Avoid negative people and situations. Do not allow anyone the opportunity to douse their negative energy on you as you try to evolve. It is not necessary to explain to anybody where your new mental attitude is coming from, or where the cash is flowing from, unless they are completely supportive and genuinely interested.
Do not argue or defend your new ideas to anyone! Ignore them, and get away from anybody who cannot understand the psychological principles you are learning. You must also banish the negative self-talk that incessantly occurs in your mind. Replace all negativity, criticism and self-doubt with an honest belief in your ability to change anything in your life. You do not have to pretend that you do not have problems, or that things do not always go smoothly, but you must realize that you have the ability to solve any of your problems, and the potential to attain all of your goals. This is not blind hope, but literal fact.
The easiest way to banish negativity from your life is to have an optimistic view towards the future. Perhaps your past has been filled with negativity and pain, but there is no reason to drag this pain with you as you grow older. You have the power to make you life a positive expression of your spirit. Realize that you have the power to change anything in your life with which you are unsatisfied. This knowledge will give you the strength to go beyond the negativity we are all surrounded by. Also, with positivity and optimism, it is much easier to turn your problems into opportunities for growth.
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