
"The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" by John Maxwell

Wow what a book. Ever wondered why some people can take groups to incredible heights and other seemingly as capable individuals can’t? Ever thought how come a team performs completely differently when a new leader is installed? Most leadership books I have previously read dealt really with management.

 Maxwell has an absolute understanding of the qualities a leader must display. In the 21 Laws Maxwell breaks down leadership into 21 chapters each dealing with a specific 'Law of Leadership'. With insights into how famous leaders performed and with ideas on how to develop yourself as a leader.

This book is a must for all budding and fully bloomed leaders alike. Anyone who can take a church congregation from hundreds to over 30,000, who can be instrumental in the success of companies such as Chick Fila must understand true leadership! John Maxwell understands leadership. If you want to understand leadership, if you want to be regarded as a leader, this book is a must.



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