Today is the day to stop living for the future. This present moment is all that you will ever experience, so you must learn to enjoy the present, if you are ever to enjoy yourself at all.
Too many people postpone their happiness waiting for some future goal to manifest. People decide that they will be happy “when I get a better job”, “when I meet the love of my life,” “when my children are grown,” “when I retire.” We use these excuses, and countless others, to allow ourselves to live with less enjoyment and happiness than we deserve. Often, after one goal is accomplished, we immediately create another, so that we are in a perpetual state of waiting for our lives to become worthy of our enjoyment, rather than simply enjoying the life we have right this instant.
Obviously it is vital to keep striving towards the betterment of your life, but you must also be able to enjoy yourself while you are creating a better future. The way to do this is to realize that this present moment is all that you will ever experience. Both the past and the future are abstractions of your mind. The only intimate, real experience is that of this moment. In this moment lies your ability to make changes in your life, including the ability to simply enjoy where you are. If you cannot be happy now, when will you ever be happy?
Fortunately, there is a simple method for enjoying this moment, and the key is awareness. Simply be fully aware of whatever you are experiencing right now. Focus your awareness on your senses, and feel the sensual nature of physical reality. Look around you, really try to see the world, and listen quietly to any sounds entering your brain. By becoming aware of precisely where you are at this moment, your brain will shift to a more contemplative, relaxed state, and joy will naturally replace the discord of anxiety that comes from focussing on the past or the future. When you become aware of the eternal now in which you exist, you can begin to feel the power that is available to you in every instant, and this power can be used to immediately work towards the attainment of your goals.
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