
How to Live Effortlessly

We have all been thoroughly indoctrinated with so much negative propaganda about our lives that it is a wonder we can remember how to be happy at all. At every turn we are reminded that life is a struggle, that work is difficult, that solving our problems will take tremendous effort, and that earning money is hard, hard work.

Our culture’s extreme focus on individualism, competition, and consumerism has stripped from us the ability to truly relax and enjoy the process of life, and bask in the effortlessness of our evolution. The effort we are asked to express in this lifestyle drains our spiritual, creative energy.

We need only look beyond our societal expectations to see how deluded we are. The natural world is dynamic, active, constantly growing and evolving, yet it is driven without any effort. Everything that is truly important in the world is done without the kind of striving effort that our conscious minds are so used to. The forests of the earth grow effortlessly, the seasons change effortlessly; the cells of your body have grown from a microscopic fetus to a fully intelligent being effortlessly. Your body is, in this very instant, performing tens of thousands of highly specific actions in order to keep you alive without any input from your conscious mind.

What you must learn is that your conscious mind is not meant to be used to worry about any of the functions of living. There is a deep intelligence at work in the universe, and you must develop the faith that this intelligence will meet your needs just as it meets the needs of every cell in your body, and every animal on the planet. Your conscious mind should be used only to direct the focus of your life. Consciously decide in which direction you want to evolve, and then let the infinite energy of your inner self take over.


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