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Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends. Walt Disney


You Deserve to Be Happy

Being happy is not a privilege – it is something everyone deserves.

Remind yourself today that you really are worth it, that you do deserve to be happy and that it is your right to be happy.

Nothing is more powerful than the recognition that you deserve to be living the life you want.


Decide to Feel Rich

Having a poverty mentality leaves you focusing on all the things you don’t have, when in reality you probably already have everything you need.

If you spend your time thinking that you are poor, you will be. The truth is, even if there are things you still want for your life, you probably already have everything you need.

Every time you take out your wallet today, remind yourself how fortunate you are just to be able to do so.


Give Yourself Permission

You have to give yourself permission to be happy. Nobody else can give it to you.

If you find yourself making excuses or apologising for the things you want, stop. There is no reason why you can’t have everything you need to create a happy and fulfilling life.

Give yourself permission today to do, be and have all that you want from life. Then go and make it your reality.


Treat Yourself with Respect

Your self-esteem is a valuable resource. Make sure you encourage, nurture, protect and support yours.

Constantly criticising yourself or using a harsh tone is not the way to get the best out of yourself.

Listen to your inner dialogue and make the commitment today to only ever speak to yourself with kindness, patience and love. Your self-esteem is one of your most precious possessions. Treat yours with the respect it deserves.


Choose to Have a Great Day

Nobody from your past should be held responsible for your future. The only person accountable for your future is you.

It’s easy to fall into the habit of blaming other people for how your day turned out: the bus driver who was rude, the co-worker who was impatient, the guy who stole your parking space.

The truth is, nobody else has the power to make your day good or bad. It’s up to you.

Make the decision that today is going to be a great day and don’t let anyone else stand in your way.


Breathe Slowly and Smile

True happiness is a state of being, not one of doing or having.

One of the fastest ways to embrace a sense of happiness and wellbeing is to focus on the feeling you want to create. Close your eyes, breathe slowly and smile. Keep smiling until you feel a sense of calm contentment wash over you. Take a moment to capture how good that feels and then carry this feeling with you for the rest of your day.


Don’t Make Judgments

Everyone has a different journey in life. Don’t judge someone else for theirs.

Looking down at someone or thinking that you are better than them will never make you happy.

While feeling superior might give you a quick, short-term high, it will only last until you let that same judgement determine that someone else is better than you.

Make a commitment today not to judge. Even if the person you are judging is you.


Take Care of Yourself

There is a big difference between being selfish and being selfish putting yourself first doesn't mean you have to put everyone else last.

Make a point of putting yourself first today. While it might not be possible for you to be your number-one priority every single day, it’s important to have your own needs met if you want to have the energy it takes to be there for everyone else.


Think About What You Have Learned

Don’t be attached to outcomes. Enjoy your experiences for what they are, what you have gained and what you have learned.

Instead of becoming disappointed or feeling let down if something doesn’t turn out the way you wanted today, shift your perspective and ask yourself, ‘What have I learned?’

When you are able to focus on what you’ve gained you’ll be able to turn every experience into a positive one, regardless of the outcome.


Embrace Your Feelings

Don’t deny your emotions and force yourself to smile when you feel like crying. Cry, but learn to smile through your tears.

In every full and interesting life there will be sad times as well as happy ones. If something leaves you feeling low today, you don’t need to deny yourself that feeling. Allow yourself to experience it fully; just remember not to wallow in it.


Believe in Yourself

Regardless of your upbringing or formative experiences, it is never too late to start believing in yourself.

Make the decision today to believe in yourself, your dreams and your right to achieve those dreams.

It doesn’t matter if this isn’t how you felt yesterday, or if you don’t yet have the confidence to know you will feel that way tomorrow.

Just begin each day with this thought in mind and watch your self-belief grow.


Do Something Just for You

You only have one life. Make sure that yours is one you are happy to be living.

As you work through all the things on your to-do list, make sure you find time for something just for you. It might be that you exercise, stop for a coffee at your favorite café, call a friend or read a chapter of a book. Whatever you choose, make sure that you do something each day that you really do enjoy. Your life will be happier for it.

Be Proactive

Don’t take your happiness for granted. Be proactive about maintaining and sustaining it in your life.

If something has been bothering you, wearing you down or getting on your nerves, don’t just ignore it.

Make the commitment today to being proactive about your happiness and address whatever is getting in your way.


Take Action

Worrying doesn't change anything. Focus your energy on the outcome you want and then do what you can to make it happen.

If you find yourself worrying about something today, stop. Ask yourself, ‘Is this something I can do something about?’ If you can’t do anything about it, then worrying is a waste of your energy. If you can do something, put your energy to better use by taking action.


Understand the Other Point of View

Before passing judgment on someone’s choices, stop and look at the questions they were trying to answer.

Today, before you label someone else’s decision as being right or wrong, remember this is just your perspective. Take a minute to understand where they are coming from.

It still might not be the right approach for you but you’ll have a much clearer idea of why it was the best answer for them.


Don’t Be Complacent

Most people are fine with ‘fine’ and okay with ‘okay’. If you want to be the best you can be, make sure you’re not.

When you lead a busy life, it can be easy to get so caught up in the day-to-day that you forget about the bigger picture. If you are not careful, you can let weeks, months or even years can go by without stopping to focus on what you really want from life and what you need to do to make that your reality. Make the time today to think about your goals, hopes and dreams and then do one thing that takes you closer to making them your reality.


Be Firm But Fair

Sometimes being happy will require some difficult conversations. Some of those conversations will be with yourself.

Sometimes you need to give yourself a reality check. If you need to give yourself a pep talk today, don’t use it as an excuse to beat yourself up. Be firm, fair and focus on what you need to do to get back on track.


Do the Things that Matter

Focus on what matters. Honor your values and make decisions that are aligned with them.

It is hard to live a happy life if you don’t take time to think about what matters most to you.

Start each day by asking yourself, ‘If I could do just one thing to make my life happy today, what would it be?’ Then make sure you do it.


Aim for Your Personal Best

Let go of the idea of winning or losing. In the game of life, the most important thing is just showing up and doing your best.

Every time you evaluate yourself against someone else, you’re competing. And every time you compete in this way, not only do you set yourself up for failure, you erode your self-esteem.

The only person you should ever compete against is yourself. Make the commitment each day to aim for your personal best … Now that’s a challenge worth meeting.


Seek Out Silence

It’s hard to be present when your attention is suffering information overload. Switch off and just sit still.

Find time to experience five minutes of silence in your day: walk away from your computer, put your phone on silent, close your eyes and just breathe. Then return to whatever it is you need to focus on, feeling refreshed and re-energized. It will only take five minutes but you’ll feel like you've been recharging for five hours.


Live Without Regret

Don’t be afraid to take a chance. The worst that can happen is that you don’t succeed … this time.

Make the promise today to live without thinking ‘If only … ’.
The price you will pay for not being brave is a life of regret. The reward
for being bold will be the satisfaction of knowing that you tried.


Guard Your Self-Esteem

Examine your self-talk. Never speak to yourself more harshly than you would to a small child.

Some of the most important conversations you have are the ones you have with yourself.

Pay attention to your inner dialogue today and make sure the things you tell yourself support, rather than erode, your self-belief and sense of self worth. You are the guardian of your self-esteem. Make the commitment each day to protect and nurture yours.


Act As If It Were True

Challenge your assumptions and identify your limiting beliefs. Every time you find yourself thinking that you can’t do something, ask yourself,‘Why not?’

Challenge yourself to suspend reality and spend the whole day acting ‘as if … ’. As if anything you wanted to do, be or have was possible. As you view your world through this new perspective, you will begin to see the answers and solutions you need to make your dreams a reality.


Find Happiness Within

There is nothing wrong with enjoying life’s luxuries as long as your happiness isn’t contingent on them.

There is nothing wrong with wanting nice things for yourself, if you want them for the right reasons.

If you catch yourself today thinking, ‘I’ll be happy when I’ve got this or I’ve done that’, remind yourself that the things you’ve bought and the places you’ve been don’t define your life, they’re simply how you accessorise it.


Recognise the Effort

Most people are doing their best, most of the time.

If someone does something today that annoys or frustrates you, before you let it get to you remind yourself that they are probably doing the best they can. Just because their best wasn’t good enough for you, that doesn’t mean they weren’t making an effort.


Post on Your Mirror Five Factors Vital to Your Success

Think of five factors that are absolutely vital to the success of your dream. Write them on sticky paper or note cards and place them where you can see and think about them. For example, having a dream of owning your own business might mean knowing everything you can possibly know about your product or service and the demographic of your ideal customer, having a business plan, finding enough capital, and establishing the proper price point for your product. Determining the optimum business location or having a great website will also be important. You want to start a business that succeeds. Knowing what is vital to that success will help you get those things before you launch your company.


Incubate Your Dream and Let It Take Flight

This exercise might not seem too specific, but in fact it is. Incubate means allowing something time to reach its fullness. Letting your dream take flight is letting go of the restrictions you might place upon yourself and your dream. Instead, think about it until it reaches its fullness then let it go. Follow it. Writer Anaïs Nin once observed that a dream was always ahead of her and she chased it, but when she caught up and lived in unison with it for a moment, that moment was nothing short of a miracle. Dreams open your mind to beautiful and exciting possibilities. Give your dream free reign. You may even discover happiness and unfathomable success.


Give Your Dream Some Rocket Power

A dream needs a powerful push to move into manifestation. You give it that power by making your dream as clear as possible in your mind, turning it into a specific goal or goals, putting the goals into a time line, and knowing what the culmination of that dream looks like. For example, you wish you could leave your indoor office job and find some kind of work in nature, possibly landscaping, or overseeing the care and security of a park. Get more specific. Working at a wildlife rescue center is quite different than that of caring for the horses at an equine therapy center. Clipping spent flowers from rose bushes at a community garden is different from enforcing the rules governing the use of a local park. St. Augustine, in the fifth century, offered the following sage advice, “Pray as if everything depended upon God and act as if everything depended upon you.” Ignatius Loyola changed the word “act” to “work.” The point is that belief, actions, and work are all necessary to push forth a dream from the idea realm into manifestation.

Buy a Blank Journal and Record Your Daily Progress

Blank journals are great for keeping track of the progress you make toward achieving your dream. You can find blank journals in bookstores, drug stores, and some supermarkets and department stores. Perhaps you've always dreamed of owning your own salon. Assuming you already have your cosmetology license and, perhaps, a station at a local salon, begin by figuring out all of your options, including striking out on your own or partnering with a friend, relative, or an associate. Is there a local salon for sale? Is there retail space at a good price in a great location? Do you already have a client who will follow you to your new location? Where will you get the money for your startup operations? Brainstorm until you know everything about actualizing your dream. Write your ideas in the journal. Then, make your dream happen.


Laws of Magnetic Development

FIRST LAW: Discovery of endowment. The limits of magnetic endowment latent in every normal person emerge only through prolonged effort in the culture of magnetism.

SECOND LAW: Difficult environment. Magnetism develops in direct proportion to the difficulty of environment.

THIRD LAW: Magnetic intention. Magnetism evolves solely through multiplication of endowment into environment by the persistent magnetic intention.

FOURTH LAW: Free adjustment. The culture of magnetism imperatively demands that central adjustment of the self to all powers which realizes in absolute psychic freedom.

FIFTH LAW: Concentration. The magnetic multiplication of endowment into environment is only possible to intense, persistent and unified concentration to the methods of Success-Magnetism.

SIXTH LAW: Purpose-ideals. Growth of noblest magnetism depends, in the larger sense, upon general adherence to a single, preeminent, ideal life-purpose, and, in the particular sense, upon specialization of the individual in studied magnetic conduct related to that end.

SEVENTH LAW: Receptivity. The highest magnetism realizes through magnetic laws in proportion as the inner self maintains alert receptivity to the Universal Forces.

EIGHTH LAW: Demand. The silent, persistent demand of the self upon the Universal Magnetism makes it a center toward which the Forces naturally gravitate.

NINTH LAW: Affirmation. Continuous, intense affirmation of actual possessed magnetic power stimulates the success-elements, maintains receptivity, emphasizes demand, harmonizes and intensifies inner etheric vibrations, and induces a positive movement of the universal ether and its forces inward toward the central self.

TENTH LAW: Psychic energy. All personal magnetism involves psychic energy developed and directed by magnetic intention.

ELEVENTH LAW: Self-control. Magnetic energy concentrates through psychic control of its tendencies.

TWELFTH LAW: Magnetic quality. The inner psychic attitude the character of magnetic intention determines the quality and effectiveness of the effort to multiply endowment into environment, and, therefore, the kind and degree of magnetism attained.

THIRTEENTH LAW: Self-valuation. Other things being equal, magnetism unfolds as gratifying, but unostentatious, self- valuation develops.

FOURTEENTH LAW: Use of self. Under conformity to other magnetic laws, the highest magnetism issues only from the constant best use of self at its best to the best advantage.

FIFTEENTH LAW: Magnetic heroism. Self-pity, complaint, and all kindred states, confuse, weaken and waste every variety of magnetic power, while heroic acceptance of conditions for their betterment, and courageous assertion of self as master, conserve and enormously develop the noblest magnetism in proportion to the sway of the magnetic intention.

SIXTEENTH LAW: Action and reaction. Highest magnetism involves not only studied cultivation, but, as well, the magnetic utilization of stimulating reactions induced by intelligent employment.

SEVENTEENTH LAW: Recovery. Whoever, on occasion of any psychic (magnetic) failure or defeat, dedicates the whole of aroused desperation to recovery of ground, infallibly induces a stress in the etheric life around him which ultimately draws to his aid, with the onsweep of worlds, the Universal Forces.

EIGHTEENTH LAW: Reproduction. "Everything is transmitted, everything is transformed, everything is reproduced" (Ochorowicz); in physical and psychic health alone, therefore, are the Universal Forces transmitted through perfect etheric vibrations, transformed through effective etheric conduction, and reproduced in magnetism by adequate and harmonious psychic control of etheric capabilities.

NINETEENTH LAW: Superiority of culture. The crude values of natural magnetism, the automatic functions of unconscious magnetism, demonstrate at their best solely as they climax in full conscious magnetic culture.



Importance of Good Clothing

First impressions are apt to be permanent; it is therefore of importance that they should be favourable. The dress of an individual is that circumstance from which you first form your opinion of him. It is even more prominent than manner, It is indeed the only thing which is remarked in a casual encounter, or during the first interview. It, therefore, should be the first care.

What style is to our thoughts, dress is to our persons. It may supply the place of more solid  qualities, and without it the most solid are of little avail. Numbers have owed their elevation to their attention to the toilet. Place, fortune, marriage have all been lost by neglecting it.

Your dress should always be consistent with your age and your natural exterior. That which looks outr, on one man, will be agreeable on another. As success in this respect depends almost entirely upon particular circumstances and personal peculiarities, it is impossible to give general directions of much importance. We can only point out the field for study and research; it belongs to each one's own genius and industry to deduce the results. However ugly you may be, rest assured that there is some style of habiliment which will make you passable.

If, for example, you have a stain upon your cheek which rivals in brilliancy the best Chateau-Margout; or, are afflicted with a nose whose lustre dims the ruby, you may employ such hues of dress, that the eye, instead of being shocked by the strangeness of the defect, will be charmed by the graceful harmony of the colours. Every one cannot indeed be an Adonis, but it is his own fault if he is an Esop.

Almost every defect of face may be concealed by a judicious use and arrangement of hair. Take care, however, that your hair be not of one colour and your whiskers of another; and let your wig be large enough to cover the whole of your red or white hair. It is evident, therefore, that though a man may be ugly, there is no necessity for his being shocking. 

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