Money Management

Money management offers a tour of research on the science of spending, explaining how you can get more money.

Information of the Ages

Learn wisdom from extra-ordinary leaders of the ages.

Business Guide

Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends. Walt Disney


"The Art of Effortless Living" by Ingrid Bacci

Most of us believe that in order to achieve anything worthwhile, whether in our careers, family life, health or even on the sports field, we have to work hard and apply a lot of effort. In fact, just the opposite is true. In The Art of Effortless Living, Dr Ingrid Bacci offers compelling evidence that the most productive, creative and healthiest individuals are those who practice effortless living. By doing less, paradoxical as it may seem, they achieve more.

Here you learn how to dissolve conscious and unconscious stress through simple techniques that replace effort with effortlessness. You will also discover a more rewarding lifestyle that leads to physical vitality, increased productivity, creative relationships and the freedom to express your best self.

'This book contains a piece of essential wisdom - that by letting go we gain more, not less. Because most of us are obsessed with the idea of making things happen, we seriously need the lessons of The Art of Effortless Living' Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Recovering Your Soul.


"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho

Like the one-time bestseller Jonathan Livingston Seagull, The Alchemist presents a simple fable, based on simple truths and places it in a highly unique situation. And though we may sniff a bestselling formula, it is certainly not a new one: even the ancient tribal storytellers knew that this is the most successful method of entertaining an audience while slipping in a lesson or two. Brazilian storyteller Paulo Coelho introduces Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who one night dreams of a distant treasure in the Egyptian pyramids. And so he's off: leaving Spain to literally follow his dream.

Along the way he meets many spiritual messengers, who come in unassuming forms such as a camel driver and a well-read Englishman. In one of the Englishman's books, Santiago first learns about the alchemists men who believed that if a metal were heated for many years, it would free itself of all its individual properties, and what was left would be the "Soul of the World." Of course he does eventually meet an alchemist, and the ensuing student-teacher relationship clarifies much of the boy's misguided agenda, while also emboldening him to stay true to his dreams.



"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R Covey

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change was a groundbreaker when it was first published in 1990, and it continues to be a business bestseller with more than 10 million copies sold. Stephen Covey, an internationally respected leadership authority, realizes that true success encompasses a balance of personal and professional effectiveness, so this book is a manual for performing better in both arenas. His anecdotes are as frequently from family situations as from business challenges.

Before you can adopt the seven habits, you'll need to accomplish what Covey calls a "paradigm shift" a change in perception and interpretation of how the world works. Covey takes you through this change, which affects how you perceive and act regarding productivity, time management, positive thinking, developing your "proactive muscles" (acting with initiative rather than reacting), and much more.



"The 360 Degree Leader" by John Maxwell

In his nearly thirty years of teaching leadership, John Maxwell has encountered this question again and again: How do I apply leadership principles if I'm not the boss? It's a valid question that Maxwell answers in The 360 Degree Leader voted best business book of the year by Soundview Executive Book Summary subscribers, and 2006 recipient of their Harold Longman Award. In this award-winning book, Maxwell asserts that you don't have to be the main leader to make significant impact in your organization. Good leaders are not only capable of leading their followers but are also adept at leading their superiors and their peers.

Debunking myths and shedding light on the challenges, John Maxwell offers specific principles for Leading Down, Leading Up, and Leading Across. 360-Degree Leaders can lead effectively, regardless of their position in an organization. By applying Maxwell's principles, you will expand your influence and ultimately be a more valuable team member.



"The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" by John Maxwell

Wow what a book. Ever wondered why some people can take groups to incredible heights and other seemingly as capable individuals can’t? Ever thought how come a team performs completely differently when a new leader is installed? Most leadership books I have previously read dealt really with management.

 Maxwell has an absolute understanding of the qualities a leader must display. In the 21 Laws Maxwell breaks down leadership into 21 chapters each dealing with a specific 'Law of Leadership'. With insights into how famous leaders performed and with ideas on how to develop yourself as a leader.

This book is a must for all budding and fully bloomed leaders alike. Anyone who can take a church congregation from hundreds to over 30,000, who can be instrumental in the success of companies such as Chick Fila must understand true leadership! John Maxwell understands leadership. If you want to understand leadership, if you want to be regarded as a leader, this book is a must.



"The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success" by Brian Tracy

The scrappy spirit of Horatio Alger is alive and well in success guru Brian Tracy. He may not be a household name yet like his colleagues Warren Bennis and Anthony Robbins, but (his publisher tells us) he still lectures hundreds of thousands annually on personal and professional development, including top cats at IBM and Arthur Andersen. This, his latest of some 10 books (including the "bestseller" Maximum Achievement), is exactly what its title suggests 100 maxims and MOs everyone must learn and live by to make it big, broken down into the laws of Life, Success, Business, Leadership, Money, Selling, Negotiating, and Time Management. Each law is followed up by anecdotes and quotes through history, plus bulleted points on "How You Can Apply This Law Immediately," which provide welcome structure and practicality.



"Thanks: the Science of Gratitude" by Robert Emmons

Happiness books written for the popular read seem to fall into one of two general categories. They're either based on scientific evidence and give you research-tested techniques (such as Finding Happiness in a Frustrating World), OR, they give you advice and things to think about to help you "reframe" your thinking (such as The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living). While I can't say that one is better than the other, as they both have their attributes, I will say that I personally prefer the research-based books the best- like this one.

In this book, positive psychology researcher Robert Emmons, who is very well published I might add, will tell you all about the emotional disposition of gratitude- and how cultivating it in your life will not only make you happier, but just plain healthier all the way around!


"Talent Is Overrated" by Geoff Colvin

I inhaled this book. The informal plan was to read it over a few short weeks. Instead I plowed through it in maybe three days.

For those teetering on the edge of greatness or thinking about really going for the gusto, in whatever field or endeavor that has captured their spirit  this book is an invitation to walk among the gods.

For those who have soured on their dreams and bitterly written them off, however, this book will be painful. It might even read like a damning indictment, and thus incite a hostile emotional response.

And finally, this book also has the potential to be terrifying. For those who feel the pull of greatness but also wrestle with a deep-seated fear of failure, the starkness of the choice will be revealed to them in these pages.



Effect of Thought on Health and the Body

The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operations of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. At the bidding of unlawful thoughts the body sinks rapidly into disease and decay; at the command of glad and beautiful thoughts it becomes clothed with youthfulness and beauty.

Disease and health, like circumstances, are rooted in thought. Sickly thoughts will express themselves through a sickly body. Thoughts of fear have been known to kill a man as speedily as a bullet, and they are continually killing thousands of people just as surely though less rapidly. The people who live in fear of disease are the people who get it. Anxiety quickly demoralizes the whole body, and lays it open to the entrance of disease; while impure thoughts, even if not physically indulged, will soon shatter the nervous system.

Strong, pure, and happy thoughts build up the body in vigor and grace. The body is a delicate and plastic instrument, which responds readily to the thoughts by which it is impressed, and habits of thought will produce their own effects, good or bad, upon it.

Men will continue to have impure and poisoned blood so long as they propagate unclean thoughts. Out of a clean heart comes a clean life and a clean body. Out of a defiled mind proceeds a defiled life and corrupt body. Thought is the fount of action, life and manifestation; make the fountain pure, and all will be pure.

Change of diet will not help a man who will not change his thoughts. When a man makes his thoughts pure, he no longer desires impure food.

If you would perfect your body, guard your mind. If you would renew your body, beautify your mind. Thoughts of malice, envy, disappointment, despondency, rob the body of its health and grace. A sour face does not come by chance; it is made by sour thoughts.

Wrinkles that mar are drawn by folly, passion, pride.

I know a woman of ninety-six who has the bright, innocent face of a girl. I know a man well under middle age whose face is drawn into inharmonious contours. The one is the result of a sweet and sunny disposition; the other is the outcome of passion and discontent.

As you cannot have a sweet and wholesome abode unless you admit the air and sunshine freely into your rooms, so a strong body and a bright, happy, or serene countenance can only result from the free admittance into the mind of thoughts of joy and good will and serenity.

On the faces of the aged there are wrinkles made by sympathy; others by strong and pure thoughts; and others are carved by passion: who cannot distinguish them? With those who have lived righteously, age is calm, peaceful, and softly mellowed, like the setting sun. I have recently seen a philosopher on his deathbed. He was not old except in years. He died as sweetly and peacefully as he had lived.

There is no physician like cheerful thought for dissipating the ills of the body; there is no comforter to compare with goodwill for dispersing the shadows of grief and sorrow. To live continually in thoughts of ill-will, cynicism, suspicion, and envy, is to be confined in a self-made prison-hole. But to think well of all, to be cheerful with all, and to patiently learn to find the good in all - such unselfish thoughts are the very portals of heaven; and to dwell day by day in thoughts of peace toward every creature will bring abounding peace to their possessor.


"Stumbling on Happiness" by Daniel Gilbert

Several years ago, on a flight from New York to California, I had the good fortune to sit next to a psychologist named Dan Gilbert. He had a shiny bald head, an irrepressible good humor, and we talked (or, more accurately, he talked) from at least the Hudson to the Rockies--and I was completely charmed. He had the wonderful quality many academics have--which is that he was interested in the kinds of questions that all of us care about but never have the time or opportunity to explore. He had also had a quality that is rare among academics. He had the ability to translate his work for people who were outside his world. Now Gilbert has written a book about his psychological research. It is called Stumbling on Happiness, and reading it reminded me of that plane ride long ago. It is a delight to read. Gilbert is charming and funny and has a rare gift for making very complicated ideas come alive.


"Rules of the Red Rubber Ball" by Kevin Carroll

With simple but delightful storytelling, Kevin Carroll channels his childhood passion for sport and play into a universally appealing blueprint for life. Drawing wisdom from the playgrounds of his youth, where he spent hour upon hour sharpening his body and his mind, Carroll shares with readers his Rules of the Red Rubber Ball - how to achieve maximum human potential through the power of passion and creativity.

Finding your own -red rubber ball+ and chasing it to your heart’s content, he argues, is the surest route to peace, prosperity, and happiness. Over the years as an athletic trainer and public speaker, Carroll has transformed his philosophy into seven simple rules that any successful leader will endorse: 1) Commit to it; 2) Seek out encouragers; 3) Work out your creative muscle; 4) Prepare to shine; 5) Speak up; 6) Expect the unexpected; 7) Maximize the day. With an award-winning design and color photos throughout, Rules of the Red Rubber Ball will inspire the child in everyone for generations to come.


"Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter

Personal finance author and lecturer Robert Kiyosaki developed his unique economic perspective through exposure to a pair of disparate influences: his own highly educated, but fiscally unstable father, and the multimillionaire eighth-grade dropout father of his closest friend.

The lifelong monetary problems experienced by his "poor dad" (whose weekly paychecks, while respectable, were never quite sufficient to meet family needs) pounded home the counterpoint communicated by his "rich dad" (that "the poor and the middle class work for money," but "the rich have money work for them"). Taking that message to heart, Kiyosaki was able to retire at 47.

Rich Dad Poor Dad, written with consultant and CPA Sharon L. Lechter, lays out his the philosophy behind his relationship with money. Although Kiyosaki can take a frustratingly long time to make his points, his book is nonetheless a compelling advocate for the type of "financial literacy" that's never taught in schools. Based on the principle that income-generating assets always provide healthier bottom-line results than even the best of traditional jobs, it explains how the former might be acquired so that the latter eventually can be shed.


"Purple Cow" by Seth Godin

The world is changing ever more rapidly, and the rules of marketing are no different, writes Godin, the field's reigning guru. The old ways-run-of-the-mill TV commercials, ads in the Wall Street Journal and so on-don't work like they used to, because such messages are so plentiful that consumers have tuned them out. This means you have to toss out everything you know and do something "remarkable" (the way a purple cow in a field of Guernseys would be remarkable) to have any effect at all, writes Godin (Permission Marketing; Unleashing the Ideavirus).

He cites companies like HBO, Starbucks and JetBlue, all of which created new ways of doing old businesses and saw their brands sizzle as a result. Godin's style is punchy and irreverent, using short, sharp messages to drive his points home. As a result the book is fiery, but not entirely cohesive; at times it resembles a stream-of-consciousness monologue. Still, his wide-ranging advice-be outrageous, tell the truth, test the limits and never settle for just "very good"-is solid and timely. Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.


"Psychocybernetics" by Maxwell Maltz

This book is profoundly good. Do not let the artificial sounding title put you off - it contains chapter after chapter of elegantly written guidance for living. It is evident in the writing that this is the result of not years but decades of observation by Maltz. The chapter on negative emotional habits is in itself worth the money. I bought the book to try to resolve 11 years of tension headaches. After reading the first chapter,

I stopped reading in order to try out some ideas. The headaches are improving, but almost as importantly, I have learnt so much more about myself. Not speculative, extrapolated ideas of the author, but the result of close observations of patients who were counseled before cosmetic surgery. In many cases, the intended facial surgery was canceled, to be replaced by surgery of attitude. I cannot recommend it highly enough.


"Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell

Now that he's gotten us talking about the viral life of ideas and the power of gut reactions, Malcolm Gladwell poses a more provocative question in Outliers: why do some people succeed, living remarkably productive and impactful lives, while so many more never reach their potential? Challenging our cherished belief of the "self-made man," he makes the democratic assertion that superstars don't arise out of nowhere, propelled by genius and talent: "they are invariably the beneficiaries of hidden advantages and extraordinary opportunities and cultural legacies that allow them to learn and work hard and make sense of the world in ways others cannot." Examining the lives of outliers from Mozart to Bill Gates, he builds a convincing case for how successful people rise on a tide of advantages, "some deserved, some not, some earned, some just plain lucky."


"Our Iceberg is Melting" by John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber

This charming story about a penguin colony in Antarctica illustrates key truths about how deal with the issue of change: handle the challenge well and you can prosper greatly; handle it poorly and you put yourself at risk. The penguins are living happily on their iceberg as they have done for many years. Then one curious penguin discovers a potentially devastating problem threatening their home - and pretty much no one listens to him.

The characters in this fable are like people we recognise, even ourselves. Their story is one of resistance to change and heroic action, confusion and insight, seemingly intractable obstacles and the most clever tactics for dealing with those obstacles. It is a story that is occuring in different forms around us today  but the penguins handle change a great deal better than most of us.


"Now Discover Your Strengths" by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O Clifton

This book represents three very ambitious efforts. One, it argues for a new management paradigm that builds from the psychological make-up of each person in the workplace to create the most effective combination of people and tasks. Two, the book presents a new psychological mapping scheme to capture those areas where a person will display "consistent near perfect performance in an activity." Three, the book connects you to a self diagnosis tool that you can use on-line to see yourself in the perspective of the new mapping scheme. Most books would settle for pursing just one these goals. My hat is off to the authors for their ambition!


"Many Lives, Many Masters" by Brian Weiss

Psychiatrist Dr Brian Weiss had been working with Catherine, a young patient, for eighteen months. Catherine was suffering from recurring nightmares and chronic anxiety attacks.

When his traditional methods of therapy failed, Dr Weiss turned to hypnosis and was astonished and sceptical when Catherine began recalling past-life traumas which seemed to hold the key to her problems. Dr Weiss's scepticism was eroded when Catherine began to channel messages from 'the space between lives', which contained remarkable revelations about his own life.

Acting as a channel for information from highly evolved spirit entities called the Masters, Catherine revealed many secrets of life and death. This fascinating case dramatically altered the lives of Catherine and Dr Weiss, and provides important information on the mysteries of the mind, the continuation of life after death and the influence of our past-life experiences on our present behaviour.


The Genius, Power, and Magic of Boldness

Please read carefully these words from W.H. Murray, from The Scottish Himalayan Expedition:
"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation) there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, and then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.

I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets: Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."In order to accomplish any of your dreams or goals, you must take forceful, decisive action.

You must take action. Whatever it is you want to do, you must do it with true emotional commitment. This means taking risks, being fearless, and persevering. Most people’s most serious regret in life comes from not having taken the risk to try something they truly wanted to do.

The universe is on your side. If you fail at one thing, you learn valuable lessons for your next adventure. If you keep at it, you will inevitably create the type of life you desire.


How to Generate Powerful Self Confidence

In order to live your dreams, you must develop healthy self-confidence. You must believe that you possess the inherent skills necessary to fulfill your desires. You must realize that even if you think that you have never accomplished anything truly worthy, you absolutely have the potential to fulfill your dreams.

Remember that you would not even have a particular desire if your unique personality was not imbued with the latent talents to bring it to fruition. Know that with a willingness to continually learn as a human being, and by keeping your mind focused on the type of life you desire, you will, inevitably, manifest your dreams. This feeling of assuredness is the basis of true, healthy self-confidence. Again, through properly focusing your mind you can develop any of the personality traits you need in order to succeed, including self-confidence. The key is to use your memories constructively rather than negatively.


The Magic Key of All True Wealth

Gratitude is the magic key of all true wealth. You are not wealthy if you have ten million dollars in the bank but spend all of your energy worrying about how to protect it from others, or how to protect yourself from losing it. You are abundantly wealthy when you realize that your daily needs are met, and you take great pleasure in the simple experience of being alive.

As I have stated before, in order to attract your goals to you more quickly you must feel as strongly as you are able that your goals are already a reality for you. Act the way you would act if all of your desires were already met. Feel the way you would feel if you had successfully accomplished all of your goals. These emotions set in motion the events necessary for your development. Gratitude is the key emotion for setting in motion the experience of prosperity in your life.

Today, you must allow yourself to feel true gratitude for everything that is positive in your life. Give thanks for your friends and the people you love. Give thanks for the food you eat. Give thanks for your health, your sanity, and your ability to grow and learn. Be grateful for all of the simple little things that you completely take for granted but would sorely miss if they were taken from you.


How to Live Effortlessly

We have all been thoroughly indoctrinated with so much negative propaganda about our lives that it is a wonder we can remember how to be happy at all. At every turn we are reminded that life is a struggle, that work is difficult, that solving our problems will take tremendous effort, and that earning money is hard, hard work.

Our culture’s extreme focus on individualism, competition, and consumerism has stripped from us the ability to truly relax and enjoy the process of life, and bask in the effortlessness of our evolution. The effort we are asked to express in this lifestyle drains our spiritual, creative energy.

We need only look beyond our societal expectations to see how deluded we are. The natural world is dynamic, active, constantly growing and evolving, yet it is driven without any effort. Everything that is truly important in the world is done without the kind of striving effort that our conscious minds are so used to. The forests of the earth grow effortlessly, the seasons change effortlessly; the cells of your body have grown from a microscopic fetus to a fully intelligent being effortlessly. Your body is, in this very instant, performing tens of thousands of highly specific actions in order to keep you alive without any input from your conscious mind.

What you must learn is that your conscious mind is not meant to be used to worry about any of the functions of living. There is a deep intelligence at work in the universe, and you must develop the faith that this intelligence will meet your needs just as it meets the needs of every cell in your body, and every animal on the planet. Your conscious mind should be used only to direct the focus of your life. Consciously decide in which direction you want to evolve, and then let the infinite energy of your inner self take over.


3 Simple Steps to Unleash the Magic Power of Goals

This is one of the most important secrets of life in physical reality. Have you ever wished that you could rub a lantern, release a genie and have all your dreams come true? That genie lives inside your brain, waiting to be awakened by the forceful commitment to your goals.

Remember this: your subconscious mind is the servant of your conscious thoughts. You have drawn to yourself all of the events and conditions of your life according to your beliefs and decisions. And remember this, for it has been proven time and time again: whatever you honestly believe about the world, your subconscious mind will draw to you in your reality. As simplistic as this sounds, it is true. Believe that you are poor, and you will experience lack; believe that you are blessed with prosperity, and abundance will magically flow to you. Skeptical you should be. But before you dismiss these truths, give it a shot, for you will be honestly shocked by the results.

There are simple, definite steps to follow in order to convince your mind to manifest your desires.
1. Decide precisely what you want. 
The more specific you are, the easier it is for your subconscious mind to serve up what you desire. If, for example, you want a new job, decide exactly what you want to be doing, how much you will earn, and where you will work. Of course, you will always leave the details open to change, but this exercise convinces your subconscious that you are at least serious about your desires.

2. Write down your goal. 
The act of writing down your goal serves to clarify exactly what you want. It has been proven time and time again that people with written goals are far more successful in reaching them.

3. Repeat this goal to yourself several times throughout the day. 
Create a short statement of your goal which you can imprint onto your mind whenever you get the chance. Simply begin with the phrase “I am now attracting...” and add your goal to the end. Or try “I am blessed with...” and add whatever you desire. You don’t even have to believe this will work. Simply repeat it to yourself whenever you have a spare moment and wait for the magic to begin.


You Will Get Exactly What You Focus Upon

The ability to focus your mind is the most physically practical skill you can develop. The simple reason for this is that the focus of your mind attracts to you the experiences that you consistently dwell upon. I realize that I am beginning to repeat myself, but it is vital that you truly understand this truth if you are committed to enjoying prosperity in your life. The part of your inner self that we call the subconscious mind literally creates for you the experiences of your life. But this creation is not random, arbitrary, or accidental in any way, and you are definitely in charge of this power.

Your inner mind faithfully creates your life experiences according to your conscious beliefs. And you have one hundred percent control over the thoughts of your conscious mind. This should be an extremely liberating idea, for you are free to choose precisely the focus of your mind and the direction of your life. So in order to bring experiences of prosperity into your life, you must focus on the wealth you already have, be grateful for the blessings that are already in your life, and focus on the abilities you already possess that will bring wealth to you. By practicing each day, as you are now doing, you will naturally change your consciousness from a state of lack to a state of abundance.


How to Be Happy Right Now

Today is the day to stop living for the future. This present moment is all that you will ever experience, so you must learn to enjoy the present, if you are ever to enjoy yourself at all.

Too many people postpone their happiness waiting for some future goal to manifest. People decide that they will be happy “when I get a better job”, “when I meet the love of my life,” “when my children are grown,” “when I retire.” We use these excuses, and countless others, to allow ourselves to live with less enjoyment and happiness than we deserve. Often, after one goal is accomplished, we immediately create another, so that we are in a perpetual state of waiting for our lives to become worthy of our enjoyment, rather than simply enjoying the life we have right this instant.

Obviously it is vital to keep striving towards the betterment of your life, but you must also be able to enjoy yourself while you are creating a better future. The way to do this is to realize that this present moment is all that you will ever experience. Both the past and the future are abstractions of your mind. The only intimate, real experience is that of this moment. In this moment lies your ability to make changes in your life, including the ability to simply enjoy where you are. If you cannot be happy now, when will you ever be happy?

Fortunately, there is a simple method for enjoying this moment, and the key is awareness. Simply be fully aware of whatever you are experiencing right now. Focus your awareness on your senses, and feel the sensual nature of physical reality. Look around you, really try to see the world, and listen quietly to any sounds entering your brain. By becoming aware of precisely where you are at this moment, your brain will shift to a more contemplative, relaxed state, and joy will naturally replace the discord of anxiety that comes from focussing on the past or the future. When you become aware of the eternal now in which you exist, you can begin to feel the power that is available to you in every instant, and this power can be used to immediately work towards the attainment of your goals.


Why Your Feelings Are the Gateway to Riches

Your emotions contain the magical power to transform your creative energy into physical experience, including experiences of prosperity and wealth. The key to transforming your beliefs, and thereby transforming your life, is to feel with true emotional intensity that the lifestyle you desire is already yours. This is not at all difficult to do. All that is necessary is short, highly focused periods of time, utilized consistently.

Remember: real change cannot occur for you until you truly desire to change. Desire is the product of emotional intensity. When the pain of not changing overwhelms the pain of change, then your life will instantly transform.

Change your state. Stand up, breathe deeply and act as if you have more physical energy than you have ever had before. Pretend that you are filled with powerful energy. Act the way you would act if you had limitless energy. Fill your mind with positive, hopeful expectation. Expect to see results. Know that you will reach your goals. Approach these exercises as if there is absolutely no possibility of failure. Concentrate on your goals and feel that you have already accomplished them. Imagine how you would feel if you had already reached all of your goals. Feel it. Write down any thoughts that come to you, feel gratitude for all that you already have and recommit to accomplishing your goals.


Your Desires the Key to Your Spiritual Evolution

Your desires are directions for your psychological development as a human being. If you follow your desires, and ask yourself why you truly want the things that you want, you will find that your desires always lead to the attainment of certain emotional states.

Unfortunately, we are often conditioned to feel guilty for wanting too much. Many believe that there is a blatant contradiction between wanting to have it all and feeling empathetic to the plight of less fortunate people. Basically, we are led to believe that it is evil to be rich in a world filled with poverty.This attitude misses a crucial truth of humanity. Evolution is an individual experience, and each individual must learn for him or herself how to manifest more of the life energy we all desire.

We cannot help others by being pulled down by the “reality” of the world’s suffering. Empathy does not mean you must be as sad and poor as the rest of humanity. True empathy means that you use your personal power, your hopeful energy, and your wealth to solve the situations of the world that you find unsatisfactory. Only when each individual stakes their claim to divine power can negative physical experiences are alleviated.


The Greatest Secret of Modern Science and How It Will Transform Your World

There is one all-important truth that you must accept if you wish to develop on the path to prosperity. You must discard the idea that the physical universe is a meaningless, uncaring, random machine, and that human consciousness is a chemical accident within this machine.

In fact precisely the opposite is true. The universe is a living, conscious, intelligent energy which manifests all physical realities. Thought, emotion, consciousness, and life are the true substance of our universe. Whereas we have been led to believe that consciousness is a delusion of our neurology, the real delusion is that a universe of such magnificence could be accidentally formed. There are countless scientific findings from the past century that point to this truth.

The most startling finding of modern science is that there is no material substance in the universe. Protons, electrons, quarks, and all of the “fundamental” particles that science has discovered all turn out to be various manifestations of energy and information.

Everything in the universe is a product of this ever-moving, ever-changing energy. All that we experience physically is simply an interpretation of that energy using our physical senses. So in the most practical, physical sense, everything that you experience is the result of your mind’s interpretation of the energy of the universe. This insight is the first step to true freedom and personal power. If you believe the universe is a random, meaningless, violent place then in your experience it will be so. If, on the other hand, you believe that your mind controls the substance of your experience, and that the universe is primed to fulfil your needs, then you will meet with experiences that confirm this truth.


The Power of Auto-Suggestion

Employing positive self-talk on a consistent basis can work miracles in your life. The reason for this is surprisingly simple. Your subconscious mind will faithfully draw into your experience whatever you consistently think about. This has been stated in many ways before: “you are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are!” and “you are what you think about all day long!” Again, you do not have to believe any of this if you do not feel comfortable, but you should try these ideas out, because they work on practical, physical levels. You are learning highly beneficial psychological tools in order to enjoy your life on a more satisfying level! Do not let your doubts, your fears, or your scepticism get in your way. Simply try it.

The truth is that you are already using hypnotic suggestions on your mind 24 hours a day. If you think thoughts such as “I am not creative,” “I am not happy,” “I am poor,” “I am unhealthy,” or any other negative statement, you are training your subconscious mind to bring these ideas into your reality. You are doing it constantly. The trick to controlling your life is to fill your mind with statements which are condusive to creating the life you desire. The simplest place to begin is with affirmations. Not only do they have the power to instantly transform your life, but they will stimulate your mind to find ways to make these suggestions real for you. If you tell your mind “all of my needs are met,” you will instantly change your mental outlook, and this will encourage you to strive to find concrete expressions of your new beliefs. Positive affirmations are constructive directions for your mind. You have the power to use affirmations to set the course of your life. Use this power!


How to Protect Yourself from the Negativity of Others


Avoid negative people and situations. Do not allow anyone the opportunity to douse their negative energy on you as you try to evolve. It is not necessary to explain to anybody where your new mental attitude is coming from, or where the cash is flowing from, unless they are completely supportive and genuinely interested.

Do not argue or defend your new ideas to anyone! Ignore them, and get away from anybody who cannot understand the psychological principles you are learning. You must also banish the negative self-talk that incessantly occurs in your mind. Replace all negativity, criticism and self-doubt with an honest belief in your ability to change anything in your life. You do not have to pretend that you do not have problems, or that things do not always go smoothly, but you must realize that you have the ability to solve any of your problems, and the potential to attain all of your goals. This is not blind hope, but literal fact.

The easiest way to banish negativity from your life is to have an optimistic view towards the future. Perhaps your past has been filled with negativity and pain, but there is no reason to drag this pain with you as you grow older. You have the power to make you life a positive expression of your spirit. Realize that you have the power to change anything in your life with which you are unsatisfied. This knowledge will give you the strength to go beyond the negativity we are all surrounded by. Also, with positivity and optimism, it is much easier to turn your problems into opportunities for growth.


How to Instantly Change Your Limiting Beliefs

Now in order to re-program your mind to accept higher levels of prosperity, you must discover what beliefs have limited your experience in the past, and you must consciously decide to change those beliefs.Your beliefs attract to you the life you experience. It is not your intelligence, your education, or your circumstances that have left you financially unsatisfied, but you’re limiting beliefs about what it means to have financial freedom.

What negative associations do you have regarding excess money? Do you feel that having money is a sign of shallowness, or that rich people are stingy or greedy? Do you feel that wealth will cause conflict in your life? Will it ruin some of your friendships? Would having too much money mean too much responsibility? Whatever it is, you must find what has held you back from financial independence and you must, consciously, decide to change this belief. Ask yourself why you are not satisfied financially. What beliefs have held you back?

Try to get at your core belief about money. For example, a core belief for many people is “money is the root of all evil.” Around this belief develop many subsidiary beliefs that would automatically fall away if the core belief were changed. You must realize that money is not good or evil, but is a tool for expressing your creative energy in the physical world. Realize that you are a good person who will use money for the good of many. Realize that you are evolving to a new level in your emotional, psychological, and spiritual development, and that financial abundance will allow the full expression of your evolved, more expansive personality.


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