates the success-elements, maintains receptivity, emphasizes demand, harmonizes and intensifies inner etheric vibrations, and induces a positive movement of the universal ether and its forces inward toward the central self.

TENTH LAW: Psychic energy. All personal magnetism involves psychic energy developed and directed by magnetic intention.

ELEVENTH LAW: Self-control. Magnetic energy concentrates through psychic control of its tendencies.

TWELFTH LAW: Magnetic quality. The inner psychic attitude the character of magnetic intention determines the quality and effectiveness of the effort to multiply endowment into environment, and, therefore, the kind and degree of magnetism attained.

THIRTEENTH LAW: Self-valuation. Other things being equal, magnetism unfolds as gratifying, but unostentatious, self- valuation develops.

FOURTEENTH LAW: Use of self. Under conformity to other magnetic laws, the highest magnetism issues only from the constant best use of self at its best to the best advantage.

FIFTEENTH LAW: Magnetic heroism. Self-pity, complaint, and all kindred states, confuse, weaken and waste every variety of magnetic power, while heroic acceptance of conditions for their betterment, and courageous assertion of self as master, conserve and enormously develop the noblest magnetism in proportion to the sway of the magnetic intention.

SIXTEENTH LAW: Action and reaction. Highest magnetism involves not only studied cultivation, but, as well, the magnetic utilization of stimulating reactions induced by intelligent employment.

SEVENTEENTH LAW: Recovery. Whoever, on occasion of any psychic (magnetic) failure or defeat, dedicates the whole of aroused desperation to recovery of ground, infallibly induces a stress in the etheric life around him which ultimately draws to his aid, with the onsweep of worlds, the Universal Forces.

EIGHTEENTH LAW: Reproduction. "Everything is transmitted, everything is transformed, everything is reproduced" (Ochorowicz); in physical and psychic health alone, therefore, are the Universal Forces transmitted through perfect etheric vibrations, transformed through effective etheric conduction, and reproduced in magnetism by adequate and harmonious psychic control of etheric capabilities.

NINETEENTH LAW: Superiority of culture. The crude values of natural magnetism, the automatic functions of unconscious magnetism, demonstrate at their best solely as they climax in full conscious magnetic culture.



Importance of Good Clothing

First impressions are apt to be permanent; it is therefore of importance that they should be favourable. The dress of an individual is that circumstance from which you first form your opinion of him. It is even more prominent than manner, It is indeed the only thing which is remarked in a casual encounter, or during the first interview. It, therefore, should be the first care.

What style is to our thoughts, dress is to our persons. It may supply the place of more solid  qualities, and without it the most solid are of little avail. Numbers have owed their elevation to their attention to the toilet. Place, fortune, marriage have all been lost by neglecting it.

Your dress should always be consistent with your age and your natural exterior. That which looks outr, on one man, will be agreeable on another. As success in this respect depends almost entirely upon particular circumstances and personal peculiarities, it is impossible to give general directions of much importance. We can only point out the field for study and research; it belongs to each one's own genius and industry to deduce the results. However ugly you may be, rest assured that there is some style of habiliment which will make you passable.

If, for example, you have a stain upon your cheek which rivals in brilliancy the best Chateau-Margout; or, are afflicted with a nose whose lustre dims the ruby, you may employ such hues of dress, that the eye, instead of being shocked by the strangeness of the defect, will be charmed by the graceful harmony of the colours. Every one cannot indeed be an Adonis, but it is his own fault if he is an Esop.

Almost every defect of face may be concealed by a judicious use and arrangement of hair. Take care, however, that your hair be not of one colour and your whiskers of another; and let your wig be large enough to cover the whole of your red or white hair. It is evident, therefore, that though a man may be ugly, there is no necessity for his being shocking. 


Don’t Underestimate Yourself When Handed a Tough Situation

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

It’s the times we are tested in life when we really have the choice to rise to the occasion. When you do, you are all the better for taking on the challenge and letting yourself grow into the strongest character you can be.


Plant a Vegetable Garden and Eat the Produce

You consciously choose to eat healthier, avoid purchasing packaged foods, and buy organic whenever possible. Still, how can you be certain that your food hasn't been treated in some way with agents you want to avoid (such as those that may cause cancer). Try growing your own food. Plant a postage stamp-sized garden and do companion plantings, (that is, placing plants known to repel specific pests next to plants that attract those pests) to keep down the pest population. You don't need much space for a small kitchen garden, but if space is a major consideration, you can grow your veggies in pots and planters on the patio. Freshly picked tomatoes, peppers, and other vegetables taste far superior and have greater nutritional value than their shipped and warehoused counterparts. You'll be happier eating organic food from your garden.


Offense Or Defense?

Nachiavelli, who supposedly admired Seneca, says in The Prince that “fortune is a woman, and it is necessary, in order to keep her down, to beat her and struggle with her.” Even for the sixteenth century, it’s pretty horrifying imagery. But for a ruthless and endlessly ambitious ruler, it was par for the course. Is that the nasty lifestyle you’re after?

Now compare that view with Seneca’s. Not only is he saying that the more you struggle with fortune, the more vulnerable you are to it, but he’s also saying that the better path to security is in the “impregnable wall” of philosophy. “Philosophy,” he says, helps us tame the “mad frenzy of our greed and tamps down the fury of our fears.”

In sports or war, the metaphor here would be the choice between a strategy of endless, exhausting offense and a strategy of resilient, flexible defense. Which will you play? What kind of person are you?

Only you can answer that question. But you would be remiss not to consider the ultimate end of most of the princes in Machiavelli’s book—and how few of them died happily in bed, surrounded by their loved ones.

Take Five Deep Breaths at Intervals Throughout the Day

Calm the mind by breathing deeply five times from your belly like you naturally did when you were a baby. Stop the mental thought chatter and just “be.” Experience the present moment as it eternally renews itself in infinite diversity. To be mindful is to have an awareness of the moment without thinking or talking about it. By slowing the breath and thought, you experience tranquility and happiness.


Daydream for Twenty Minutes Every Morning

Daydreaming can stimulate your mind in creative ways, reduce stress, elevate your mood, organize your thinking, stimulate ideas for solutions to problems, and help you gain new perspectives on troubling issues. Assuming that you are not using daydreams to escape from being fully engaged in your life or retreating from your responsibilities, then a regular period of daydreaming is not only healthy but helpful in solving problems and fostering creativity. Set a timer. Let your thoughts take flight to a Greek island, a trekking path high in the Himalayas, a manicured estate in England, a beach in Barbados, or somewhere else; indulge yourself. Let your thoughts take flight.


Love is Louder Than the Pressure to be Perfect

Don’t worry about being perfect. Spend your time and energy making sure that you are spending your life giving and receiving love. Nobody will remember you for your imperfections they will remember you for your kindness, good humor, and compassion.


Go On Vacation Every Year

Take your vacations; they're good for you. One study found that the risk of suffering a fatal heart attack decreased in middle age men who regularly took an annual vacation. Even so, roughly a third of Americans who have accrued vacation time don't take all of the time they are allotted. Vacations can restore balance between work and the other areas of your life by providing relief from the relentless pressures of work commitments, schedules, and deadlines. A vacation can provide much-needed rest, recovery, and renewal, but vacations can also create stress. Make sure to factor in some vacation days just to hang out, sleep, and rejuvenate yourself if you want to return to work feeling happy and recharged.


The Law of Analogy

Although this is a definite condition of third dimension existence, no analogy is ever exact in detail but only in certain broad basic correspondences. There will be found unchangeable points of resemblance, but in using analogy viewing creation, no two details are exact. Using analogy in trying to mentally explain the unexplainable, one attempts to convey understanding, in a broad sense.


The Law of Action

No matter what we feel or know, no matter what our potential gifts or talents, only action brings them to life. Those of us who think we understand concepts, such as commitment, courage, and love, one day discover that we only create knowingness when we act; doing becomes understanding. Every aspirant is a focal point of energy and should be a conscious focal point. In the midst of the whirl and storm (of the chaos of third dimension) s/he should make his/her presence felt.


The Law of Ascension

This law defines the high vibrational frequency which the soul of an incarnational being is resonating. When a personality looses the illusion of separation from it's god self, the vibration of that person raises to the point of ascension. No longer does this mean that the incarnational personality leaves the earth plane to live a finer existence. We are meant to bring our loving energies to our every day existence, becoming an example or role model for others to emulate. We can recognize this vibrational frequency in others by the degree to which they are a magnet to others.


Do Crossword or Number Puzzles to Keep Your Brain Sharp

Keep your brain fit as you age by stimulating it with memory exercises and problem-solving games. Doing daily crossword or number puzzles means your brain gets a sustained cognitive workout every day. Experts say that such mental aerobics can stave off neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's. In one study, leisure activities associated with reduced risk of dementia also included reading or playing a musical instrument. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine noted that stimulating and challenging mental activities can build up cognitive reserve. That means as brain cells are lost due to aging, there will be new cells to replace them.


Wash Your Hands Often

Good health requires good hygiene. Wash your hands with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer to prevent the spread of germs. It's particularly important to wash your hands before eating and preparing food and before and after inserting contact lenses into your eyes. Also, you should wash your hands after using the toilet, changing the baby's diaper, blowing your nose, handling garbage, touching any animal or animal waste, sneezing or coughing, or using any public restroom. Encourage your family to practice good hygiene along with you. You'll be happier if everyone stays healthy.


The Law of Attraction

This is the basic law of all manifestation, the Love Aspect, and it governs the Soul aspect. One of the Three Major Laws, and it has 11 subsidiary laws. Fundamentally, this law describes the compelling force of attraction that holds our solar system to the Sirian. It holds our planets revolving around our central unit, the sun. It holds the lesser systems of atomic and molecular matter circulating around a center in the planet, and that of the subtle bodies co-ordinated around their microcosmic center. It is the primary law of man. The law of synthesis is beginning to be felt.


The Law of Cohesion

One of the seven laws of our solar system, under the three major laws. On the second plane cohesion is first apparent. It is the first molecular plane of the system, and is the home of the Monad. Divine coherency is demonstrated.


The Law of Common Ground

This is viewed as a problem solving approach and is an area where two or more can gather to blend differences. It demands that the area be cleansed of previous energy left by others who historically have passed through, or lived on the spot. This is done by two or more sending loving energy to the area for a specified period of time. Cage the area with a gold net and it will stay cleansed of other's energy. You will leave your energy, but that can be cleansed once you have used this space and are leaving.


The Law of Consciousness

As consciousness expands, the space for events increases and therefore the dimensions in which man recognize good and evil, opportunity and possibilities, past-present-future enlarge to reveal the outstanding needs in this present world cycle.


The Law or Right to Decree

This particular law exists for those working in service to others. Self serving beings will find this law ineffective. This law allows the ascended realms to move from the confines of the Law of Non-Intervention to act on our behalf. Add the phrase to your decree, "Under the Law of Grace" as this is an 'out' clause which will not allow us to manifest or invoke anything which would be detrimental to our existence or not of the highest interest for all, and remain karmic free. In order for your decree to work it must be invoked three times. An Example - "By Divine Decree, in the name of (Yahweh, God, Jesus, Ascend Masters, healing Angels, Mother Mary, My I AM self, etc.) and under the Law of Grace, I ask for _____. It is done, and I thank you." Say the entire request three times, then let it go - trust it is in higher hands.


The Law of Economy

The Brahma aspect of the Logos is characterized by that method in the wide distribution of matter, the scattering of the atoms of matter and their dissociation from one another, vibratory rhythm, heterogeneity and quality and their inherent rotary action. This Law of Economy causes matter always to follow the line of least resistance, and is the basis of the separative action of atomic matter. It governs matter, the opposite pole of spirit. Initiates must master this law before they can achieve liberation, or enlightenment.


The Law of Expansion

This law of a gradual evolutionary expansion of the consciousness indwelling every form is the cause of the spheroidal form of every life in the entire solar system. It is a fact in nature that all that is in existence dwells within a sphere. The sphere requires two types of force - rotary and spiral-cyclic to produce its own internal activity. The law of relativity, or the relation between all atoms, which produces that which is called Light, and which in its aggregated phenomena, forms that composite sphere, a solar system. It is also known as the law of expansive response, and its symbol is the flaming rosy sun with a sign in the center, a sign symbolizing the union of fire and water. The ray energy is expansive energy of the 3rd ray, the adapting factor.


The Law of Grace

This can waive the Law of Karma. When applied, this law allows a person to receive more than one deserves or works for if it is in the highest good for all. When called upon, this law allows the person to send another a healing, to do soul talk, use divine decree, etc. and not suffer the consequences of karma incurrence, or interfere with the receiver's soul plan. The wording to insert in the request is "Under the Law of Grace." Another aspect of this law is to be of higher vibration to consistently live in grace. i.e. A loving person who works diligently sending world healing to Mother Earth and all on her body, and focusing so much on this activity, while shopping she forgets her car meter has expired. In all probability her car will not receive a ticket for this expiration. This condition can not be abused or it will leave.


The Law of Healing

This law concerns the ability of one to channel energy (prana - chi - holy spirit) which radiates from the Source we call God. The purpose of this channeled energy is to either improve self or another by removing blockages or instilling the sacred energy which pulsates from the Source of God. With intent or technique we may send this energy to the past, present, or future. Hands-on healers who are effective in healing have brain waves at 7.8 Hz - the same as the earth's pulse beat. Their brain waves are in sync with the earth's at the time the healing is performed. Another aspect of this law is the ability of one in third dimension to heal self by that which triggers a leap in faith.


The Law of Cycles

The world of nature exists within a larger pattern of cycles, such as day and night and the passing of the seasons. The seasons do not push one another. Neither do clouds race the wind across the sky. All things happen in good time. Everything as a time to rise, and a time to fall. Whatever rises, falls and whatever falls shall rise again. That is the principle of cycles.


The Law of Disintegration

One of the seven laws of our solar system, under the three major laws. On the third plane comes the final casting-off, the ultimate shedding of the sheaths, of the fivefold superman. A Chohan of the sixth Initiation discards all the sheaths beneath the monadic vehicle, from the atmic to the physical.


The Law of Cyclic Return

Otherwise known as the wheel of reincarnation, once a soul qualifies for an incarnation to third dimension, there is an understanding that it must be completed. Reincarnation is that process by which the 'consciousness of the permanent atom' manifests in another body through the human birthing process. (This accounts for the fact of genius in the very young.) All karma must be cleared or forgiven and certain aspects of soul growth accomplished before this entire episode of reincarnational growth is considered finished.


The Law of Honesty

Recognizing, accepting and expressing our authentic interior reality lies at the heart of honesty. Only when we are honest with ourselves can we speak or act honestly with anyone else. In the sense of integrity, honesty entails acting in line with higher laws despite negative impulses to the contrary. We don't need to be punished for breaking spiritual law or higher laws. The act itself is the punishment and sets into motion subtle forces whose natural consequences we cannot escape any more than we are able to escape the force of gravity. When we let fear stop us from expressing our true feelings and needs, we are being dishonest with ourselves and it costs us a sense of energy and spirit.


The Law of Economy of Force

One of the three major laws. The Activity Aspect. This is the law which adjusts all that concerns the material and spiritual evolution of the cosmos to the best possible advantage and with the least expenditure of force. It is the law of the physical atom, and makes perfect each atom of time and each eternal period and carries all onward and upward and through, with the least possible effort with the proper adjustment of equilibrium and with the necessary rate of rate of rhythm. Unevenness of rhythm is really an illusion of time, and does not exist in the cosmic center.

We need to ponder on this, for it holds the secret of peace, and we need to grasp the significance of that word through, for it describes the next racial expansion of consciousness, and has a hidden meaning. The person who aims at providing a point of contact between conditions of chaos and Those Who work for constructive ends and order, should likewise use that most necessary factor of commonsense in all that s/he does. This involves always obedience to the law of economy of force, due to discrimination, and a true sense of values. Where these are present, time will be economized, energy will be wisely distributed, excessive zeal will be eliminated, and the Great Ones will be able to depend upon an aspirant's sagacity and thus find a helper.


The Law of Free Will

We in third dimension have the right to expand or contract, to bring our creative and expressive energies out into the world in positive or negative ways. This is our ultimate decision. Not all of existence lives with this law as it carries with it both the possibility of great soul growth and the ability to loose soul growth and create evil or negativity. No matter what our circumstances, we have the power to choose our direction.

We also choose to be under the influence of others or choose to be an example for others. We do it with a hundred actions which lead to the circumstances we find ourselves in today. Thoughts are things and the mind is the builder. The free will we use to create mixes with our ability to love profoundly, and therefore this path reflects the duration of the time spent in attempt to merge with the Great Soul of all Creation. The Christ warned of that which could destroy the soul (not Spirit) so there is always a possibility that a soul entity on its journey could become a God-hater with diminished light and be absorbed back into the Spirit of God to become just spirit and no longer a soul with separate awareness. A goal of our higher selves is to voluntarily and willingly surrender our egos to be a perfected spirit, hanging up the Soul-Overcoat of manifestation regardless of how many lifetimes it takes.


The Law of Group Life

Not only must man fulfill in love his family and national obligations, but he must think in the wider terms of humanity itself, and so bring the Law of Brotherhood into _expression. Brotherhood is a group quality. Questions of self such as "Will my action tend to the group good? Will the group suffer or hurt if I do this action?" Abiding by these actions will gradually become part of our racial consciousness, and our civilization will adjust itself to these new conditions. All aspects of life of God are interdependent, and when one proceeds to fuller _expression, all of the group benefit.


The Law of Unity

We are all connected, all bearing the seed of Divinity. This is the way we start, and the way we develop into eternity. It is only while in third dimension physical form, and because of the greater separation of our higher self from the personality, we experience the illusion that we stand alone. Fear enters our emotional body because of this illusion and begins to close more profoundly our connection to the Source. Also, when we experience great soul growth, in some small but profound manner, all benefit. All substance in this Universe flows to us and through us. We are All.


The Law of Forgiveness.

This law works with the energy of allowing, and seeing all as love, so one may dispense with the unnatural feeling of getting even. The old energy of an eye for an eye keeps the vibrations of a person very low. To forgive, to release old anger, allows the law of grace to intercede and dispense with amounts of karma an individual has stored in his or her akasha. Non-violence is the natural outgrowth of the law of forgiveness and love. All good comes from forgiveness. It is a truth that the continuation of the human species is due to man's being forgiving. Forgiveness is holiness. By forgiveness the universe is held together. Forgiveness is the might of the mighty; forgiveness is quiet of mind. Forgiveness and gentleness are the qualities of the self-possessed, and represent eternal virtue.


The Law of Divine Love and Oneness

This Law concerns the ability of an entity to complete a round of reincarnation, develop such soul growth that the vibrational speed of the being qualifies him/her to merge with God. We then become a soul extension of God and among our choices many we have the ability to live in the liquid light which flows in and from God, or reincarnate as an avatar in third dimensional existence with the purpose of aiding mankind.


The Law of Color

All colors are centers of attraction, and are complementary or are antipathetic to each other. Color is healing and impacts the physical, emotional, mental and human body profoundly. Man is partially composed of color in the aura (we are color, tone, symbols and speed of vibration, or light). When intense rays of one or more colors are sent to a specific area of the body, change results.


The Law of Discipline

By practicing discipline, one expands the entity to a greater degree than almost any other action. Discipline is the surest means to greater freedom and independence. It provides the focus to achieve the skill level and depth of knowledge that translates into more options in life. Commitment involves discipline over a specific period of time. Discipline and commitment provide the bridge between here and our goals.


The Law of Higher Will

From the viewpoint of our separate self and smaller will, it's normal to act on the basis of our own desires and preferences. When we surrender our smaller self and will to the guidance of a higher will and dedicate our actions for the highest good of ALL concerned, we feel an inspired glow at the center of our life.


The Law of Group Endeavor

This law defines the multiplying of energy one creates when acting with like minded individuals to form a group effort to pray, manifest, do light work, or even to create degrees of control which we define as evil or black magic. Where the efforts of an individual may equal one unit, the efforts of two praying or healing for a common goal with equal energy will effect the energy of twenty units instead of the sum total of two. With three, the resultant energy explodes further. The longer pure thought (the exclusion of any other thought) of one's desired goal is held in the mind, the more powerful the result. Holding a pure thought for an increment of time is the beginning lesson of manifestation.

The Law of Expectation

Energy follows thought; we move toward but not beyond what we can imagine. What we assume, expect or believe colors and creates our experience. By changing our expectations, we change our experience of every aspect of life.


The Law of Equalities

Otherwise known as the Principle of Correspondence or Essential Divinity. "As above, so below; as below, so above." The major linking agent in the universe is the energy of love wisdom, and the purpose of analogy is to lead the mind back toward the sense of oneness (enlightenment). The thoughts and images we hold in our conscious and subconscious minds will manifest their mirror likenesses in our external circumstances. Our outer world is a mirror of our inner world. Earth is a school for practicing these laws of mind control. There is a Correspondence between the Laws and Phenomena of the various planes of Being and Life.

This principle enables the phenomenon of Discernment, Intuition, Hunches, etc. and that which is called remote viewing or out of body experience. Correspondence enables that which is normally unknowable, to become known to the individual who learns and knows how to use this principle. Some use it in a conscious and deliberate manner while others may not even be aware that they are using this principle. When used knowingly, it will enhance the clarity of vision and enables the mind to penetrate the most secret of secrets, and can shed light on many a dark paradox.

Correspondence establishes the interconnectedness between all things in the universe and keeps all things relative to each other. Known to the adepts and masters of ancient Egypt as the substance of the ethereal, the spirit substance or web that pervades and interpenetrates the universe. This substance acts as a medium for the transmission of light, heat, electricity, gravity. It is non-material in nature. Also known as the un-created substance, or universal substance.

The substance in which all suns, worlds, and galaxies are suspended in space, time, and change. All of us are intimately connected to all of the above mentioned events, and to each other, whether or not it is realized. The ethers are where spirit substance is manifesting the beginning of matter. Science refers to this substance as "dark matter" that cannot be seen, touched, smelled, or weighed. Dark matter does not absorb or reflect light and is therefore invisible. It is considered to be a non material substance.

It was first discovered on Earth while doing research with the Hubble space telescope. The planes of Correspondence in the order of manifestation are, The Great Spiritual Plane; The Great Mental Plane; The Great Physical Plane, or the Trinity (the ascending scale of life and being).


The Law of Justice.

This law upholds creation's farthest swinging orb. The functioning of this law is instantaneous for people of God-realization. They have banished forever all thwarting crosscurrents of ego. The universe conspires for retribution.


The Law of Group Progress

This law is also known as the law of elevation. The symbol is the mountain and the goat standing at the summit with the astrological sign of Capricorn. (All hard places can be surmounted and the summit reached by the Divine Goat a symbol meaning group effort.) The ray energy is progressive energy of the 7th ray, the evolving factor.


The Law of Non-Intervention

This law concerns the individual rights of people and society situations to serve self rather than live in the vibration of service to others. This law prevents physical beings and non physical beings from intervening or correcting what they see as wrong or harmful. If this law is violated, there is great karma incurring. Another aspect of this law is that spirit is not permitted to channel material to a recipient that would force a change in the evolution of the person. There is an exception when the channeler is willing to undergo a trance, and the consciousness leaves the body for another consciousness to enter and impart knowledge that was previously unknown to the individual.


The Law of Prayer and Meditation.

Prayer is a conscious concerted effort to commune with the Consciousness of Life and its Creator and thus we speak to God. Prayer is also an aligning, cleansing process opening up our inner-selves to the Source of all life and demonstrating that we are anxious for enlightenment and guidance. In prayer we speak to God but so often we do not wait for a reply. Meditation is the freeing and emptying of ourselves of obstacles that hinder communication and allow us to channel the God-Force, spiritually, mentally and physically. Meditation is likened to God speaking to us, and is the attunement of our physical and mental bodies to their spiritual Source. "Be still and know that I am God." In meditation, correctly aligned and unobstructed, the Creative Forces of God can rise along spiritual and physical channels in our bodies and be disseminated through sensitive spiritual chakras. Prayer is the precursor of meditation. Meditate regularly as we meet the Living God within the temple of our own body, cleansed and consecrated.

The Law of One

The Lord is ONE. All that is, is His - of self, of the universe, of the activities in the earth. All moves and has its being in Him. So it is in self. Life itself is the consciousness, the awareness of that Oneness of that Universal Consciousness in the earth. 64. The Law of Order of Creation. The beginning of law carries all the way through. And that which comes or begins first is conceived in spirit, grows in the mental and manifests in the material. First it was the means and source or manner by which the powers that be made the centralization for making known to the children of men, and children of God, the directing forces or powers. Man eventually turned this into that channel for destructive forces. While man developed in this direction for many centuries, humans are leaning toward light. We are reaching toward the critical point of more in the light than in darkness.


The Law of Patterns

Any habit or pattern, whether we call it good or bad, tends to reassert itself over time unless we break that pattern by doing something different. If it is good, we can reinforce the pattern with small self rewards. We have the power of spontaneous action, doing old things in new ways, changing and restructuring our lives and our behavior. Some of our change ability is dictated by the ways we learned when we were young. We learned to make sense of the world by observing patterns, and this has survival value. We can correct the patterns we see as dysfunctional, negative or destructive by doing something different that will have sufficient impact to interrupt the old pattern.

The Law of Intention

When a person's intention is held in the mind and action of the physical effort does not follow, people create false impressions of self. He or she thinks self is good or better than actions prove. Energy must follow intention for that which is perceived as good to happen. When an act of kindness is performed and intention is such that one wishes to be recognized for goodness, or has underlying motivation which is not of the higher order, higher rewards will not be forthcoming. Intention and effort must be of the higher vibration to gain or create spiritual accomplishment and reward. If a person gives a promise to another to do something and has an intention to do so, but does not follow through with action, this becomes a lie, a breaking of one's word, and creates karma.


The Law of Polarity

Everything is Dual. Everything has poles. Everything has its pair of opposites. Like and unlike are the same. Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree. All paradoxes may be reconciled. The evidence of this principle is observed in the polarity of planets and the various celestial bodies that includes our earth, solar system, and galaxy.

Everything has polarity. Without the law of polarity - light, gravity and electricity would not be possible. On the mental plane, this principle manifests itself in the heart center of each person as the enlightened or dark mind. The Principle of Polarity makes possible the choices we make on the scale of life between good and evil, right and wrong, generosity and greed, love and fear, truth and lies. The law of cause and effect is closely connected to polarity and holds us true to the choices and actions we make by returning to us what we have measured out to others.

Like the swing of the pendulum, it always returns where it began. In biblical terms it is expressed as, "Whatsoever a man sows, so shall he reap." "Do unto others, as you would have them to you." This principle establishes the paradox or the dual aspects of reality. "Everything that is, has its double." Positive and negative, light and darkness, hot and cold, Love and fear, mortality and Immortality.


The Law of Karma.

This is the natural principle of cause and effect. Every cause has its' effect; every effect has its cause. Everything happens according to law. Chance is but a name for law not recognized. There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law. It is ever at work with chains of causations and effects that govern all of life and manifested matter. If a person was to follow each chain link of causation, it will be found that it has its beginning and endings in the non material realm, the realm of spirit. It affects the throwing of dice on a gambling table or a rock slide that is caused by rain and wind. Each can be followed and understood to the observing mind which sees the cycles in all things, and realizes that all things follow the Great Law. The law itself is illusive and cannot be proven other than observed with the mind and is used to determine the causations and effects of any event. When this law is used with conscious effort, desired results can be produced in a person's life by steering him or herself along definite paths of causation.

When the law is used in an unconscious and haphazard mind, the effects could become potentially disastrous for the individual or group of individuals. So called "accidents" could occur without warning to individuals who toil through life without awareness. We are responsible for the very thoughts that we produce and the final result of our own mental alchemy. Fear is one of the most dangerous mental causation that prevents a person from thinking and acting as the higher self would prefer. The cause of fear is the result of a lack of knowledge about the unknown God which should be the most important educational journey in a person's life.

The causation of fear can only be removed through knowledge, wisdom, and understanding Universal Law, the reality that we live in order to produce the desired effects in our lives. The greatest evil under the sun according to Hermes/Thoth, is Not knowing God. In every minute thought, action, and deed that is performed, a person sets into motion unseen chains of causations and effects which will vibrate from the mental plane throughout the entire cellular structure of body, out into the environment, and finally into the cosmos.

Eventually the vibratory energy returns to its originator upon the return swing of the pendulum. All this in less time than the twinkling of an eye. Because there are seven dimensions of reality in which causations can occur, we remain unaware of many reasons for effects. By understanding Universal laws we can learn to operate in grace instead of accumulating karma (restrictive). This law is mechanically or mathematically operative; its workings may be scientifically manipulated by men and women of divine wisdom (fully realized). The karmic law requires that every human wish find ultimate fulfillment. Therefore, desire is the chain that binds man to the reincarnation wheel. Karma is attracted only where the magnet of the personal ego still exists. An understanding of karma as the law of justice underlying life's inequalities serves to free the human mind from resentment against God and man.


The Law of Identity

This law pertains to the individual right of all to create one's own beingness. It applies to the time spent between incarnations as well as third dimension incarnational experiences. When an entity merges with the Great Central Sun/God, the entity still may separate to accomplish something, and will possess his/her individual identity.


The Law of Fixation.

One of the seven laws of our solar system, under the three major laws, and governs the time of an individual's rebirth. This is the governing law on the mental plane, finding its greater correspondence in the Law of Karma on cosmic mental levels, and has a close connection with manas, the fifth principle. 'As a man thinks, so is he,' according to his thoughts are his desires and acts, and so results the future. The mind controls and stabilizes, and coherency is the result.


The Law of Rebirth

Each life is an assuming of ancient obligations, a recovery of old relations, an opportunity for the paying of old indebtedness, a chance to make restitution and progress, an awakening of deep-seated qualities, a recognition of old friends and enemies, the solution of revolting injustices and the explanation of that which conditions the man and makes him what he is. This law, when understood, will do much to solve the problems of sex and marriage. It will create a person who treads more carefully on the path of life.


The Law of Right to One's Own Space.

This is an aspect of free will, but another law of its own. Everyone is entitled to make career decisions for self, decide the belief system one feels comfortable with, and generally create the life that will allow one to fulfill his or her own birth vision. This is the right to one's own space, the right to live one's own life (allowing for parental direction in the developing young person). Overprotective or controlling parents, friends and even dictators have impeded this law and right since almost the inception of mankind.

The Law of Knowledge

This law concerns the fact that all knowledge concerns energy, its application, and its use or misuse. Much information is withheld from a person until s/he is a disciple, and still more until he is a pledged initiate. Information is not as necessary to the training of the disciple or initiate as is the proper use of thought energy. (i.e. Full Mindfulness) Knowledge is the right apprehension of the laws of energy, of the conservation of force, of the sources of energy, of its qualities, its types and its vibrations.


The Law of Patience

Luke said- "In your patience possess ye your souls." Patience involves spiritual, mental and physical thought and action. Through it, we learn to know our self, to measure and test our ideals, to use faith and to seek understanding through all the other virtues. Patience allows all other virtues to manifest more profoundly. Patiently we realize that any fault we see in another is one we have personal knowledge of from prior experience. Patiently we seek true understanding, not just knowledge, as we realize that every soul is totally unique and will come to its enlightenment in its own time.


The Law of Progress

It is the basis of the phenomenon of sensation, which is the key to this solar system of love, our system being a 'Son of Necessity' or desire. This law is the working out into manifestation of the informing consciousness of a part of the deva kingdom, and of certain pranic energies.


The Law of Sound

Every living thing in existence has a sound. Through this knowledge changes will be brought about and new forms developed through its medium. The release of energy in the atom is linked to the science of sound. Healing with sound is profoundly effective (vocal sounds - tuning forks - music). Sound has the power to restore people to their harmonic patterns. Chanting specific sounds and mantrams brings about great healing and raising of vibration, and produces virtually unimaginable results when done with group mantric chanting. The most powerful mantram known to present man is 'Om mani padme hum'.

The Law of Process

This law is an awareness that we have things to accomplish in our life. If we wish to reach a certain goal, we must set a direction (create order), prepare well and proceed in small but sure steps. Any achievement can be managed in increments. Skipping a single step or taking a shortcut often results in failure. Also included in this law is the knowing to appreciate the accomplishment of a step toward a goal.

The Law of No Judgements

The Universal Spirit does not judge us; judgments are human inventions, a means to compare, contrast and control as we judge ourselves against artificial, and often idealistic standards of perfection, morality or truth. Under the law of equalities, our judgments attract judgment to us in equal measure. The life/karmic review conducted by yourself after death is a condition of living in duality/third dimension.


The Law of Sacrifice

One of the seven laws of our solar system, under the three major laws. This is the controlling factor on the physical plane. The destruction of the form, in order that the evolving life may progress, is one of the fundamental methods in evolution. This is crucifixion, the basic law of all group work, the governing principle which results in each human unit eventually becoming a Savior. It is also known as the Law of those who choose to die. The symbol is a rosy cross with a golden bird hovering above it. The ray energy is out-pouring 4th ray. At-one-ing factor.


The Law of Prophecy

The only true future that exists is the desire or will of the Source of all Creation that none shall be lost and that the future is happening, unfolding in the I AM, now. Sacred geometry is an aspect, a manifestation of God's love. People who are able to tune into the Akashic records and into the Universal Consciousness are sometimes using sacred geometry to draw a line from the supposed past, present and then to the future.

The ability to use sacred geometry comes with the raising of vibration to such a degree, the personality gains the right to assess Akasha for the good of another or self. When reading the energy going to the future of people on earth one must keep in mind that this energy changes from moment to moment. While those powerful prophets of old were correct in their time and some of what they said has held to present day, much of their prophecies have lost relevancy. Just by hearing prediction, we change the outcome to some degree.


The Power of Words

The power of the spoken word is one of life’s greatest mysteries. All you will ever be or accomplish hinges on how you choose to govern what comes out of your mouth. By what you allow to occupy your mind and mouth, you can either bless your life to great heights of success or send it orbiting into realms of failure, sadness, and discontentment. This is why Proverbs urges, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life” (Prov. 4:23, nlt). Jesus followed suit by declaring, “For whatever is in your heart determines what you say. A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart”


The Law of Continuity of Consciousness

The Universe is in a continuous and endless process of creation. Cosmic consciousness is a reality, and everything in creation is connected to everything else. The medium for the 'implicate order' of this relationship is consciousness. The fusion of individual consciousness and the universal consciousness (the building of the antahkarana) results in the development of universal knowledge, of omniscience (all science/all knowledge). Continuity of consciousness is achieved by us after the soul has been acknowledged, awakened, liberated and identified with the Whole (enlightenment). A step to achieve enlightenment is to be aware of our thoughts, emotions and actions, the faculty that enables us to be vigilant, observant or to know.


The Law of Teaching

This law concerns the responsibility people have to pass on that which they learn, for the continuation of the human race to benefit by this information, if it is in the higher interest of people to learn the acquired information.


The Law of Unconditional Love

This is a condition as well as a law of third dimension living. Loving ourselves and other people as they are, is honoring self and another's self and soul path. It is loving without judgement or reservation, an awareness we are all part of God or the All. When we love without condition or restraint we connect in a profound manner with our own higher self. We notice that we say the right things at the right time in our communication with others while loving unconditionally. Life and events seem to flow to us in a more joyous and agreeable manner. Everything seems easy when living in unconditional love.


The Law of Will of God

The creators of our world carry out their work of form-building under this law. God's working has to do with things free from change and movement - things divine. It is God's will that what is human should be divine, and therefore all creation pushes forth to the God Light. God is all good, and it is by reason of the Good that all other things exist.


Refuse to Engage in Malicious Gossip

Count to ten and tell your friend that you're breaking the gossip habit. Counting is one of those techniques you can use to manage a behavior that you choose to avoid. It's a powerful technique in anger management and can also be used when you don't wish to gossip. Malicious gossip is mean, and some experts declare it nothing less than a form of bullying. Step back, count to ten, and remove yourself from the gossip clique. Don't take part in the mudslinging. Feel happy knowing that you didn't and your friend might see the error of it as well. Finding things to praise about others inspires people to feel happy whereas gossiping does just the opposite.


The Law of Spiritual Awakening

A basic level of self-control and stability is required to maintain the degree of effort required for the awakening of other states of awareness. Because such awakening brings with it higher forms of perception and power, self-centered misuse of the greater perception and power bears proportionally graver karmic consequence. Spiritual Awakening brings with it the need for moral impeccability.


Keep Your Promises to Others

One way to spread happiness is to keep your promises. Just as you see someone who is faithful to her word as trustworthy, so your friends, family, and business colleagues will also trust you when you hold to the truth. In this age of spin, when facts get altered in ways to deliberately mislead people and to further ideological agendas, let your truth be absolute. It isn't always easy to align your feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and spoken words so that no one questions your truthfulness or integrity. Gandhi used truth as his nonviolent weapon against adversaries. No one questioned his truthfulness or whether he could keep his promises to others. Imagine the happiness of millions of Indians when his Quit India movement secured their freedom from the British


The Law of Time.

The only moment we have is now. This is where we create. What we have done is done and that moment in history exists only as a record or energy trace in time and space. The consequences of past actions are atoned through karma, and can be rewritten to a degree. The FUTURE only ever happens in and from the present tense and is built of today's thoughts, dressed by emotion and driven by action. Activity is the key. Third dimension living has more rigid structure of time than fourth dimension existence. There are those who can slip into 'no time' but these are people who have raised their personal vibration (demonstrating many virtues, dispensed a great deal of karma and much killing of the ego) and accessed the information to create the ability. Third dimension linear time was created for those living under this veil of forgetfulness to center in the moment and perceive a sense of order without the remembrance of burdens of past lives.


The Law of Spiritual Approach

This law depicts the conscious act of a personality to create with its every thought, word and deed the ability to be the reflection of its god self. Every action is a prayer to the Creator of All. When this is done with success, the personality becomes a mirror or reflection of the god self for others to learn from and emulate. This is a walking, talking example of becoming our higher self.


The Law of Surrender

Because people so cherish the self, surrendering is a very frightening experience. A person may experience the surrender as a leap into an abyss or as death. This may be perceived because s/he has not yet attained a complete trust and faith in God, the complete assurance that once the self is abandoned, the being automatically merges with a higher stage of existence which is necessarily ready and waiting to accept it. There is no chance for the process not to function. At the instant of surrender, the entire being of the individual merges into the specific higher manifestation of reality that it is in relation to at that point in its development. God streams into the soul that has managed to negate the self. This is the surrender of the idea of I.


Think of Three Things You Can Do to Make the World a Better Place

Think of three things you can do that don't cost money but that can benefit the world. You could pick up trash along your daily walk. With the rain forest disappearing at an alarming rate, you could plant a tree or two. Recycle, if you don't already. Hold open a door for a mother with a small child and a stroller. Give a laborer a fresh bottle of water when he's working up a sweat. Implement as many ideas as you can and feel the joy of knowing that you are truly making the world a better place, one selfless action at a time.

Give a Book to a Friend to Motivate or Inspire Him

If you know someone who can't seem to get going, is a little down, or has lost interest in things that used to excite him, give him a book that you have found inspiring or motivational. Talk with that individual about the reasons that life is no longer happy and fulfilling for him. See if you can find out what precipitated the loss of interest. Perhaps that person needs more than a book; it might be necessary to suggest that he seek professional counseling if he's depressed. Ask yourself what you might do to help him get interested in life again. Would a motivational support group help him? Would he like to attend church, temple, or a meditation group with you? Is he burned out from work and does he need a weekend or longer away? If so, invite him to join you for some rest and relaxation, a vision quest, or a spa getaway. Just as you might during dark times in your life welcome a shoulder to cry on, a helping hand to lift you, or someone to walk with you when you feel alone, your friend may need that from you now.


The Law of Vibration

One of the seven laws of our solar system, under the three major laws. This is the basis of manifestation, starting on the first plane, the beginning of the work of the Logos. This is the atomic law of the system, in the same sense that on each of our planes the first subplane is the atomic plane. Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. This is the law of progress, of movement and of rotation. This Principle explains that the differences between manifestations of matter, energy, mind and spirit, result largely from varying rates in vibration. All that exists, is in constant vibration and motion.

Atoms always vibrate with such great rapidity that they seem motionless to the physical eye. At the other end of the scale are things that vibrate so slowly that they also appear to be motionless or non-existent. In between are the various vibrations of living entities which range from consciousness all the way down to the lowly dust particle that plays an important role in the food chain. Still there are things even lower then dust. If we were to follow the scale of life all the way down to the utmost regions of the negative pole (undifferentiated matter), we again would find ourselves in the realm of spirit - the Alpha, and the Omega. All that is, begins in spirit and ends in spirit completing a single cycle of evolution that will be repeated countless numbers of times through eternity.

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